

Reaching up to him giving him a hug, "Let gets you settle in, then we will have all the time. Margret where is my child?"

"He is in the car Dee."

Diandra hurried and open the door scooping him up in her arms, kissing his face all over. When his eyes open slowly, hearing him saying, "Mummy!"

"Yes sugar, you are home with mummy."

"Mummy, I miss you."

"Oh honey, I miss you too, don't leave mummy again." Diandra continue to hug and kiss him.

Hearing them called her, Diandra wipe her face then step out the car and walk into the house.

Sitting on the couch she said, "So tell me were there any setback on your journey?"

"No Princess, by the grace of God everything run smoothly."

"I was a bit worried but I must thank the Lord you all reaches home safely."

Sam looks at her, "Princess is everything okay?"

"Yes, Sam but why do you ask?"

"Princess, why do I sense sadness in you?"

"Sam, I was so worried about you, but now you are home safe, I will be fine now."

Thinking, 'All she has been trying to hide how she was feeling, but he still sense it, how could I be so jovial?'

Kissing his face, "Sam, I know the journey must be very exhausting, now come on let's make you comfortable in your room, you are finally home and going in your bed, I know how you miss your bed."

Helping him to his room, Diandra heard after he lie down, how Sam whispers words of thanks to God for bringing him home safely. When Champ enters the room, "Grandpa!"

"Yes son."

"Grandpa, can I sleep with my mummy tonight?"

"Yes, son now come and lie down with grandpa for just a few minutes."

Margret, Maria and Diandra look on as he crawls up on the bed and lie down next to Sam.

Margret went and hug Diandra, "Thank you so much for sending him, if he wasn't with dad, they would have returned home the same day they arrived.

Diandra, Richard and my children loved him so much, I have never seen Richard played with his own children as he did with Champ.

That child is truly a blessing, I can't thank you enough for the sacrifice you make by sending him to us."

Maria stood aside as she wait patiently for Margret to release Diandra. Maria then hugs Diandra, kissing both sides of her cheeks.

"I hope you know this will be his last trip, now he is too weak to travel anymore."

Maria wipes the tears, "Don't cry you will make him weak, and I must thank you so much for sending the child. Champ was the one thing that gives him the strength to make it through those two weeks."

"I am glad to hear that, but from now onward Maria, I am afraid I will not be sending him anywhere without me again."

When Maria slaps her face lovingly, "That is only your mouth talking, but never mine, Joash made our holidays memorable."

When Margret holds her hand, "Tell me Diandra how did you make out these two weeks."

"As you can see I survive but it was hard without him."

When Margret ask, "Is there anything to make fast mom, I am famish."

Diandra reach inside her bag and took out the pastries, "Margret, I brought some pastries and a few muffins.

Joash heard when Diandra say muffins and crawls out the bed, "Mummy cake?"

Taking him up and walk out the room so Sam rest won't be disturb. Placing him on the dinner table then took out the muffin with the cherries on the top. When he started to laugh and clap Diandra cover his mouth, "Do you want to wake grandpa?"

When he hugs her and began kissing her, hearing him whispering in her ear, "I love you mummy."

"Oh honey, I love you so much, now sit with grandma and I will get you something to drink."

Getting drinks for the four of us, then we eat and relax, when Margret said, "Diandra this child is medicine to all who is attached to him, the both of you gives dad a reason to live."

"I thought you will hate us."

"Honey, why do you say that?"

"Because Sam loves us, that's why."

Taking her hand in hers, "Honey, I could never hate you, a few years back before dad met you. Dad was so hopeless, he live without any zeal as though life had no meaning to him.

When he met you he had gotten hope, now my dear girl he wants to live, I owe you a debt of gratitude. Do you know Mom and I owe you so much?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, Champ is theirs as he is mine."

"I know that Diandra, but you still has the final say, he is your child so we are forever grateful to you for giving dad so much love, now all he want to do is to live."

The night was long and tedious, having no sleep which was making her irritable. Although they are all home she feel like a big part of her is still missing.

Unable to understand what to do, Diandra humble herself before the Lord praying for His help.

Finally surrendering all to the Lord telling Him, "I am at the end and have no idea what my next move should be.

Please Lord make a way for us, if it is your will for us to come together then show me how?"

Each day progress slowly as Margret visited Maria shop meeting her clients. She went to the radio station, seeing the work Ken and I did.

She visits malls and the beach, no one suspected that I wasn't sleeping, which was a relief.

By Thursday Maria hold my hand, "Diandra honey, what is wrong are you not resting properly?"

Afraid to say that she cannot sleep because she was missing Alex, Diandra said, "It's my foot, when we move around on the day, my foot pains a lot on the night."