

"I fix him one of his favorite meal."

"And what may I ask is that?"

"He loves beans and stew chicken."

"I see, so is that why you always nagging Maria to teach you how to cook beans and stew?"

Ken notices her smile, "Dee, why is it you never told us anything about Alex before?"

"Well, we were separated, so what was the use. I never thought he cared about me."

"Then tell me Dee, what was the use of you learning to cook his favorite meal then, if you had no intention of reconciling?"

"Haven't you notice his son Ken, he love beans just like his father."

"Okay, you get me there, but I also love beans or haven't you notice?"

"I notice Ken, every time you visit. Maria, she always prepare beans for you. Oh and another thing, I knew you was coming today."

"Dee, tell me how long again before you finish? I am getting late as you can see."

'Why is he so angry, or is it he is jealous because I cook Alex favorite dish and he thinks I don't care about him, or haven't he heard a word that I said. Or can't he take a hint?'

At that same moment before, I could answer him to join us.

Alex calls out to Ken, "Ken, will you be joining us as we eat?" Diandra notices as he smiles when he said.

"I will just have a little thanks, if you don't mind."

Seeing Diandra laughing, wondering, 'If she figure out he am hungry."

"Ken, it still have a few hours before you have to send the pay roll out."

"I know, but I don't want to take any chance if it have traffic."

"I understand and you are perfectly right, so go on and eat I am sure Alex must have already put the food on the table.

Alex busies himself setting the table. Thinking, 'When mom used to prepare meals such as this. She always packs away a kit for him for the next day.'

Checking the refrigerator seeing a jug of juice. Taking it out he rest it on a tray with a few glasses and a mug of water. Walking with the tray to the dining table.

Calling out to Joash to come. "Come son, your mummy makes macaroni for you."

When he sits at the table, Joash said "Papa ketchup."

While getting the ketchup Diandra calls out saying. "Alex, it has cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce in a container."

Taking out the first container thinking it was the container with the fresh salad. Smiling seeing it had food already pack away for tomorrow.

Rejoicing in his heart, 'My God, she never really told me in my face she loves me, but she never forgets what I like.'

Replacing it then took the other container. Opening it, seeing the fresh salad.

Alex, hurry out to the dining table seeing Diandra and Ken already seated at the table.

Resting the container down, when Diandra said after putting the beans tomatoes and cucumbers in Joash plate.

Diandra said, "Champ, honey, it is your turn to pray for the food."

Alex recalled the teacher saying, 'He does pray for the meal and the children who are hurt when they are playing, or when they are crying for their parents.'

Alex thought as he look at his son, "Without me, she has done an excellent job with my son.' Rejoicing in his heart.

Listening as he said. "Lord, thank You for this food. Jesus, please bless it, amen."

Then he takes his fork and stick the macaroni dipping it lightly in the ketchup and eat.

After each mouthful of macaroni, he eats bean. Diandra had put two slices of cucumber and tomatoes in his plate.

Hearing him ask for more bean, Alex thought, 'He is truly my son, he loves bean just like him.'

Alex heard Ken calls him, looking at his plate he had eaten all his food. Seeing him went to Ken, when Ken said. "Have you forgotten to eat one for grandpa and grandma?"


Seeing him open his moth and Ken slip a strip of chicken into his mouth. 'Is that why he said no to when Diandra ask him if he want chicken?'

"My God, they know him so well, he didn't take any juice either. When he finishes eating the chicken Ken set aside for him.

Noticing Diandra also set aside a piece of chicken, and a slice of tomatoes. He then walks to his mom.

Without thinking she shift her chair and he gets on her lap. Observing when he reaches his hand and take up the chicken and eat it then gobble up the tomatoes.

Seeing Diandra bend and whisper something in his ear. Then he slides of her lap and came to me. "Papa juice please." 'Did she send him by me?'

Holding the glass as he drinks. When he moves my hand, "You don't want anymore?"

Seeing his head shake as he run and get on his bike. Alex, slowly eats his meal, enjoying it immensely.

When Ken finish eating, he calls Joash. "Now your Uncle Ken is leaving.

When his eyes full with tears Ken held out a chocolate bar that he had all along in his pocket.

Giving him it then he asks, "What do you have to say Champ?"

"Thank you, Uncle Ken."

Hugging him Alex heard him saying, "I love you Uncle Ken."

"I love you very much buddy, so be good for Uncle Ken and I will visit you soon."

When Ken stood up, Diandra said, "Ken, don't forget the folder, it's on the center table."

"Thank Dee, and I will see you soon, and Dee the meal was very delicious."

"Thanks bro, it was my pleasure."

Seeing him laugh, before he said to Alex, "Alex, I will see you again sometime soon, and take care of that hand of yours."

"I will, and Ken thanks for the visit."

"My pleasure, bye buddy I will come and visit you soon."