

Replying to Alex question Roxanne said, "Well from what I understand Alex, it seem you have no intention of marrying me.

And as you said, we have been going to dinners and parties regularly. And we are very close friends so why can't we get married?"

"Roxanne, the reason for that is because my work takes up most of my time. In-fact I never thought about marrying. And I didn't think you were the marrying type?

Roxanne, that's why I take you out almost every available evening because you are a very good companion."

"But Alex, I thought you love me?"

"Roxanne, I am very sorry if you misinterpreted the relationship, thinking that I wanted to marry you. Especially since I brought you home tonight.

Roxanne, since my mom passed on, you are the first friend I have invited into my house. That's because I am feeling so melancholy but it appears, I have made a grave mistake this evening."

Rising from the couch Alex went to his study and calls a taxi. Hurrying to Alex side, Roxanne observes that he was serious.

Thinking, 'All the opportunities of sharing his companionship, and the beautiful gift he keep giving me, will be no more.'

Quickly, advancing towards him hugging him from the back. "Alex darling, I didn't mean it that way, if you don't want marriage, I could be your mistress?"

As he removes her hand from around his waist and spins around in such haste. Hearing him raises his voice saying, "Do you think I am crazy or desperate?

If I wanted a pillow friend? We could have gone to bed a long time ago. Roxanne, we have never kissed neither have I given you the impression that I wanted marriage or a mistress.

Roxanne, the reason for that is because I am already married."

"You what?" Alex was shock when she shouted.

"You heard me Roxanne, I am a married man. My wife and I are separated but I take my commitment very seriously."

"Then we could just have fun, no strings attached. I am definitely sure wherever your wife is, she is enjoying life to the fullest."

Knowing deep within, Roxanne could be right, and if Diandra finds true love whose fault is that? I never really told her how I felt about her and I have never looked for her since she leave this house.'

"You could be right Roxanne, but every man has to give an account for themselves. I made a covenant with God to be faithful, and my wife is not the faulted one. I am; so I am not going to repeat my mistake."

"I thought you were smart Alex."

"And where in God's name did you get a silly idea like that?"

"Alex, from what I observed you seem to be very careful who you choose as your friends."

"I try my best Roxanne, but the thing is, I made a promise to my mom, so how do I break that promise, you tell me?"

"For God's sake Alex, your mom is dead and your wife left you, so what is the need of keeping vows and promises? Especially when there's no one to appreciate such commitment."

Slumping down on the sofa, "I can't believe all these months I have wasted my time, thinking you would marry me.

I had so many offers, which I turned down." Roxanne responds, feeling so lost and frustrated.

'I thought he was going to proposed to me this evening, and now it seems he want to brake up instead.

Oh my God what should I do? Now all my hope is gone and I have a pile up of bills?'

Standing up Alex went and stood by the window, responding to her, "Did I stop you from accepting your offers Roxanne?

Or did I held you back from going out with your other friends? Oh no Roxanne, not once have I ever influence you in any way?

Nor have I given you the impression that I wanted a pillow friend. Roxanne from the very first day we met you were throwing yourself at me.

It would have been very easy for me to get you in bed, but as I said before, I have made my commitment and I have no intention of breaking it for you, or for anyone else."

"Alex, I really thought you were being a gentleman, that's why I never pushed you?"

"Look Roxanne, I am really sorry that you misinterpret my actions, and thought it was leading to marriage, but my work comes first in my life now."

"How could I have been so naïve? I keep putting myself with the wrong people. From now on my eyes should be open. It is now I realize what a fool I am, boasting to my friends of our relationship."

"Yes! Your friends; who are they Roxanne? Listening to them conversing among themselves. It was what help me to comprehend exactly what your main objectives were?

So I decided to test the waters to see if what they were saying, had any bearing."

"What do you mean Alex? What have my friends said to you that you wanted to put me to your test?"

Looking at her directly in her eyes then said, "Roxanne, from what I gathered tonight ,your friends were right.

You have this stupid notion in your head, that my home will be a good place where you could invite your friends, to play bridge or poker.

Even to invite them to join in your other activities you indulged yourself in. Your actions this evening have proven to me that your friends were right."

Going before Alex, "Alex, please try and be reasonable. Why do you say such a thing?

I have not done anything to give you the reason to suspect me, concerning what you heard? You know how people like to talk and they are jealous of us."

"That's where you are wrong Roxanne, from the moment you put a price tag on my mom's special piece. I know they were right and no one is jealous of you, I can assure you of that."

Looking at her with such disdain, thinking, 'She feels my mom made a fool for a son. All her hard work and sacrifices she labor and toil to obtain.

Thinking about it now, 'I have got to be out of my mind,for bringing her here this evening.'