

Pondering in her heart Diandra thought, "If I leave this house today he will follow me, and want answers because of what happened last night.

I must wait until I get a reply from Maria then I will take the next step, but in the meanwhile, I must have a plan in hand to distract his attention and keep a calm head."

Anxious to see the front of the house, Diandra open the front door and examine the work at the front.

Satisfied with the work, it was well done,' returning inside Diandra locks the front door.

Entering the kitchen, Diandra place a teabag into a cup and pours boiling water then sits.

Thinking, 'If only Ken was working today, I would go to the radio station, but that is out of the question, and I don't have a key to Sam and Maria's house.'

Looking around realizing that, 'The house has completed on schedule, and I must get my life back on track, there are others who depend on me, so pampering her feelings will not do.'

Taking up the teacup Diandra went and sit before the television, listening to the news. Hearing Alex bouncing down the stairs and came sitting next to her saying, "Good morning, my beautiful wife."

'He sounds as though he won the lottery, all smiles and happy as though his prayers have been answered, that he was asking for weeks.

If I say something stupid now, I will be destroying him.' "Are you drinking tea?" Seeing the nod, "Honey, you are not supposed to be drinking any milk?"

"Don't worry, I am not drinking the tea with milk."

"Thank God, so how is the foot feeling now? I notice the swelling has decreased, but it has gotten wet again."

'Now realizing what foolishness she had done, with her head all jumbled up she didn't think about that.'

"It is much better thanks, but I am very sorry for giving you so much trouble, you see when I almost finish my bath my foot slip and it get wet." Looking at him, 'Boy, what lie will I come up with next?'

When he stroked her face, and said, "I thought you were coming back to bed?"

"After I finish bathing I started to feel hungry, because I haven't eaten since yesterday. When I came out of the room, seeing how beautiful the house look, I took a tour around.

Everything is so breathtaking, I was so caught up with it beauty that I completely forget I was on my feet.

It was only when my feet started to pain I return inside, all I did was made the tea and came and sit down, I am sorry about that."

Stroking his face, not to cause him any heartache, asking, "Now that the job is complete, I hope you are satisfied?"

"I am very satisfied but what about you?"

"I am just waiting to hear from Maria then, I will make whatever arrangement."

Alex could not believe what he was hearing, looking at her as though he was seeing her for the first time.' Is it only I that is happy about what had transpired last night, has she regrets?'

Feeling as though his inside was shattering to pieces, slowly standing up and return to his room. Unable to control his emotions any longer, feeling the hot tears just flow.

Thinking, 'How could I be so weak and stupid, why didn't I just leave the room instead of submitting to her manipulating me.

But just supposed she is being reserved, she looks as though she is unaware of what occurred between us, was she under the antistatic that she wasn't aware and can't remember.

Oh my God, she must be thinking I break my promise, her eyes were so cold and uncaring.'

Feeling a fresh flow of tears, 'I should have known better than to be coaxed into doing what she had wanted, knowing she wasn't in a sound frame of mind.'

Washing his face then takes the bag with the remaining bandage and return downstairs, wanting to say sorry, but went and took her sick foot and rest it on the center table.

While attending to her foot he said, "Diandra, will you join me as I do my patrol today."

"I thought you said it was your days off?"

"I know, but for two days I haven't visited the locations, It will be nice if you could join me. A sudden visit will do them good, next thing they say the Boss isn't around, and they could slack off."

"How long will that take?"

"Most fifteen minutes in each location, then we could have lunch and accordingly if you want we could go and celebrate a job well done, what do you say?"

"You seem to have thought of everything?"

"Not everything, just how we could spend the day."

"What time do you want to leave?"

Lifting his head to look at her, realizing she doesn't want to go, the way her voice was so cold and unfeeling.

I thought she will be excited to come out of the house. "Diandra, if you don't want to go it's alright."

"Alex, why do you say that? I will be happy to accompany you. I have not gotten a tour in the city in ages. So this should be an opportune time, now seeing you are done with my foot I should change."

"No need for that, you look perfect."

"Then let me fix something for you, while you get dress."

"Don't worry about me, I will be fine."

"Go ahead, it will give me something to do while I wait."

While dressing Alex keeps praying for God's protection. Securing the bulletproof vest then pull on his jacket.

'These last month it has too many unanswered incidents, and I cannot take any chances. I am certain it is not a coincidence, someone is definitely plotting something, but what?'

Hearing her call, "Alex will you bring down my medication, and there is a black sandal under the bed, bring it for me please."

Hurrying she used the blow dryer and blow her hair then plait it slack so the hair could dry properly.

In the room Alex bends and ties his shoelace then takes up her sandal and the medication, slipping it inside his jacket pocket.

Walking down the stairs, Diandra sees him with her sandals in his hand. Hearing him asks, "Diandra, have you eaten?"

"Yes, I reheat the chow ming and had it with two slices of bread."