

Diandra holds Alex hand saying, "My King will you be kind enough as to escort this lowly Queen to her humble abode"

"I will be most honored my humble Queen." Reaching the front door Diandra and Alex bow bidding them all goodnight.

Sam laughs when Alex said, "Do you need the chariot my Queen?"

"The night is cool my King, I believe it will be really nice to take a little walk to work out all this food I have eaten."

Maria and Sam look at them as they leave, "Aren't they a beautiful couple?" Maria whispers

"Yes, my love they are and I must thank you for being a wonderful mother, a loving companion and the best grandmother in the world."

"Oh, my dear Sam, I love you so much and have achieved more in your ripe old age, than before your retired."

When Margret and Natalia came and hug the both of us, Margret said, "I only hope you know we are so very proud of you two?"

Then Natalia said, "Yes dad, we only hope we turn out to be good parents as you two?"

Sam hugging the both of them, "You two will be wonderful parents, and I am very proud of you.

I could not ask you to change or give more especially the way you two accepted and welcome the two of them."

"Dad!" Margret said, "We see the joy Ken and Dee give the two of you, and we love them the same. We are so far away from you, and they are here taking good care of you two.

They love you so much, what more can we ask of you or them. As long as you are happy, we are happy."

"Thank you honey and please don't be hurt by our decision to live by Dee, she need us and I need them near me."

"Dad, don't worry I know Dee will take good care of you, she is home and we have our business to attend, and we will call you often and visit when we can."

"Thanks, you my beautiful angels and Ken, I thank you for accepting my gift, you and Beverly can arrange your belonging and move in as soon as possible?"


Holding her hand as they walk, Alex said to her, "I hope you know they are looking at us?" Lifting her hand without looking back, Diandra wave to them.

Alex knew she was tired but he puts on the music then took her hand in his, "My love will you dance with me?"

"Alex, the day is almost over and aren't you tired?"

"Sweetheart, I am very tired, but you are looking radiant and I will like to sweep you of your feet."

"Then I will be honored to dance with you."

Diandra and Alex dance a few soft romantic songs then Alex scoop her up in his arms and walk up the stairs.

"You my darling are full of surprises, that was quite a story you concocted. The only two person who was not fool beside myself was Sam and Maria.

You even got Margret to believe your half-truth story. Do you know she thought for a while she had figure it out? Where do you hatch up your stories?"

"Did you wanted me to tell them the true story?"

"No, my love but you had me worried for a while, especially when you said they needed to know the truth."

Stroking his face, "I am so sorry for leaving you in such a state of mind."

"Sweetheart, I understand why you did it so don't worry."

"Alex, because of my behavior we were separated, and we both went through a difficult period within those months."

"Look, honey, think nothing about it, we are reunited now and that is all what matters."

"Alex, I am truly sorry, it was my fault, if only we had talk about it."

Resting her on the bed, "Now will you relax and forget the pass, we are here now and we are starting our new life and family."

"You are right, and did I tell you how handsome you look tonight?"

"No, you didn't but you my darling was the most beautiful and as I suspected, you are my beautiful story teller.

Kissing her forehead, "My beautiful wife could read and write, you could have given me a run for my money. I was fooled pretty good at the supermarket."

Hearing her laugh, "I suspected you had figured out that I could read and right, so I had to think up a plan quickly to distract you.

At the time it was the most logical thing I could have done. You had not given me any choice."

"Sweetheart, the cashier was going to take an extra twenty dollars from you."

"She was trying, but if you had notice carefully my thumb was squeezing it down.

At that moment she was fully aware that I could count my money when you confronted her."

"Did you really win all those awards?"

"Yes, I did, but my biggest fear was you seeing my picture in the newspaper.

Stretching her hand taking out the page from under the doily, "This is my latest achievement."

Taking the page from her hand, Alex thought, 'Melissa was right when she said that she saw her in the television with this dress.'

Looking around the room admiring all her pictures frame, and hanging on the wall when she received her awards.

Three photos were sitting on the dresser, one was hers and at the both side of her picture.

'One was my son baby picture when he was born. And the other was with his school uniform and bag.'

Taking it up gently stroking it as tears rolls down his face. 'She did pretty well for herself,'

Turning to her still holding Champ baby photo in his hand. "Honey, I was such a blind fool," expecting her to say something.

Bending down only to realized she had already fallen asleep, and her hand were on the clock by her bed head.

Seeing her in her sleepwear. 'Was I so engrossed in the photos that I heard nothing when she moved.

To all my reading fans, I am sorry but I had an emergency that caused the delay. Please make any comments and vote. I welcome it and thank you. Be safe and be bless.

Iza_Thompsoncreators' thoughts