
The War/Return

  "My love, you need to rest so you can regain your strength, I know the other mermaids are already aware of your return, they'll come for you,"  "Please give me the wand." Calypso said, and Prophet Silas handed it to her without delay.

She started chanting in strange tongues, Nana's face appeared while drawing lines on the mirror with the wand. "Mermaids aren't our problem." Calypso said.

"I recognize her."

"I've had her followed when I needed information on her boyfriend Charles," Prophet Silas said. "She is our most dangerous threat." Calypso stated, "I've seen her from the other side, and as we speak, she's on her way to find him again."

If she is successful in her plans, she will be the end of us all; you must kill her before she breaks through; we cannot allow her to reach that mountain."

Prophet Silas picked up a dagger without hesitation, paused briefly before striking the mirror with the knife.

The mirror then shone brightly, the knife fell from Prophet Silas' hands, and the mirror fell and broke into pieces.

Everything went black in Prophet Silas' vision; he blinks, hoping to see clearly, but quickly realizes how futile it is when he couldn't see anything but utter darkness; it hit him in that moment.

"I can't see." Prophet Silas expressed his fear. "I can't see anything, my love, I can't see anything." Calypso touched his eyes and backed up.

"Please assist me, my love." "I can't see," Prophet Silas exclaimed. "I'm sorry, but I can't undo what he's done." Calypso responded. "This power is beyond my capacity."


John ran as fast as his legs could carry him away from the scene, all the while contemplating what he had just witnessed, a living skeleton that opposed everything he believed in.

His thoughts about chased more fear into his heart, and with adrenaline rushing through him, he raced towards the road, each foot drop covered in fear.

His mind clouded by the fact that Prophet Silas and the skeleton were on his tail caused him to run into the road, completely unaware of the vehicle approaching him.

As the vehicle approached, he lost all sense of reasoning; in that state of confusion, no thought formed in his mind.

When he managed to snap out of it, he was a split second too late, as the vehicle hit him and he rolled on top and somersaults with a thud on the ground, his blood flowing freely around him.


Nana stepped out of the vehicle and looked at the mountain before returning her gaze to the crowds of people moving about.

As she walked towards the resort, she realized she had only one goal: to once again seek the face of the almighty God.



Nana walked down the path to the small building built to shade people who had come from far and wide to see and climb the mountain, the mountain path went ahead toward the expanding view.

According to legend, the mountain is one of the tallest ever discovered in the region, and no one has ever reached the top.

The few who tried died of starvation from thirst and hunger, and their bodies are recovered by the mountain guardians, who check around with a helicopter, picking up bodies and assisting those who were unable to continue.

She paused to catch her breath as she looked at a tent that blended in with the mountain's rocks, its color a casual green-grey.

It was a summer tent for sure, made of a fine mesh that still allowed for relaxing at night. She had heard rumors and stories about this place, and people say God tends to visit those who reach the top.

She thought these stories about the mountain were just mere stories until she decided to go there herself. She looked up, her eyes observing the slopes of the mountain as they stretched upwards without end.

Her struggles have brought her to this place, and she prays that her soul will acknowledge that the climb was worthwhile. In that pure, rarefied air, she felt a widening of her soul.

She trotted forward, not bothering to wave or greet anyone on the road, and took a deep breath before proceeding to the registration office.

Fortunately, there was no queue, so she walked in and greeted the almost elderly lady she saw inside.

"Hello and good afternoon."

She smiled. The lady gave her a friendly smile and quickly dropped the book she was holding.

"Are you here to see the sights?"  She asked with a shudder as her eyes fell on the back bag that Nana carried.

”Or maybe you're one of those actresses that are always coming here to shoot their never-ending movies, and trust me when I say that I'm not a fan of any of these movies.

If Lala were still alive, he would always tell them, "Go away with your cameras, all you sinners, this is a sacred place." The woman's words made Nana smile.

"This used to be a place of refuge; people usually come here to find hope.  The woman went on.

"Are you aware that these mountains have guarded the spirit of this land for a period of time that cannot be measured, and that they tell of it in words that cannot be spoken?"

Nana raised an eyebrow but said nothing. "If the earth had a heartbeat, it would have risen through the mountains, creating their bold image."

Their peaks look like the green line on a therapist's graph to me, and every time I come out and look at those rocks at dawn, those slopes that support so much life, a basis for trees and shrubs, grass and ferns.

I knew God exists and he's resting above these mountains, with blue skies above , in the lake and sky.

Nana's thoughts returned to Wilson and all the people she had left behind to embark on this journey, an adventure only a few had dared to embark on and none had succeeded.

"I'm not any of the people you mentioned, ma'am." Nana exclaimed sharply, "You look like them," the older lady exclaimed.

These women who come here with their skimpy, indecent dresses and flash their teeth for the cameras, portraying religion when in reality they are making fun of God and the sole purpose for which this mountain exists.

"I've come for the prayers, Ma'am."  "The prayers!" Nana said with a smile on her face.

"You want to pray?" says the older lady again.

Nana found the question amusing but did not respond to it; instead, she maintained her appearance.

"I want to climb to the top," she observed as the old woman's face changed to a frown, as if she was shocked, perhaps surprised.

"The peak of the mountain?" The older lady inquired politely. Nana's face flushed as she heard the older lady's response. Could the rumors be true, and no one has truly reached the peak?

She wanted to say something to persuade the old lady that she is ready and willing to work her way to the top, but the old lady burst out laughing, finding her statement amusing.


Another lady came in through the door. Nana turned her attention to the woman who had just joined them. Although she was significantly younger, the young lady bore an amazing resemblance to the old lady , and the two of them could easily be mistaken for a mother and daughter.

“Grandma”   the young lady who had joined them said as she walked over to the older lady's side. 

 "She said she wants to climb to the top," the old lady said with laughter.

Nana didn't say anything, just stood there watching the old lady and the younger one converse before her thoughts wandered.

She thought of Charles and quickly realized that she hasn't heard anything about him since the police came back to her looking for him after his arrest. She prays and hopes that Charles is doing well wherever he is and that he is safe.

For a man who is in the grip of a potent force that had altered the way their lives were going, this is a shocking development.

"Pardon my grandmother."

Nana is startled out of her thoughts when the younger lady spoke.

When she concentrated her gaze on her, the older lady was gone, which made her wonder how far she had gone with her thoughts that she hadn't noticed when the older lady left the room.

Nana's smile faded as she remembered the old woman's words.

"It's all right." "Would you like to climb to the top?"

Nana sighed, reconsidering her reasons for wanting to climb to the top of the mountain; she could pray in her house, but there would be distractions from all side.

From the memories of her best friend, who had been taken from her by the icy hands of a strong force, to an unexpected turn of events that nearly took her own life, she has gone through a lot .

"Yea," She replied, wondering what the news would say about her; the police had warned her not to leave her house, and now she's far away from home, on a mission to find a mighty power greater than anything she's ever seen.

The police are most likely looking for her, and she is wanted, but her reason for leaving was for a greater good.

"Have you visited here before?"

Walking behind the table, the lady asked to sit where the elderly lady had previously sat.

"No, I haven't."  Nana responded. "But I've heard good things about this place." "So you have no idea what it's like to reach the peak of the mountain?"

Any sane person would want to have a rethink after hearing every word she has heard about the place, but somehow she seems determined, maybe because she has made it her sole aim to seek the face of God once more.

"I've made my decision."

"It'll take you at least 48 hours to get to the top of that mountain, and that duration is entirely dependent on how fast you can climb," she said, her voice rumbling low.

There are a lot of people who pass out along the way because they are dehydrated, and a lot of people who die trying to get to the top of the mountain. Nana's skin was washed by chills.

She is determined, and if this is the last breath she'll take, then she'll lose it seeking the face of God. Any man's thoughts could get dwindled with fear by the sound of what could actually happen on the way, but not hers.

"It's extremely dangerous, and you shouldn't even consider doing it."  said the lady. Nana took a deep breath and asked, "Can I just register?"

"Have you given any thought to the sun? The further you go, the more intense the heat becomes, and it has the potential to burn you. Because we've had so many negative experiences in the past, we don't let anyone go into areas where there is direct sunlight."

"Do people visit there?" Nana spoke up. Before she responded, the lady's lips twitched. ”Yes.”

Nana gulped, every reasonable person would pay attention to the advice of an elderly woman and another, but she is not going to change her mind about her decision.

She believes she is backing down in spirit, which is why she is easily manipulated when tribulations and hardships arise. "I made the decision." "Can I please register?" said Nana.

The lady paused before responding.  "Sure, but whatever happens up there, help won't arrive till next week."

Nana simply smiled and filled out the form presented to her before thanking her and leaving to join others who share her goal.


As soon as Wilson stepped out of the cab, he immediately dialed Nana's number again, and he groaned when he realized that it was still turned off, just as it had been the previous 40 times that he had attempted to call her.

He exhales a low breath and takes a turn for his house. Just a stone's throw from his house, he saw someone, someone he had sworn not to set his eyes upon until he does what's expected of him standing in his way. He exhales another low breath.

Anger that he tried to resist pushed him forward, and he started walking towards his house, various questions racing through his mind.

What exactly is his father, who worships the devil, doing standing in front of his door? Wilson didn't catch his father, Adasire's smile because he doesn't want to. All he seeks is an explanation as to how his father knew where he was staying.

"My son."  Adasire moved in for a hug, but when he discovered he wouldn't get one, he dropped his hands.

After giving his father a look so cold it could freeze the Pacific Ocean, Wilson pushed past his father to open the door to the house. He then gave his father one final angry look before entering the house, with his father following behind him.

"How did you find out where I live?"

Wilson inquired, the tinge of annoyance that had been missing from his expression returning in full force. Adasire's smile faded. "Do I really need to know where my son lives?"

Wilson mumbles.  "I have made it abundantly clear to you that I do not want to see you again until when you have completely turned away from the worship of idols; therefore, what are you doing here?"

"You mean I can't come to visit my son?" Wilson's lips twitched. "We don't talk, and we haven't spoken in years; the day you chose idols over me was the day I stopped being your son; therefore, there is no son for you to visit."

"You are my only child; how could you possibly ask me to choose between you and the way that our culture operates?" Wilson repeats "culture." "You refer to Idol worship as Culture?"

"These are gods that our family has served for years, your great grandfather did, your grandfather did, I did, and you will do as well."

Wilson responded immediately, "God forbid." "I will not participate in idol worship."

"Those idols have saved us from numerous problems, and they have repeatedly revealed to me that you are in danger of becoming entangled in a circle of unfruitfulness."

"The God I serve has blessed me,  "If only you'll accept him, you'll realize you've been serving nothing but carved powerless sticks," Wilson says.

Adasire was silent for a moment while Wilson continued talking, and then he quickly glanced back, towards the door, before turning his gaze back to his son and saying, "The evil one is here." Wilson reprimanded Adasire for his response. "Exactly," Adasire replied.

"At least you're aware that you're a bad person; just explain your motivation and get out of here; light and darkness have nothing in common."

"Since you are my only son, I will not permit her wickedness to sap your good fortune." Wilson hissed and moved away as Adasire attempted to touch him.

"You are the sole representative of all that is evil in this place." "The evil that I speak about is outside, and she's about to knock on your door; that is your threat." Wilson frowned and swallowed.

"There is no one outside, the only enemy I see here is you, you and your idols, and I want you out; do not try to visit or even contact me until you've fully showed remorse of your sins and your idols have been burned, confess the name of Jesus Christ, and be saved."

A knock on the door suddenly cut off Wilson's attempt to add more words and put his father where he belongs if he rejects salvation.