
The Mermaid's Seed

It took a few moments, but eventually Charles' bloated stomach went back to its normal shape, and the aches stopped.

Charles threw up as a result of the abrupt end of the pain.

John expressed surprise by asking, "What exactly happened?"  "I had no idea it was this horrible." Prophet Silas stated..

After a moment, Charles took a deeper breath to settle his terror before turning his gaze to prophet Silas. Charles's breath was irregular at first, but after a while, he took a deeper breath.

"What have you done to me and why are you treating me like this?" Charles  yelled softly. "I have no hand in this and I didn't do anything to you,."  prophet Silas responded.

"You are under a curse." he said.   What exactly do you mean by that?  John inquired instead. "there is something growing inside of you and you are pregnant." Prophet Silas told Charles.

When Charles thought back to the blind woman he'd met in the hospital, he found himself taking several deep breaths. She has informed him that he, too, is a cursed person. "That's ludicrous,"  John says, "He's a man; there's no way he can be pregnant."

"I want you to observe what just occurred..."

Prophet Silas stated. .

"That's the monster inside you wanting to get out; it was going to tear open your stomach and crawl out." "There is a monster inside you trying to get out." Charles made a gagging sound before swallowing.

"I have no idea.. how.."

You sexed with a mermaid...

Prophet Silas continues.... "The instant you had sex with her, you became cursed. The connection you had with her that night planted this seed in you. You are carrying a monster in your womb."

I believe that she has been preventing it from expanding all of this time. After that, you shot her, which caused you to be removed from her protection, and as a result, her seed is now fully mature and prepared to be released into the world.

You're going to bring a monster into this world, and the drive you have for sex has already created a monster." "How do we get rid of it?" John questioned pointedly.   "We'll need the ashes." The Prophet Silas stated.

"However, I'm afraid it might be too late. That horrible creature will rip your guts to shreds and crawl out of you at any moment. John interjected with "Wait." What will happen to Charles if the monster punctures his stomach and tries to come out?

"He'll die.." "She told me that I will pass away in prison." Charles blare forth.. " believe me, you are already locked up. in prison" prophet Silas words echoed in Charles ears..

You actually believe that when she mentioned prison, you assumed she was talking about the physical prison. She was referring to the second prison, which is the spiritual imprisonment, and believe me when I say that this one is even worse.

Because of this curse, if the monster that lives inside of you ever manages to escape, you will have a horrible and excruciating death, and then all hell will break loose. The issue that needs to be answered is how far you are willing to go to get beyond it.

Pastor Alfred's POV


Set a wine in the otherwise bare-essentials apartment pastor Alfred adored, the rim a beautiful band of black and white, as though a sliver of starlit sky raced around it.

Pastor Alfred gripped the wine glass between his wet fingers, his nails building a wall without mortar.

Beatrice, his wife, strolled in as he sipped the wine, his face distorted as though the expectation that he might like it was an imposition too far.

"I didn't realize you were already home," Beatrice replied, taking a look around because it had been a while since she had entered the room. She returned her sight to him and noticed his phone was a hand streched away from him.

"Why haven't you returned my calls?" She continued. Pastor Alfred sipped another glass of wine before turning to face her. "I was busy," Beatrice scoffs, dismissing his claim. "Drinking," she mumbled.

"Are you aware of what I've been up to?" "IHaving meeting with the ladies." He responded casually. Beatrice cocked her chin. "I've been cleaning up your mess." Pastor Alfred chimes in.

"I already taken care of that." She scoffs, remembering the sermon at church. "Do you honestly believe that dumb preaching will persuade people otherwise?"

The media is starting to analyze your silly mistake, bloggers are taking this seriously, and you're just sitting here drinking."

"What did you do this morning?"

Pastor Alfred inquired as he poured himself another glass of wine.

"You were absent in the early days of the service." "As I previously stated, I was taking care of your mess."

"Exactly how?" "I talked to the guy." He locked his gaze on her and took another swig of wine before responding. "What, guy?" "The young man who made the video" "Did you threaten him?" "Yes I did, I had no choice." she says..

"Beatrice remarked, folding her hands across her chest.

"He needs to remake another video" "If he says otherwise," Pastor Alfred cringed in the wine cellar.

When he couldn't find anything to satisfy his taste, he returned his gaze to his wife, saying, "People will think we did something to him that made him say something else, something that rules in our favor."

"Others will claim God has exposed him," she said, weighing the benefits and drawbacks of what might happen if John bowed to her threats.

"All that matters is what the church believes; if he doesn't redo a video, the church will split in two," Pastor Alfred moaned.

Memories of what he did to Chief Henshaw a few hours before flashed through his mind like lightning. "And what if he doesn't do the video?"

"He wouldn't dare," she said with a mocking look on her face. "You're so certain." "I'm sure..., how are you so quiet, you don't need to be quiet, we still need to plan how to carry out Chief Henshaw's plan."

"Chief Henshaw will not be involved in our business any more." Pastor Alfred said as he poured himself another glass of wine. "He's always been involved." "Not any longer; he's no longer a part of our lives."

She looked around the room, surprised by her husband's confidence, her thoughts catching up as she instantly remembered speaking with Chief Henshaw over the phone and him telling her he was on his way to meet her husband.

"What exactly did you do?" she questioned hastily, getting in close.

"What I should have done," he answered her.  

"There will be problems if you cut off the arrangement with Chief Henshaw, you know he knows too much," he said before drinking.

"That's why I permanently cut him off for good." Her teeth clenched in surprise. "Permanently..., Do mind explaining what you mean by that...?" Pastor Alfred was hesitant to speak.

"All you need to know is that he's no longer a part of our lives, and decision-making now falls solely on us." "When have you ever made a decision on your own, you couldn't have gotten rid of him that simply, tell me, what the fuck have you done?" she scoffs.

“Woman!” Pastor Alfred screamed, his irritability returning full force. She took a step back after swallowing at his fury. He took a deep breath to settle himself before speaking.

"I own the church and make all of the decisions." And that's it; I'm done taking instructions from some Idiot.."

He stood up from his chair, emptied his glass of wine, and walked out on her. "Alfred," she shouted out on him.


Nana entered the bathroom and turned on the shower, allowing the cold water to flow down her body, almost freezing her.

Soaking in the cold water, letting it softly hug every inch of skin, breathing in the comfort that each part of her body brings.

It was intended to be utopia, her mini-vacation a place to breathe deeply and regain her inner calm, but it quickly devolved into chaos as memories of all the horrific things that had happened to her began to flood her mind.

Pained by her brother's death, Jasmine's death, and her current circumstances, she crunched down to the bathroom tiles as raw tears flowed from her eyes in an unsettling cadence, the shower water washing them away as they came.

Wilson hung up the phone and dropped it, stood up from his chair, glanced outside, groaned, and walked back to his chair, all the while wondering why Nana wasn't out of the bathroom.

The thought that she would do something to damage herself in order to alleviate the grief of losing her companion to death crossed his mind.

He couldn't decide if he should go check on her in the bathroom or simply sit and wait for her.

He has yet to question her what really happened to Jasmine, who killed her, and why she was falsely accused.

He looked at the time, uncomfortable about leaving her side; it had been a few minutes, a little too long for her not to have emerged from the restroom.

He stood up, intending to head to the bathroom, but stopped himself before he could take a step.

He should probably give her some time and space to mourn her friend's death. He took a deep breath and reached for a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

He didn't know how to console her because he had never been in this situation before. He opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, but just as he was about to uncap it, the door was knocked on.

He dropped the water on the table and trotted towards the door, another knock sounding before he got there.

With a brief pause, he turned down the knob, and the door creaked open wide. When he spotted three men, one dressed casually and the other two in police uniforms, he was caught off guard.

"Hello and good afternoon."

One of the cops greeted him. Refusing to give him the courtesy of a response. Wilson just stood there staring at him, wondering if they had discovered the truth and had come to arrest Nana.

"My name is Inspector John." The officer stated. "I found out Nana lived here, so we came to see her." "What exactly has she done?" Wilson inquires sternly. "If you're curious," "She's a suspect in an unsolved murder case," remarked Inspector John.

If she's there, I recommend you call her or move out of the way." "Will she get arrested?" Wilson inquired, perplexed. "Are you her fiance?" Inspector John inquired.

Wilson clenched his teeth.

"I'm not" "Is he your brother?" "I'm her friend." "Then I advise you step aside, sir."

Wilson's brow furrowed... he surely despised the inspector's nastiness. "You know that's not how you talk to people." "How did I talk with you?" Inspector John inquired.

Wilson almost replied, but stopped as he noticed Nana behind him. He was so enraged at the cops that he didn't notice when she approached him.

Wilson mutters sharply, "Nana." Nana locked her stare with him before shifting her gaze to the policeman. "My name is Nana, and I'm the one you're looking for."

Inspector John just stood there staring at her, wondering if she was capable of killing someone. "You must accompany us to the station," Inspector John stated.

“Why” Wilson enters the conversation. " What has she done to deserve that?" Nana sighed, puzzled as to why she was returning to the station after only four hours away.

She returned her attention to Wilson, who signaled for her not to follow them. "I have to follow them," she explained. "You are not required to." Wilson cringed at Inspector John's response. ”

They won't have a case unless they locate evidence." "We'll merely ask you a couple of questions." Inspector John joins in. "After that, you can go home."

"What type of questions?"

Wilson inquired, his voice filled with rage. "Wilson," Nana mumbled, clutching his hands.

"I'll be OK when I return."

"I'll accompany you." "You sh.." she sighed. "Is it acceptable if I accompany her?" Wilson says, turning to face Inspector John  "Of course,"   According to Inspector John.

He returned his gaze to Nana... he's not sure what's wrong with him, but something inside him makes him feel the urge to protect her.

She's so innocent and gorgeous that Charles thoughts raced through his mind.

He didn't get the chance to ask her who he was when he was caught, but he prays and hopes he's nothing close to a lover because he's going to make Nana his and whatever reason Charles was arrested, he hopes and prays he's locked away forever.

"You're looking for water." Inspector John inquired as he sat across from Nana in the interrogation room, looking at her and examining her.

He moved the glass of water to her side when he saw nothing but tremendous anguish in her eyes. Nana glanced at the glass of water, then returned her eyes to him.

"I'm not really tasty." "Tell me why I'm here again," she asked. "Five men were killed today." Inspector John said this while staring into her eyes, as if the solutions to all of his inquiries were there.

Nana swiftly reflected on what happened to Jasmine and how Mamila sliced her throat. "You think I killed them too?" she asked.

"But you know the five men I'm talking about," Inspector John answered.

They're the same cops who came to your house to arrest Charles." Shock stared blankly at Nana, saying nothing; all she could think about was what happened to Charles.

"Four were discovered dead on the road, shot dead, and the other was discovered near a church, blood all over him." "And how about Charles?" She inquired aggressively. Inspector John exhaled a sigh.

"I was expecting you'd tell us that, In fact, that's one of the reasons you are here.  we have no idea whether he's dead or alive..., his body was never recovered." Something tells me he was rescued, and when the cops tried to retaliate, they were shot dead. Nana, where is Charles?"


"You ought to drink some water." Prophet Silas said this while handing Charles a glass of water. Charles grasped it, his thoughts still on what had happened to him minutes before.

Is it possible? Is he actually harboring a monster within him? "So," John adds. " How do we go to Sahamaradan? It's definitely not on a map, so tracing it will be futile."

"Sahamaradan is a rustic village, generally recognized by the stories and beliefs that govern it. I heard in recent years that some people actually stumbled onto this town and wished to make it a good place."

But the historical ones like the ancient ways, and they chased out the individuals who came, chanting a good-bye lullaby to modern times." "How are we going to get there?" John inquired once more.