
Chapter Five

But the students were hoodwinkd to believe Ella. they concluded within them very surprised that the Tony they knew, couldnt have lied to Ella about traveling home in order to deceive her and make her not to come to check on him in his apartment. else, she would have seen the strange woman.

The student felt therefore that Tony could have traveled home  early in the morning and was yet not back. John further told Ella to relax her mind since from what she said, Tony could have not yet returned from the trip,  maybe something must have kept him.

"Noooo my heart is about to jump out of my mouth please let's go to his apartment and check let me be sure if it's well with Tony and they all went.

Emboldened by Ella's presence and support, they broke into the room and behold the lifeless body of Tony. John was the first to enter "

treachery" he shouted while the the other students and Ella rushed in and immediately she saw the sight before her, she passed out not that she was shocked because it was a surprise to her but the shock was the aftermath of all the suppressed sorrow, crying and confusion which she couldn't let out last night

"if he had known, if Tony had known that he brought in an agent of death to sleep with him last night...." John cried and then, the entire crowd that suddenly gathered stopped crying and turned their heads to the lamenting John .

" last night, I saw Tony in the company of a lady when they entered his room So Ella can be so callous? one of the students responded because Ella is the only girl that could  have slept with Tony

but John rose up to her defence saying Tony himself walked into his room last night and pleaded with him not to let Ella know that he came with another lady.

News got home to Tony's family and literally it was very devastating and unbearable especially to his grandmother.

 Finally, there was not so much Tony's family could do legally to identify Tony's killer and only two people were arrested John and Ella but after they made their separate statements to the officers, they were released from the cells so Tony's father decided to lay the matter in the courtroom of God, the ultimate judge and he buried his son but it wasn't so for Tony's grandmother who was very bitter and concluded that her priceless son Tony, must not just die like a partridge. So, she carried the case file the courtroom of retributive Justice where a pot of Nemesis was set on the fire so that once it begins to boil, it will spill out and like a flood catch up with Tony's killers.  Enchantments were made and demons were released to follow up and make life miserable and horrible for Tony's Killers.

When Allen's pastor got armed with the story of Ella's youthful life before she got married, he visited her severally and made every effort to convince her to accept to come to his church for prayers which he believed will break the jinx of her past but Ella never for once headed his overtures. 

Ella then made up her mind to take life as it seemingly turned out to be her a lot. She opted for adoption and  finally accepted Gerald her adopted child as a bona fide son and the  boy on his part grew up into a very handsome child, well-behaved a son to be truly coverted by every mother. He was also very intelligent at school and all the teachers admired him.