
The Beautiful Mermaid

In an underwater kingdom, Beauty, a very pretty mermaid, falls in love with Bertrand, a young fisherman. To be with Betrand, Beauty seeks the help of a mermaid wizard, sacrificing her magic and memories. With Bertrand's love, she remembers her past and their bond grows stronger. They got married and welcome set of twins, born of both worlds (half human, half mermaid). Together, they bridge the divide between land and sea, proving that love transforms all boundaries. Their love story becomes an evidence for unconditional love.

Abu_Muniru · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Betrand and Beauty's Conversations

As the days developed into nights, Beauty and Bertrand's encounters by the river became a adored practice, a dance of two souls drawn together by a hidden web 🕸️ of destiny. Each encounter was a harmony of words, laughter, and shared dreams that lingered in the air like the scent of blooming Sunflower.

Beneath the blue sky, Beauty and Bertrand found happiness and trust in each other's company. Their conversations flowed like they have known themselves all their lives, carrying with them tales of their lives, hopes, and aspirations. Bertrand would entertain Beauty with stories of his fishing adventures, the thrill of the catch and the boundless ocean that stretched before him brought him pure joy. In turn, Beauty would Intertwine stories of her underwater world, a kingdom adorned with beautiful gardens, hidden underground chambers, and creatures that shined like jewels.

One night, as the moon hung low in the sky, Bertrand shared a childhood memory. "When I was a boy, my grandfather used to tell me stories of the stars. He said that each star in the sky held a secret, a wish waiting to be granted. I used to lie on the grass, staring up at the heavens, making wishes upon those distant stars."

Beauty's eyes glowed with curiosity as she paid attention to his words. "And did your wishes ever come true?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of wonder.

Bertrand's lips curved into a fond smile. "Some did, others didn't," he confessed. "But I like to think that the stars were always listening, just like they're listening now."

A gentle breeze swayed through Beauty's hair as she looked upwards, her eyes tracing the star patterns that beautified the night sky. "Tell me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "what wish would you make tonight if you were to look upon those stars?"

Bertrand's looks softened as he turned to Beauty, his heart speaking before his lips could form the words. "I would wish for a love as boundless and deep as the ocean itself," he confessed, his eyes locked onto hers.

Beauty felt her heart skip a beat, as if echoing the rhythm of the waves that kissed the waterside. "And do you believe such a love is ever possible?" she asked, her voice carrying a note of helplessness.

Bertrand reached out and gently took her hand in his, his touch warm and encouraging. "I believe that the universe has a way of entwining together the most unlikely of stories," he replied, his thumb tracing circles on the back of her hand. "And who's to say that our tale isn't one of those celestial strands?"

The air seemed to rustle with an unspoken understanding, a recognition that their connection was a fabric interwoven by destiny's skilled hands. As they sat by the river, side by side, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the soft lullaby of the water and the whispers of their hearts.

With each passing night, Beauty and Bertrand delved deeper into each other's lives. They laughed, they confided, and they found out that their souls resonated with a harmony that felt both everlasting and thrilling. Bertrand shared his dreams of exploring distant lands, and Beauty spoke of her longing to witness a sunrise painting the surface waters with shades of gold.

As the weeks turned into months, the river became a safe haven where their hearts were free to explore the depths of their feelings. And though their love was still in its infancy, it blazed with an intensity that could rival the fieriest sunsets. They were two beings from different worlds (water and land), drawn together by a love that defied the boundaries of the ocean and the land.

One evening, as the moon cast a silvery path upon the water, Beauty traced her fingers along the surface, creating ripples that mirrored the feelings agitating within her heart. "Bertrand," she began, her voice soft yet determined, "there is something I must share with you."

Bertrand turned to her, his eyes attentive and overflowing with curiosity. "What is it, my princess ?"

Beauty took a deep breath, her gaze locked with his. "I have a secret, one that I have kept hidden for fear of what it might mean for us," she confessed, her heart pounding like the rhythm of distant drums.

Bertrand said, "You can tell me anything, Beauty. I promise you, no matter what it is, my feelings for you will remain unchanged."

And so, beneath the watchful gaze of the stars, Beauty unveiled her true identity to Bertrand. She spoke of her life beneath the waves, the underwater kingdom she called home, and the bewitching world that existed beyond the river's edge.

Bertrand listened in wonder, his heart swelling with a mixture of astonishment and understanding. As Beauty's words flowed like a river of truths, he realized that the magical tales she had told him were not mere stories but a part of her very being.

When she finished, there was a moment of silence that hung in the air, pregnant with the weight of revelations. Bertrand's gaze never wavered as he took in the mermaid before him, the woman whose heart he had come to cherish in ways he could never have imagined.

"Beauty," he said, his voice gentle yet firm, "I am grateful that you have shared this with me. Your truth only deepens the connection between us."

Beauty's heart swelled with relief, her eyes glimmering with unshed tears. "You're not afraid of me?" she asked, her voice trembling with openness.

Bertrand reached out and cupped her cheek, his touch tender and reassuring. "No, my love," he whispered, his breath mixing with the ocean breeze. "If anything, I am in awe of the incredible being that you are, both beneath the waves and here by my side."

And in that moment, beneath the embrace of the night sky, Beauty and Bertrand discovered that their love was a force that could conquer any obstacle, a love that has gone beyond the limits of their worlds. The river, which had once been a mere boundary, had now become a bridge between their hearts, a testament to the magic that could be found in the most unexpected of connections.

As the night deepened and the stars continued their celestial brightness, Beauty and Bertrand remained seated by the river, their fingers entwined and their hearts united in a love that was as boundless as the ocean itself. And as they shared their hopes, dreams, and aspirations, they knew that this was only the beginning of a love story that would paint the world with the colors of enchantment, forever carving their tale into the textile of time.