

The weather was really beautiful today. It was just the perfect temperature. Not to hot or too cold. No, it was just the perfect blend of both.

As I walked through the park I smiled loving the feel of the morning sun hitting my skin. Oh how I've missed this.

I spotted a figure through the distance, As I got closer I smiled realizing it was only Seker standing at a spot near a well nurtured tree. He returned the smile back ever soo easily. I loved seeing him smile.

"Hello stranger" I playfully said strolling closer to him.

"Hello yourself beautiful" I grinned like a teenager brat. It seriously felt like I was back in highschool.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a slight frown. If I remember clearly I left him back at the house. Or did I? I can't really remember.

"I wanted to see you" he promptly answered. My frown deepened.

"See me? Concerning what?"