

Rihanna lay down on her bed,operating her phone when a knock came on the door. Not knowing who the person could be, she walked towards the door and opened it. Surprisingly,it was her mom .

"Rihanna, get ready for we will be going to the supermarket, you know that you'll be enrolled in WRETFORD University tomorrow "

" Yes mum, I'll be with you in a jiffy "

Rihanna answered and closed the door.

She walked towards the bathroom quickly and did everything concerning it e.g, brushing up, taking her bath e.t.c. After that, she applied her body lotion and dressed up also taking her handkerchief with her .

She walked down the stairs in haste for her mom.

When she got to the sitting room, she gazed at the wall clock only to find out that the time was 7:15 am. Her mom was comfortably sitted on the long sofa, waiting for her.

"Mom,I'm ready for the supermarket"

" So let's get going" Cordelia said and they set of for the supermarket.

They got to the garage and took a black Lexus 450. Cordelia alerted the gate man and he opened the gate speedily.They drove out of the house, into the street and zoomed off.

On getting to the supermarket, Rihanna saw the sign board which states,

"D&T SUPER MARKET, we've got all you need" . Unknowingly,it was Mrs Cordelia who owned the supermarket. They bought essential things like clothes,shoes of all sorts, food and it's attachments e.g utensils and plates for eating foodstuffs.

Soon after, they were done with shopping and they left hastily for home. Work was automatically done by the maids and breakfast, was ready in minutes. Breakfast was prepared by Stella, one of the maids,who was Cordelia's most trusted and reliable maids in the house.

On getting to the sitting room, Cordelia ordered one of the maids to convey Rihanna 's stuff to her room. The maid carried the stuffs to Rihanna's room quickly so as to impress Cordelia but ,she was not shaken .

Rihanna and her mom sat on the chairs in the dining room and waited for the food to be served. In a matter of minutes the food was served, and they began eating. Time was not far spent before they finished eating. They went to their respective rooms to rest while the maids continued working.

Rihanna waited for some minutes then she stood up and walked towards the garage and took a black car and drove to her friend's house. Amy, which was her friend's name, was a very close friend to her . They were both of the same age grade so they flowed with each other. Rihanna drove out of the gate after alerting her maid, Stella to tell her mom that she went to meet a friend of hers. On getting to Amy's house, she met her at the garden which was at the back of the house

"Amy"Rihanna chorused after sighting her at the garden

"Wow, Rihanna you came to visit me, thanks "

"You're welcome, so how have you been all this while "

"Well, I've been fairing ok with my parents and friends so I think I have no problem "

"That means that you have been okay with the present situations of this area but,as for me, I'll be taken by my dad to be enrolled in the university the day after tomorrow "

"Which of the universities to be precise"

"WRETFORD University of course "

"That's were I'm attending girl!!!"

"Wow I'm so glad"Rihanna answered in awe.