
Beasts to Beauties: A Mother's Unearthly Gift

In the dark, under a strange-looking tree, a lady around twenty-something could be seen clenching her stomach and looking pitiful. She seemed to be in pain and was breathing heavily. Above her in the sky, the color was very black and blurry. Rain started falling, and the thunder was clapping loudly and violently. The wind was very thick, slapping everything harshly. The lady stood with the support of the tree, using one hand to prop herself against the tree and the other hand to hold her stomach tightly. She breathed out and continued moving weakly. "Seems like I'm not going to escape this. What type of poison is this?" she wondered. She unbuckled her belt to relieve some pain, then sat down somewhere and groaned while her hand wandered around on the wet ground until it made contact with something. She picked it up and saw the object with the help of the lightning. The thing was round like a bead, and something joined them together. She did not care about what it was and just swallowed it. She was going to die anyway, at least she ate something. She could not figure out the taste of the thing, but it was surely not normal because as soon as it made contact with her throat, it felt very hot, as if she had drunk hot water that had not cooled. "Sh*t! Even in death, my luck is still very bad," she muttered. She was still lamenting when her aching stomach suddenly stopped aching. She did not have the chance to rejoice when her stomach started swelling up, getting bigger and bigger. It was as if it wanted to burst but, alas, it didn't. She could feel herself in labor. She groaned until something escaped her body - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. She was relieved from both the poison pain and her swollen stomach pain. When she looked at what she had given birth to, she was shocked. Eggs. She had given birth to eggs. And there were six. What happened to the eggs? How did their journey begin? read the full novel. update time:6:00pm *by love gold*

Lovegold · Fantasy
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54 Chs

found her

"Take that little punishment, Mr. Pervert," Emmy thought to herself, with a mocking smile on her face.

Because Emmy was bowing, and her long black hair fell to both sides of her face so therefore the man failed to notice her mocking smile

"You..." the man was clearly pissed off.

The young man looked at Emmy, who was bowing, and frowned. "Fine, no problem. I will settle with you later. Is there anything else?" He asked.

"No... nothing else. I will go and prepare dinner right now," Emmy replied before being led to the kitchen by a man in black. "My luck is not bad hahahaha!" She screamed inwardly.

After Emmy left, the air around the man turned cold instantly. "When you are done, meet me in the study room," he said before leaving.

A man in white pants and a black shirt with a small carry-out bag in his hand and dark glasses on his face emerged from hiding after hearing the young man's words. He looked in the direction that Emmy had taken before heading to the study room.

The Young Man's Study Room

"I wonder who that woman is. Why didn't you chase her away like you always did?" the man in white pants and black shirt said cheerfully as he sat opposite the young man with his legs crossed.

"Will you cut the crap and tell me why you are here?" the young man frowned.

"Oh," the man chuckled. "Well, the cooperation on the gemstone. I don't think it's a wise decision." He handed over a file to the young man. "When I checked it myself, I found out that the original gemstone had been transferred, and the one left behind was fake. If we were to buy it like that, the company would suffer a huge loss. What am I saying? A night would be enough for it to go bankrupt," he explained with a never-ending smile.

The young man did not look surprised. He glanced at the file before putting it on the table. "James, I need your help with something," he said, looking serious.

James glanced at the file on the table before becoming serious as well. "It's rare for you to need help. What's the matter?" He smiled.

"I want you to look into the matter of Sam Roynerd and his current wife," the young man said.

The smile on James's face gradually disappeared, and he cast a strange gaze at the young man. "Devin!" He sat upright. "Has something happened to your head? No, something is definitely wrong with your head. A serious matter is here, and you're asking me to dig up information about a married couple. Are you being serious?"

The young man, named Devin, rolled his eyes. "Are you doing it or not?"

"Wait! Why are you suddenly interested in that family?" James asked in confusion.

"You see that lady," Devin said. "I confirmed it. She is Emmy. You know, I saw the leaf imprint on her chest. But I don't think she remembers me." His smile slowly disappeared.

"I see," James rubbed his forehead. "What does Sam and his wife have to do with this?" he asked.

Devin did not reply. "Just do what I ask you to. about the gemstone. I have another plan for that."

"You already knew this would happen?" James inquired.


James nodded his head. "You said she is the Emmy you are looking for, but when I arrived, I heard you giving her the job of a maid. I really can't understand you."

"I want to slowly make my way into her heart. I can't just favor her. She won't develop feelings for me," Devin replied.

"Favoring her is giving her her salary in advance?" James raised his brows.

"What else should we call it? If anyone asked me to do it, you know what I'm going to do."

"I need some water. Let me get some first. You, yourself, need some water," James said as he stood up and walked to the entrance, opening the door and finding Emmy at the entrance, ready to knock.

Seeing the strange man at the entrance, Emmy clenched her fists, ready to fight. "Who are you? What are you doing in the boss's study?"

"Calm down, Miss. I am your boss's friend," James took two steps back.

Devin stood up and walked to the entrance.

Seeing Devin, Emmy relaxed. She had thought that this pervert wanted to test her loyalty, which is why she was ready to punch him if he made a wrong move. But looking at how things unfolded, it seemed she was thinking too much. Ignoring James, Emmy turned to Devin. "Mr. perv... Boss's dinner is ready." She smiled beautifully, showing her dimples which could cure an uneasy heart. "F*ck, I almost called him a pervert. Goodness, save me. Don't let him take note of it." She thought to herself.

James was staring at Emmy almost drooling.

Looking at the stupor James, Devin frowned and said, "There are rules in this house. Rule number one, never smile when there is a visitor."



_what type of rules is that?_

Since you just arrived, I won't hold it against you. "He cast a meaningful glance at James before leaving."

Emmy and James were left behind in shock.

"Meet me at the dining table, Emmy!" Devin shouted from the distance.

"Yes," Emmy quickly ran up to him.

James looked on, still in shock.