"It's because you share the same name and you behavior towards her reminded her of you." said buttercup.
"Oh right, by the way are my mates back yet?" said Mi Young.
"No, but remember to use your rings to communicate with them." said buttercup.
"Yeah about that you never told me how to use them." she said looking buttercup in the eye.
"Sorry about that, okay, if you have noticed your ring has five different colors blue which you took as yours, orange, purple, red and green." said buttercup.
"No I never noticed and I'm sure they just appeared today." she said.
"No they just grew larger the more you develop feeling for your mates." said buttercup.
"So that's why only purple and red are growing larger." said Mi Young.
"Yes, can I leave now or do you have more requests?" said buttercup.
"Yes, ahm how do I contact with my mate it's been two months since they left." said Mi Young.
"All you have to do is press on the color of whom you want to communicate with." said buttercup.
"All I have to do is the press on red or purple to contact them, why the didn't you tell THAT IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFORMATION I'VE BE WORRIED SICK FOR TWO WHOLE MONTH AND ALL I HAD TO DO WAS TO PRESS A BUTTON." yelled Mi Young
"I told you it will alarm you if you mates were in trouble." said buttercup.
"You are a real piece of work you know that right?" said Mi Young in a angry tone.
"I'm sorry for not giving you the piece of information I apologize for the inconveniences I caused." said buttercup bowing her head.
"It's okay we all make mistakes but don't leave out any kind of important information the next time I ask something, Okay?" said Mi Young.
"WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!" yelled Su ho.
"Your majesty you need to come down remember you are pregnant." a voice mumbled in a low tone
"Who's that?" she asked frightened.
"It's me little sister." the voice answered.
"Don't scare me like that brother." she said as she moved closer to hug him.
"You should really calm down you don't want to lose another pregnancy now do you?" he said.
"Su ho, calm down." he said calmly
"Okay, are you not even going to ask how your brother is doing?" he said.
"I'm sorry Jun-seo I just really want Ha Joon to be mine."she said.
"You still like that asshole? You do realize that he's over a hundred years old that's 4 times your age, you have had a crush on this since when you were 7 and still have a crush on him after 13 years?" said Jun-seo.
"Yeahhhh." she said in a girlysh tone.
"So what exactly do you like about him? What made you so obsessed?" he said
"Firstly I love his cool-protective." she said
"What's cool-protective?" said Jun-seo
"You know he is protective but never aggressive you will he can be aggressive when you mess with what he loves but... I don't know." said said.
"That's the reason why you have to let him go...." he stopped mid way though his sentence as she grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back and pushed him to a wall using her legs.
"Don't try to convince me to forget him, I'll get him one way or another, understand?" said said in a cold tone.
"I was wondering where the Su-Ho I know went, Still as strong as ever I see, don't worry I'll get you your mate." he said in a low tone kneeling on one knee bowing his head down.
"Good, I'm sure by now Sung-Ho and Ha-Joon are out of my trap you know what to do now, and make sure you get little miss Mi-Young, understood?" she said looking down on him.
"Yes your Highness." he said as he stood up and jumped out the window.
"He knows he could have just used the door, right?" she said to herself.
"Are you sure about this?" asked Ha-Joon running next to Sung-Ho
""Yeah, because when I blew the door up it made time move faster than usual and I'm sure that it's been two moons already." said Ha-Joon.
"Mi-Young must be so worried about us, but why did you move as two moons?" asked Ha-Joon.
"Because I wanted to test out my power over time, and still needs work." said Sung-Ho.
"So you could have just blown whole into the door but you decide that it was the prefect time to test out your power?" said Ha-Joon
"Yes." he answered.
"You're an asshole." said Ha-Joon.
"Okay." . Sung-Ho said. "Mi-Young is in trouble and I know that you know this, you've known that since you talked to Su-Ho back in the Council of Kings." Sung-Ho thought to himself.
"Mi-Young please be careful something bad is about to happen." Ha-Joon thought to himself.
Ha-Joon turned on his god eyes and saw a chaotic scene erupting with bodies laying everywhere he looked "No, no no no no no no no, Mi-Young, Mi-Young where's Mi-Young?" he said to himself.
Meanwhile Mi-Young was hiding underground and a few other females and children.
Bong-Seon and Mi-Young were at the market place selling her clothes. She was collecting a lot of stone because her clothes were at high demand in all regions.
"It's a good day for business, isn't it?" said Bong-Seon. But no response came from Mi-Young.
"Hey, Mi-Young are you okay? You are worried about Sung-Ho and Ha-Joon, aren't you?" said Bong-Seon as she gently shaking her.
"Yeah, do you think they hate me?" said said as tears rolled down her face.
"No of course not." said Bong-Seon pulling her into a hug " You are the most beautiful, kind loving person I have ever met they wouldn't dare leave you believe me. Maybe you should call them."
"Oh yeah I already talked to them they said that they were teleported there without their consent." she said
"Than why are you saying they hate you?" asked Bong-Seon.
"I don't know I have been feeling weird these days just don't..." she said as she got interrupted by a loud explosion followed by a crowd of people running and warriors going towards the explosion Mi-Young stopped one of the warriors and asked what was going on.
"The valley tigers are attacking, you should go hide." he said.
"Okay come on let's go." said Bong-Seon as she took Mi-Young with her.