
The Beast Rise

In a world where Human is not the dominant species, a world where vampires and werewolves as well as other creatures reign supreme, a young man is forced after being rejected by his own people as well as the person he loved to fight for his survival in this hostile world. What he didn't realize was that deep inside him something was sleeping, something terrifying and devastating. "I'LL BE THE FUCKING WOLF AMONG THE SHEEP!!!"

toby_gwack · Fantasy
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There was no sound just endless abyss and in the middle of it's abyss floated yury.

Yury: " It's the afterlife.... it sucks. When I thought I wanted to explore the world and not end up as monster food but look at me now, what a fool...."

Yury : "How come it ended like this?"

??: " Because you are weak!"

Yury : " WHAT THE ..... ???"

Yury looked around but saw nothing but darkness.

?? : " Above !"

Yury looked up and saw two red eyes stared at him.

Yury : "What the fuck are you?"

??: " What am I? I think the right question is what are we?"

Yury : "What???"

?? : "To put it simply I am you and you are me, we are the same entity."

Yury : "How is that possible...it doesn't make any sense!"

?? : " Maybe but it's the truth whether you like it or not, I woke up for the first time the day you were born and since then I've seen you live your little life without being able to express myself because I was too weak, so I accumulated energy until today."

Yury: " Does that mean that the voice I heard was you?"

??: "Wow you're really are a smart one aren't you!"

Yury: " Anyway it doesn't matter anymore since I'm dead."

??: " You're not dead asshole!"

Yury: "How come???"

??: "Thanks to you I had to use a lot of my energy to get us out of the mess you got us into. It's already a miracle that I can talk to you."

Yury: "Hey it's not my fault if..."

??: " Yeah yeah I don't care."

Yury: " ... So what happens now? I mean do you know where we are now?"

?? : " No idea . I lost consciousness after destroying the other bitch."

Yury :"Wait... you killed her !"

??: " Yeah why? It disturbs you ?"

Yury : ".... Not really, having someone in my head talking to me is already disturbing enough as it is so if you tell me that you killed her that doesn't surprise me."


Yury:" So what's your name?"

??:" My name ? "

Yury: "Yeah?"

??" I don't have a name."

Yury : " Really? It sucks! "

??: " Why would I need a name?"

Yury:" Because if we have to stay together now I prefer to know what to call you."

??:" whatever."

Yury: "I think I'll call you.... Red!"

??: " Seriously ?"

Yury: "Yeah I couldn't find anything else anyway."

Red : "-_-"

Yury: "So Red , do you have any idea how to get out of here?"

Red: " We're in yourmind moron, just imagine you want to wake up."


Yury closed his eyes and after a while he could feel his consciousness being drawn away.

After a moment yury open his eyes, at first his vision was blurry but returned to normal. To his surprise he was not in the forest as he thought but in a bed.

Yury: "Where the hell am i?"

He looked around him, he was in what would seem to be a room, he could see shelves there as well as a wardrobe and a desk on which were clothes. He got up from the bed and he noticed his arm and his leg.

Yury: "Wait how come ..... my arm .... my leg .... they were cut off?!?"

Red: "It's because I used my energy to heal you moron, don't thank me."

Yury: "Wait...Red? How come I can hear you? "

Red: "I'm inside your mind, of course you can hear me fool."

Yury : "Oh uh well thank you for that...."

Red: " You're welcome."

Yury: "so what do we do now?"

Red: "I don't know maybe put on some clothes unless you want to walk around with your dick in the wind?"

Yury looked down and noticed that he was completely naked. He walked over to the desk where the clothes were on. There were black pants with boxer shorts as well as a white t-shirt and a dark gray hoodie. On the back of the hoodie was a wolf head symbol in a circle with a scratch mark on it. For some reason yury really liked this hoodie. He ended up putting on a pair of high boots that came up to his knees.

After having finished lacing his boots, Yury crossed the room and stopped in front of a mirror in which he contemplated his reflection.

He noticed that his dark gray hair was loose and fell down to his neck. He searched for a while and eventually found a little elastic to tie them into a small ponytail as usual. He looked at himself one last time in the mirror, then walked over to the bedroom door.

He stood in front of the door hesitating, he didn't know what to expect from the other side, who had brought him here, how many were they, are they human, maybe vampire or werewolf. Several questions raced through his head.

Red : "It's sure that if you stand like an idiot in front of this door, you won't know."

Yury : "Will you shut up and let me think!"

Red : "Okay okay"

Yury took a deep breath and opened the door. He arrives in a living room, there were two sofas with a coffee table in the middle, in the corner was a fireplace and a little further a large table.

Yury looked around the room everything seemed well maintained but no one seemed to be here.

The living room was illuminated by daylight streaming through the window.

After having finished inspecting the premises, he headed for the front door.

He opened it and was dazzled by the glare of the sun. After his eyes adjusted to the light he saw that he was on a terrace, a rocking chair was on his right as well as a small table with books on it.

He moved forward so he could see the landscape in front of him.

He was in a raised wooden house in front of him was a huge lake with blue water as clear as the sky all surrounded by the trees of the forest.

A staircase descended to the lake, it was there that he saw a figure on the shore sitting on a chair while fishing.

Yury went down the stairs and arrived on the shore, he walked towards the individual and stopped a few steps from him.

From what he could see it was a man with a very muscular body.

He stood for a moment saying nothing just looking at the man when the silence was broken by the man himself.

??: "You finally decide to wake up kid !"

He said while getting up from his chair and turning around to face Yury.

Yury could see the man completely, he looked like he was in his fifties or even sixties, he has short hair and a graying beard, scars could be seen on his face and on his muscular arms, he was blind one eye and was very tall.

He began to approach Yury who did not take his eyes off him but was ready for everything.

The man stopped a meter away from yury, crossed his arms and said.

??: " So... my name is Halford, what's yours?"