
The Beast Princess is chased by the Crown Prince

After being betrayed and killed by her loved ones, a modern western girl somehow is reborn into an ancient cultivation world. Raised by the beasts their human princess is sent back into human society and catches the eye of the Crown Prince.

Mum0f5 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 11: Cousin?

"Miss Leng, you're so fast!"

The man in red exclaimed as he caught his breath.

"Your cultivation is weak."

Leng Ling gave them no face.

"How are we weak? We're all Supreme Advanced. Jun'er is even Supreme Peak! That's high cultivation for our age! We're on the top 10 list for the under 25."

The man in blue responded angrily.

"And yet Brother Gang is not even Supreme level and the three of you struggled against him. Weak."

"Brother Gang?"

The man in white asked.

"The snow snake you were fighting."

The 3 men were slightly embarrassed at that. A faint pink across their cheeks could be seen in the fire light.

"Beast levels in cultivation is higher than human levels even if it's the same level."

The man in blue argued. Leng Ling snorted and ignored them as she pulled out a pot and began cooking a soup over the fire. The men watched her quietly. Suddenly the man in red slapped his forehead loudly stunning his companions.

"Oh! We haven't introduced ourselves yet! We asked what to call Miss Leng without returning to her ours."

"I apologize Miss Leng, we've been rude."

The man in blue nodded in shame.

"I am He Feng, the idiot in red is Fu Bohai and our leader in white is Long Junjie."

Leng Ling merely nodded. She wasn't interested in who they were though she did look more closely at Fu Bohai. The Fu Family should have been who her mother married into.

"Who was Di Li to the Fu Family?"

She finally asked him. Fu Bohai was stunned at her question.

"Di Li?! I should think she was my uncle's first wife. She disappeared about 15 years ago or so if I remember correctly. I was only 5 at the time so I'm not sure what happened. Why do you ask?"

She stared at the soup as it cooked for a few minutes before pulling the jade tablet and painting scroll out of her bracelet and handing them to him silently.

"Where did you get this? Wait, she looks like you!"

Leng Ling stirred the pot gently.

"She was my birth mother. Father Hui took her universal pouch from her body when he rescued me and brought me home."

"Then you must be my cousin! Can I call you Ling'er instead?"

"Do what you want."

Leng Ling shrugged. It made no difference to her, what he called her. She was raised by the beast. Human relations had no impact on her.

An hour later, she pulled bowls out of her bracelet and scooped the soup into it before handing it out to the men and keeping one for herself. They sipped it hesitantly before widening their eyes and sculling it. Leng Ling watched them bemused.

"Don't rush. There's plenty more of it."

"Ling'er, are you ok?"

A boy's voice sounded through her bracelet stunning the men. Leng Ling responded slowly ignoring them.

"Hmmm, I'm fine Jing'er. I'll be home in a couple of days. I'll reach Snow Snake Tribe in the morning."

"Bao'er said you heard sounds if fighting earlier?"

"Yes, but it's all settled now. Some humans had entered the forest wanting the herb I needed for the recipe I was going to try out. Brother Gang was stupidly trying to protect it. One of them actually need the elixer from that recipe, so I'll refine it while I'm there and send them on their way afterwards."

"Is Brother Gang ok?"

"He's fine. I already gave him pills to heal."

"All right, Ling'er. I'll see you when you get back. Don't let those humans trick you and come back safely."

"You guys worry too much. I can look after myself. Night Jing'er."

"Good night Ling'er."

The two shut off their communications before Leng Ling continued to drink her soup.

"What... What was that? Why did a voice come out of your bracelet? I thought is was only a universal bracelet, but it does communications too?"

Fu Bohai was highly excited. That was a Godly grade equipment! Where did she get it?

"I made it. Only my wolf family have it."

"I thought you were an alchemist? You're an artificer as well?"

"Is that strange?"

"It's unusual. Most people if they pursue them only focus on one or the other. You can do both? And to the level of Godly grades?"

Long Junjie's silky voice spoke this time.

"It's Immortal grade actually. It does more than just storage and communication. Although that's my business."

The three men looked at her in shock. Fu Bohai who has just taken a sip of his third bowl of soup suddenly spat it out. Leng Ling and Long Junjie put up a wind barrier to prevent themselves from being splattered. Hu Feng wasn't so lucky and began beating Fu Bohai in revenge.

"Stop! Stop! I'm sorry! It was an accident!"

Fu Bohai shouted out with his hands up in surrender. The three men froze when a crystal bell like giggle sounded out. They turned towards the girl still sitting by the fire.

"Wow! Sister Ling'er has a beautiful giggle."

Fu Bohai spoke in wonder.

Long Junjie didn't speak but nodded in agreement. He studied the girl in the fire light. Red and gold flecks could be seen shimmering in her black hair and her eyes resembled blue sapphires. Rose pink lips naturally formed a bow shape and her petite nose turned up slightly at the end. She wore no make up and her skin was translucent and like milky white jade. He had never seen such a beautiful girl. She was more beautiful than the so called beauties back in the capital.