
The Beast King of Kamui Academy

After committing suicide due to his miserable life, a hikikomori is reborn in an alternate world of his own where abilities he had only seen in anime have become a reality. Believing he has been granted a free pass, he soon learns there’s a price to be paid, one he didn't realize he ever wanted to pay. Wanting revenge and redemption, the reborn hikikomori must learn the real reason he was reborn and the enemy that wishes to exploit him.

Hongou · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter.35: Taking Care Of A Child

Koutetsu lay across his bed fast asleep after the day he had before, he felt a sensation touch his face. The sensation was Tsurara licking his cheeks waking him up early. Koutetsu started to wake up, he giggled a bit as Tsurara kept licking.

"Ok, ok, I'm up, I'm up." He said laughing. Tsurara stopped to look at him with her cute little eyes. Koutetsu started rubbing his fingers through her head and fur to pet her.

"Well then I'm up now, I'll make your breakfast for you and we can go for a run afterward. C'mon, let's go get our food."

Koutetsu picked up Tsurara placing her in his arms like a baby, ironically it was funny since she was a baby in a way. Koutetsu started making their food while Tsurara was napping on her makeshift bed, Koutetsu promised to buy her a real bed after their run.

He was enjoying this scene at the moment, his house wasn't as empty as it was before, and with Mana coming he was feeling better about it.

Even with the small moment of happiness, he was having, he still was thinking of Rina from that day. He wanted to hear if she was ok, even if it was a small text. Tsurara walked up to his leg, she purred her tiny head on it trying to cheer him up.

"Yeah, I'll try calling again." He used his foot to pet her while his hands were busy with the food. Koutetsu finished making her a tiny steak with a bowl of milk. He wasn't sure what to feed her, he'd go shopping for other supplies too while doing research on snow leopards.

Koutetsu called Rina's number, it rang till it went to voicemail. He wasn't going to stop, he wanted to hear her voice once more, just to see if she was safe.

Rina was sitting in a dark hallway. She saw her phone going off. She wanted to answer the call, her broken face wanting to hear his voice again.

She was approached by Sen's caretaker, she signaled her it was time to work. Rina declined the call, she typed as fast as she could to Koutetsu that she was busy with a side job and that she'd call when she was free. Rina turned the phone off, she stood up putting on a black spider mask as she walked with Sen's caretaker.

Koutetsu received the text. He was relieved she answered but still worried for her. The text sounded rushed, and no sign of feeling in it. At least that was how he perceived it.

Tsurara could see the look on his face, she gave him the sad cat-eye look. Koutetsu tried to be brave for her, he didn't want his problems to be hers.

"Ok, you win I won't look so gloomy." Tsurara meowed happy to see him not look so down. Koutetsu and Tsurara had walked their way to a pet store after their breakfast. He decided to forget the run for the day to focus on her and her needs, the walk also helping to clear his head.

Tsurara was riding on his shoulders during the walk, everyone saw the sight and was fawning over it. The girls thought it was the cutest thing to them, Tsurara would look their way waving her paw just to make their faces melt with cuteness overload.

'Typical. See a pretty chibi-like animal and they go nuts over it. Not that I can complain I was like that too with figurines in my old life. Now seeing it here, I feel like such a fool about it.'

They made their way to the store, and the worker there fell for Tsurara as well. Koutetsu looked exhausted from the attention they were getting, he should have known this would happen. He asked her for some help in getting items for Tsurara, unfortunately for him since Tsurara wasn't an ordinary pet she didn't like most of the stuff the worker offered. She was an animal born from a godly entity, normal household items would do nothing to make her feel comfortable like a house cat would feel.

Koutetsu tried to look on his own, he wasn't exactly sure what he was getting that would make Tsurara approve. She said no to the beds on sale and cleaning products, even the books on how to raise a pet were useless considering she was a snow leopard, not a regular cat.

'Argh, this is going nowhere. Even with the stuff I looked up online none of this matters if it's not natural for her. What did I pick this form for her if it was going to be this big a pain? No, I can't be like that. She was already born this way, to begin with. I can't be a jerk and blame her for me not knowing what I'm doing, that's not fair to her at all.'

"Oh, hey Hayashi-Kun."

Koutetsu recognized that voice, it was Natsume about a few feet from him, she was at the store shopping for the birds her family-owned. She skipped over to him to say hi, again like the others she saw Tsurara and couldn't resist petting her.

"She's so cute! What is she?"

"She's a divine animal apparently like Tsukikage is. Her name's Tsurara."

Natsume melted at the sight, she rubbed her little ears making Tsurara purr. Tsurara jumped off Koutetsu's shoulders into Natsume's arms.

'Well, at least she's friendly. Funny she didn't inherit Itsuki's personality. She would have bit Natsume for talking to me like Tsukikage does every time a girl talks to me in front of Itsuki.'

Koutetsu envisioned Itsuki, having a dark aura surrounding her with blank eyes and an evil smile. He gasped, shaking his head to forget that.

"She's too adorable. Are you here to buy her stuff for your home?"

"I am, but the problem is I have no idea what to get her. She rejects most of the things here. I didn't think she would hate normal items a common pet would love."

"Well, you said she's a divine animal. If you want to get her anything you have to go to that section over there. They have items made from magic fibers and other materials specifically for animals like her including the actual books to read on how to take care of them."

Koutetsu looked. It was the section that had all the fancy items on display. Koutetsu thought they were expensive items for more elite people, he felt ridiculous in assuming that earlier. Natsume led them to the aisle, and she helped pick the best items for Tsurara. Natsume was surprisingly helpful, she wasn't doing her usual flirty routine, she was being nice to Koutetsu in a normal way that made him see her in a new light.

Koutetsu was feeling relieved thanks to her, Tsurara didn't reject any of the beddings, soaps, or even a grooming brush. He did feel agitated that he had to use the black card for her cause of the high prices and being out of his budget.

'I better pick up extra shifts at work if I'm to raise this little one, feels like I'm paying for my firstborn child in a way. Maybe this will be good practice if I ever decide to have a kid in the future.'

Natsume walked outside with Koutetsu wanting to conversate more with him. He didn't mind, she helped him big time with the shopping.

"Thanks, Kurenai, I needed the help."

"You're welcome. Anything for this little one here." Natsume petted Tsurara's head again playfully. She was enjoying the little leopard's cuteness greatly. Koutetsu could see the innocence in her. It was a wonder why he gave her so much hell about her flirty personality, he knew why, but still, it made him think why didn't he see past that before.

Natsume noticed him staring at her, at first she did a small blush from the looks he gave. The first he ever gave her, he stopped after that because he didn't want her to get the wrong impression.

"Something on your mind?" She asked.

"Hmm, oh it's nothing. It's just you're really different sometimes. I told Rina how nice you are to the girls, even if you tease Itsuki a lot. Just for once you're not hitting on me. It's kinda of a change of pace."

Natsume felt like he was giving a passive insult in that compliment. Koutetsu felt bad about what he said, he was honest but he felt like he could have chosen his words better.

"I'm sorry that was out of line."

"Hmm, it's ok. You're right though. I do mess with you a lot. Do you know why I do that to you and other boys?"

Looking to the horizon, she was reminiscing about her childhood, and how it shaped her personality.

"When I was a kid, I lived in a strict household. My family is from a great line of exorcists, they battle Ghasts, demons, you name it. They view certain aspects of life as a distraction, makeup, fashion, and even dating outside of courting a spouse. They train every day and do everything to maintain their spiritual connections. When we're old enough to practice a sutra they pound it into our heads till we can recite an two entire scriptures on the spot. At times it was taxing for me cause I wasn't really into it as much as my other family members."

Koutetsu could feel how Natsume must have been under such pressure. He never really asked about her home or family much, a few conversations here and there. It was a moment he felt like she was being vulnerable to him, like was comfortable talking about her life.

Natsume looked at him, she waved her hands trying to show she was ok, not letting him think she was bashing on her family.

"Don't get me wrong. I love my family. They're amazing, I wish I could be good at things like they can be. It's just, that I wanted to be free to express myself and find my own path. When I started growing up and my body did too, I'll admit I was a little uneasy with the stares from girls, I grew up with them my whole life. But around boys, it was different. Like I was able to do new things and be free finally. I know I go overboard sometimes, and I'm sorry for all the times made you uncomfortable, it's just now that I can be myself I don't want to stop. And I don't want to stop going after the things I like. I just think it's better to be yourself and live with it than confide your real feelings and be miserable later in life with it."

He wouldn't say it out loud, but Natsume looked cool to him at that moment. She was a lot more honest with her identity than he said to Rina about her. Tsurara looked up at him, she gave eyes telling him to do something nice for her.

"Well, I should get home soon, don't want my parents to worry for me. What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to get this little one set up. Promised I make her a late birthday cake."

Natsume's eyes widened, she heard birthday and knew it couldn't have meant Tsurara. So to her, it must have meant Koutetsu.

"Wait is it your birthday today?"

"No, it was yesterday actually. But it's fine I haven't done anything special with it since my Primary mom passed. I'm ok just being by myself for a bit."

Natsume felt bad. He shouldn't have to get used to that. He has friends who can be there for him. She wanted to do something nice, not cause she had an angle but because she wanted to be a friend and help him.

"Unacceptable. I'm making you a party asap."

"No no, you don't have to do that. It's ok"

"Nope, I'm going to do it and that's that. Get ready, you'll see the genius of Kurenai Natsume at work. I'll text you the details later."

Koutetsu couldn't win this one. He wasn't annoyed really, in fact deep down, he was grateful.

"Ok, you win. Do what you need to do."

Natsume was excited, she couldn't wait to set up the party.

"See you soon Hayashi." Natsume was about to head out but Koutetsu stopped her for a minute to give her a late Christmas gift in his way. At least an appreciative gesture for what she was doing for him.

"See you soon…..Natsume."

Natsume saw his honest response. She rubbed her eyes as she was happy he finally called her on a first-name basis, something she always wanted.

"See ya soon, Koutetsu." Natsume winked as she took off. Koutetsu felt like maybe he was getting set up in a way. But he didn't care, he earned a little bit of fun with hell he'd been through the last couple of days.

"C'mon Tsurara, let's go home."