
the Beast awakened

Samuel is an ordinary boy living an ordinary life, until one day, his world is turned upside down when he suddenly wakes up as a utahraptor! discovered by his family, he eventually runs away, going on an adventure to discover why he became a dinosaur!

Verozian · Action
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2 Chs


my name is Samuel, and I am an ordinary boy, I attend school, hang out with friends, etc. I go to bed excited for my birthday Tomorrow, I am turning 15. I feel a pain in my stomach as I go to bed, causing me to toss and turn in bed, until I eventually fell asleep.i woke up the next morning, excited to go see what presents I got, but ended up falling over when I tried to stand up.

"huh? why can't i-" I looked down at my legs and saw that they were bent at a 90° angle and were covered in fur and feathers. it was at this point that I screamed, but instead of a normal human scream, what came out was a shrill cry, like an animal in distress. my family quickly rushed in, while I was sitting on the floor, scared out of my mind! My mother screamed and ran out, while my dad grabbed my baseball bat and got ready to fight me.

"Mum! Dad! it's me, Samuel, your son!" It was pointless, all they could hear was scared chirps and gargles. my dad then began to beat me with my baseball bat until my brother came running in and grabbed it from him. 'Dad, Stop!' "why?! This overgrown lizard is dangerous, just look at its claws!" 'That "overgrown lizard" is a goddamn dinosaur! and besides, if it wanted to hurt us, it would've dam well done so already! leave us be.'

"I will not leave you with this th-" 'I can't have you here since you just beat the shit out of an adolescent dinosaur!' "that THING probably ate your brother!" 'Or it could BE my brother?' "that's impossible!"

'you're saying this after you beat the crap out of a DINOSAUR!' "fine, but if it so much as lays a claw on you, I'm putting it down!" he left the room, slamming the door on the way out. 'are you ok?' DO I LOOK OK?! I JUST HAD THE SHIT BEATEN OUT OF MY BY OWN FATHER USING MY OWN BASEBALL BAT, SO NO I AM NOT OK!


Wait, you can understand me?

'y-yeah' he nodded.

I hugged him so hard, knocking the wind out of him. 't-too tight, bro-can't breathe!'

oops, sorry! guess I don't know my own strength..... I say, letting him go.

so how come you can understand me, but father can't?

'I'm not sure, I guess that's something we'll find out in time, but for now, let me get the first aid kit, he beat you pretty bad....'

I nodded, as he went downstairs to fetch the first aid kit. I sit there, taking the time to reflect on what just happened, mum walked in, looking fearful.

what am I to you and dad?


what am I to you? am I just some beast that could lash out at any moment?!

"no, I mean I really can't understand you hun....."

'he's asking what he is to you' my brother said, walking past mum and towards me, with the first aid kit.

"You're my son, who else would you be! even though you look different, you're still my Samuel!"

Dad didn't seem to think so when he beat the crap out of me with my own baseball bat!

"jack, translate for me please?"

'he said, dad didn't seem to think so when he beat the crap out of me with a baseball bat....'

"he did what?!" She said, shocked, before storming out, as you hear her shout out dads name.

so what happens now?


what happens now? do I just continue on living as a giant bird brang back from extinction?

'you continue being my brother, mum and dad will accept it eventually, given time, they might even eventually understand you!' he said, smiling. I attempted to smile back, but the best I could do was a toothy grin.

I walked out of my room, barely able to fit because of my larger size.

hes saw me barely fit through the door and chuckled. 'You're only an adolescent, you'll grow a bit bigger.' say what? bigger?! 'yup, bigger.'

damn, next thing I know, I'll be sleeping in the backyard with the dog!

jack laughed, as we walked down the hallway and into the loungeroom where my dad was sitting. I went to turn around, but he asked me to please stay and hear him out, so, with a sigh, I went to the other side of the room, sat down the best I can, and listened.

"I want to start by saying how immensely sorry I am, I overreacted and ended up hurting my son! i-all i could think about was protecting my family, but didn't think that the creature I was attacking WAS my family! I know I don't deserve it, but I hope you can forgive me for how I acted....."

he began to cry and I could see how genuinely sorry he was, so I got up and hugged him, making sure not to hug too tight. he began to stroke my soft fur and feathers. "You know son, you are incredibly soft.

I smiled. I forgive you, but im still pissed at you! it didn't hurt really bad, but it still bloody hurt!

dad gave me a confused look, until Jack translated for him.

"didn't hurt really bad? In that moment I hit you with all my might, so either you got alot stronger, or I'm losing my touch....either way, I reacted horribly...." You're damn right you did! but, you manned up and admitted you messed up, and for that, I forgive you. once again, Jack had to translate.

after that, I walked up to my room, the stairs making a heavy creak at my added weight.

I made it to my room, and layed on my bed, curling up and going to sleep.