
The beast and his little mate

“I’ll never be yours, I’ll never accept you as my mate, i Ashina Wolfe rejects ……………” Zion slams her against the wall and kissed her passionately, he dipped his hands inside her pants and curled his fingers inside her while smirking and taunting her to reject him…………but she couldn’t even form a coherent sentence because of her lips quivering from the intense amount of pleasure she’s feeling. What happens when Zion finds out that Ashina is the three year old girl that snuck into his meeting fifteen years ago to give him the satisfaction of momentarily finding his mate before disappearing without a trace. Continue on this journey with me as I unravel the mystery behind this story.

Adesewa_writes · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Meeting with the moon goddess

/Ashina's POV/

"Little mate, what are you doing…" my mate enters my room asking me a question.

"Are Lycans not supposed to have advanced sight and senses?? What does it look like old mate?" I reply him rudely.

"Careful there, mate or no mate I won't take disrespect from you or anybody." My mate says and I won't lie to you I'm scared as fuck.

"Okay your majesty." I say while shifting backwards.

"You need not to carry much, I can always buy you everything...….you just need to pick out few things that's important to you." He confirms.

"That's where the problem lies, almost everything is important to me because they all contribute and accumulate to my growth." I convey.

"Little mate, pick whatever you want to pick ...it's getting dark and we have to be on our way." He answers.

"Wait I have a goddamn name, stop calling me little mate...it's pissing me off." I reveal to him.

"Okay." He shrugs.

"What do you talk to my father about? I want to see my father before I leave." I express myself to him.

"Little mate, whatever I discuss in your absence is for your good...it's better for you not to know it." He replies.

"Okay. I want to see my father." I order.

"Fine, I give you one hour to do everything you want to do...…. One hour little mate…nothing more." He declares.

"Dad, where are you? We need to talk." I mindlink him.

"I'm inside my room...we can talk here." My father suggests.

I pass by my mirror when going to my father, to notice a strange thing...…..my eyes are now purple.

"The fuck...what did you do to my eyes." I accuse my mate because if I can remember my eyes used to be a piercing blue.

"What did I do to your eyes?!I think you should direct that question to you father…..I do not know anything about it." He clarifies himself.

"Dad, care to explain why my eyes are now purple instead of the piercing blue I used to have?" I shoot my question immediately I entered his room.

"Look Ashina, I know you need explanation for everything that is going on right now but.....it's not my place to answer the question." He says

"What do you mean by it's not your place to answer? Dad what the fuck is going on that I do not know about?" I scream.

"Ashina...I know you'd probably hate me but please be patient with me for now, I promise you that when the time comes… all your questions will be answered." He promises.

"Dad, so do you expect me to follow a stranger to his pack without knowing a goddamn thing about him or your relationship with him because apparently I've come to discover that you know about him." I accuse my dad and walk away because I know he's not ready to answer any of my questions.

"When are we leaving? I just need some few things to throw inside my suitcase." I inform my mate and start throwing anything I can inside my bag with rage.

"Whenever you're ready, I'm ready little mate." He ascertains.

"An adventure with a Lycan king? Let's have it." I drag my suitcase outside and bid my father farewell.

"What should I expect? How do they behave ? Are they all gigantic?" I shoot my mate different questions.

"Calm down little mate, remember one question at a time." He cajole.

"What the fuck is your name? Let's start from that one." I ask rudely because we've been together for hours and he haven't told his name.

"Watch your tone little mate, I do not appreciate you talking to me like that...….By the way I'm Lycaon Zion." He answers with warning seeping from his tone.

"If you know I'm little to you why don't you reject me? Why are you making it obvious that I'm little? By the way how old are you?" I break down.

"Mate, don't say anything stupid….I can't reject you...I've waited too long for you to reject you now, I'm three hundred and forty seven years old." He confesses.

"Three hundred???? Guy you're older than my fore fathers.....are you a pedophile? We can't work." I declare.

"Ashina don't be ridiculous,you just hurt Zion and Fenrir with your statement." Athena reprimands.

"Athena...…we're mated to someone that can give birth to our forefathers, if not for the pull of mate bond that I'm feeling I swear if deny that he is my mate." I reply her honestly.

"Ashina…..you can't insinuate that the moon goddess is wrong, she is always right so there's always a reason for her pairing people up." Athena ...….

"We'll be staying in my hotel first, then we'll be on our way to Blood Stone pack when the day dawns." He informs me of his plan.

"Not that I'm concerned but do you care to explain what brings you to this pack?" I ask him.

"Little mate, so things are best unknown." He says and I just give up at this point because I know he doesn't have intentions of saying my name which I'm hundred percent sure he knows.

"Fine tell me something, about yourself or anything…I'm bored and my phone doesn't have any charge on it." I cry out.

"Little mate, I'll advise you to take a nap as there's nothing interesting about me." He advises and I slump my shoulder.

"Athena I can't do this, he's not even making attempts to get to know us or something…..I just go to sleep." I complain.

"My daughter, welcome and don't be afraid...I'm the moon goddess, my name is Selene." I saw a very beautiful woman with a motherly smile,she's the most beautiful person I've ever seen.Her clothe as white as snow, I look down by her side and I saw a white wolf.

"Athena?? What are you doing with the moon goddess?" I inquire because Athena is the only white wolf I know.

"Ashina, I will explain everyth…. Well not everything but at least some things you should know for now." She explains.