
The beast and his little mate

“I’ll never be yours, I’ll never accept you as my mate, i Ashina Wolfe rejects ……………” Zion slams her against the wall and kissed her passionately, he dipped his hands inside her pants and curled his fingers inside her while smirking and taunting her to reject him…………but she couldn’t even form a coherent sentence because of her lips quivering from the intense amount of pleasure she’s feeling. What happens when Zion finds out that Ashina is the three year old girl that snuck into his meeting fifteen years ago to give him the satisfaction of momentarily finding his mate before disappearing without a trace. Continue on this journey with me as I unravel the mystery behind this story.

Adesewa_writes · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Have we met before?

/Ashina's POV/

Mate?" That was the last thing I could remember, could it be that I've met my mate...…..if I could remember vividly I saw a beast on two legs with a red eyes.

"Am I mated to a demon?" I inquire because I need to know why my mate is red eyed.

"There's only one way to know lady, open your eye and stop acting crazy." Athena reprimands.

"Crazy???? You just called me crazy?? Did you see how big the beast is??? The red blood eyes??? If you had seen it you wouldn't be calling me crazy. " I yell

"We both saw it, and I should be scared more than you because I saw it in a clearer view before you decided to pass out." She says and roll her eyes at me

"Athena, I swear if you don't get the fuck outta my head and stop pestering me I'll….." I threaten her.

"You'll do what??? Ashina please open your eyes let's see our mate, few hours ago you were starving for a mate...….now the moon goddess has finally brought him to your doorstep, you still don't want to open your eye.....human beings are so complicated." Athena mutters and I agree with her on this one.

"Could he be a beast or worse a troll??" I ask my myself.

"There's only one way to find out, open your eyes." A deep rich husky voice says.

"Oops I said that out loud." My eyes opens immediately i realize that I've been heard by the beast or the troll.

"Hello little mate." The same deep rich voice I heard earlier repeats itself and my head immediately swings to the direction the voice is coming from.

"Holy fuck." I marvel at the beautiful sight in front of me, fuck is an understatement...my fucking mate is a walking Greek god.

As he stood before me, I couldn't help but be taken aback by his impressive stature. At 6'3'', he towered over me, and his tanned skin and chiseled muscles were on full display, his full kissable thick lips, his jet black hair sleeked to perfection.His black eyes were intense, yet there was a softness to them that put me at ease,he doesn't look a day older than twenty eight but I know that's a very big lie and deceit.

"Hmmmmmmm….it seems my little mate have a foul mouth and you can close your mouth before flies enters into your mouth." He observes while making a joke about me checking him out and damnn i can't keep my eyes off him.

"Oh my fucking god, our mate is so handsome and hot, incomparable to any male I've seen in this world." Athena says and i agree with her on this but...….he's a fucking giant.

"Who is capable of protecting us from any harm." Athena inputs.

"You know we don't need any man to protect us, we've been doing it perfectly and the fact that he's here will not change that." I reprimand her.

"Mate." I hear his sweet voice in my head.

"How the hell did you that?" I inquire.

"Do what?" He feigns ignorance.

"You know what the fuck I'm saying so answer me before I throw you outside." I threaten him.

"Oh little mate, what do you know? From my observations I don't think you were informed." He speaks to himself.

"Are you going mad or have you gone mad?" I point out because at this point I'm questioning his sanity.

"As time goes on you'll understand better." He conveys.

"How were you able to enter my mind? I thought we couldn't do that till we...… mate? And why were your eyes red?" I mutter curiously.

"Slow down tiger, one question at a time." He chuckles and his laughter is music to my ears...…I can listen to it for eternity.

"Okay, your eyes? What happened....???? Are you a demon??" I counter because I've never seen a red-eyed creature, I've only heard about demons having red eyes.

Demon??? Me? Ouchhhh little mate... a demon can not be this handsome you know?" My mate chuckles and once again I can't get over the harmonious sound.

"Then fucking tell me what you are and stop making me sound like I'm losing my sanity." I mutter with a tone of frustration.

"Oh well, have you heard about Lycans??? Judging from your facial expressions and what's going on in your head, you don't." He concludes.

"Lycans?? I thought they don't exist anymore, I heard they've gone into extinction." I challenge.

"I'll take it as your father didn't say anything about me at all to you." My mate says while nodding his head.

"You? My father? What do you mean by that statement?" I ramble because I'm already confused. Could he be that he and my father have met before? I don't think so.

"Oh well you don't know about it, how about you speak to you father...mindlink him or something to come over." He suggests.

"Hey dad, we have a situation...I think I met my mate." I mindlink my father.

"Ash, where are you? What do you mean by you met your mate?? Where did you wander off to? You mean you've met the Lycan king?." My father rambles on and I can sense fear in him. I've never seen him dad afraid before, he's a brave man that I look up to so the situation must be very bad.

"Lycan King?? You know I have a mate?" I yell.

"Ash, where are you?? Answer me first. " My dad inquires.

"I'm or...…. We are at home, dad you better come and explain what's going on and why I'm ignorant." I counter.

"Okay, I'm coming now...Should I bring Daciana over?" My dad asks.

"No, leave her be ... let her enjoy yourself." I reply him.

"He's on his way? Good....I have questions for him to answer." My mate mutters.

"Wait have we met?? I can't remember meeting anyone like my mate." I ask him because if my dad knows about him, then we must have met.