
Third Holy Mission (2)

Day of Westar, 8:52 a.m.

Somewhere in another slum area located in Luxen City.

A group of 10 Priests, 2 white cloaks and 8 brown cloaks, were accompanied by 8 knights, 2 nobles, 2 helpers: a butler and a maid, and 2 carriages that were carrying supplies.

Vivian was walking alongside Melissa, Havier and Sachion.

"My, my, Lady Priestess Vivian, to think that you learned your first Class Magic in less than a month, that is indeed very impressive!" said Havier.

"It truly is, Lady Priestess Vivian!" said Sachion.

Vivian had no idea if these two nobles address all White Cloaks with "Lady" or not, because Vivian had never heard or seen them directly talk to the Brown Cloaks in a one-on-one conversation.

They only tend to stick with Melissa who was the only White Cloak before Vivian herself became one.

"Thank you, but I know I couldn't have done it without the leadership and guidance of Sister Melissa and the support from all of you," Vivian said and smiled.

Melissa looked at Vivian and gave her a nodding smile.

"Such kind and magnanimous words, Lady Priestess! Your Temple and this city is blessed to have someone like you and Lady Priestess Melissa!" said Havier.

"Indeed," said Sachion. "Lady Priestess Vivian, before you joined the Temple, what was your previous Temple?"

"The Temple of Thieves."

"Oh, so you and Lord Havier used to be on the same Temple?" Sachion said and then looked at Havier.

There was a dark glint in her eyes.

Havier pretended not to have noticed.

"My, my, had I known that you and I used to be part of the same Temple I would've introduced myself properly right away," he said and placed a hand on his chest. "Please accept my humblest apologies, Lady Priestess --"

Vivian raised a hand.

"Please, there's no need. We're all busy people, busy helping all those who are suffering and in need. So it's understandable that we didn't have the chance to properly introduce ourselves with one another. And plus, I only started participating in this Holy Mission two days ago."

A bright smile appeared on Havier's face, while Sachion's face twitched a bit.

"Your kind words are wasted on a person such as myself, Lady Priestess Vivian!" he said and offered a bow.

"Lady Priestess Vivian, since you're such a talented individual, I can already imagine that you must've learned so many Class Magic already during your time in the Temple of Thieves," said Sachion.

"Unfortunately, that's not true. It seems that my true calling was to become a Priestess."

"And I and the rest of us are all proud to call you our sister, Sister Vivian," Melissa said and smiled.

"Likewise, Sister Melissa," Vivian said and smiled.

"Now, let's change topic," Melissa said before turning to Sachion. "Lady Sachion?"

"Ah, yes, Lady Priestess Melissa --" Sachion began rambling about a gossip.

Vivian let out a sigh in relief internally and thank Melissa insider her heart.

If she were to be honest, she was getting sick of talking to them that she'd rather watch a sports game which is something she finds very boring and a complete waste of time.

God, I really wish I had my earphones so that I could pretend like I can't hear these people and then ignore them…


Inside a large room.

Vivian was seated on the side along with Melissa, Havier and Sachion. They were also accompanied by 2 knights who were standing on guard at the doors.

And standing in front of the crowd, there was a Priest and a Priestess, both of which were in the late teens and wearing Brown Cloaks. The Priest was currently telling a story.

Only Vivian and Melissa wore White Cloaks in the entire teaching and feeding Holy Mission group assigned within the city.

Furthermore, unlike Melissa, the Priest and Priestess who were standing in front of the crow were also undoubtedly attractive like Vivian.

"Julius was a young, powerful, wise and kind king who ruled the kingdom of Fratia," said the Priest.

"He was married to a queen named Helena who was reputed to be the fairest woman in the whole kingdom…

"When the whole kingdom heard the news that Queen Helena was pregnant, the people rejoiced for days and prayed that it would be a son be as talented as the king who was born with 5 Magic Art Affinities…

"Months later, when the queen finally gave birth, although the Gods answered the prayer of the people for it to be a boy, they didn't seem to answer the rest…

"The baby was born with underdeveloped legs and arms…

"On top of that, when they checked for the child's Magic Art Affinities, he didn't have any…

"Nevertheless, the King and Queen still promised to love the child with all of their heart no matter what…

"A year later, it was announced that the Queen was pregnant once again…

"And once again, the people rejoiced for days and prayed that it would be a son who would be as talented as the king…

"Months later, when the queen finally gave birth, this time around, the Gods didn't answer the prayer of the people for it to be a son, but they answered the rest…

"The child was a girl and was born with Magic Art 5 Affinities like her father the King…

"Nevertheless, the King and Queen still promised to love the child with all of their heart no matter what…

"Another year passed and it was announced that the Queen was pregnant…

"This time around, although many rejoiced, it wasn't the same loud and enthusiastic compared to the first two announcements and it only lasted for a day…

"When the Queen finally gave birth, it turned out to be a boy…

"However, although healthy, he only had 1 Magic Art Affinity…"

"Nevertheless, the King and Queen still promised to love the child with all of their heart no matter what…

"However, the whole kingdom of Fratia was at a loss…

"The first and third child were useless, while the second child was talented like her father but a girl… 

"Some of the king's advisers even suggested to the King to take another wife…

"But he refused because his heart only belonged to his wife…

"Years later, when all of the children were passed 15 years old, the kingdom was in a decrepit state...

"The first child turned out to be quite intelligent that legendary and famous scholars from around the world would seek him out to have a conversation…

"But he was still a cripple and had no Magic Art so he couldn't rule the kingdom…

"The second child was indeed very powerful since she was born with 5 Magic Art Affinities just like her father… 

"But although she was extremely powerful and loved fighting, she lacked the capacity to make sound decisions. She was also a woman so she was only bound to be married off to another royal family and couldn't carry the family's last name…

"The third child turned out to be very average in all areas. The only redeeming quality he had was his kind heart…

"Because of all of this, the spirit of the people in the kingdom of Fratia was down, while the neighboring kingdoms were greedily eyeing Fratia, waiting for King Julius to pass away before making their move…

"However, as years continued to pass, some neighboring countries couldn't take it anymore and started moving...

"And just when the kingdom of Fratia was about to be devoured by its enemies, that's when King Julius revealed his secret card…

"In order to save his kingdom, he became a demon-worshiper and an immortal…

"He also made his family demon-worshipers and immortals…

"However, the cost of all of this was tens of millions of the lives of the people of Fratia and the enemies of Fratia had to be sacrificed in order for the King and his family to become demon-worshipers and immortals…

"And when this family became demon-worshiping immortals, they began to rampage throughout the whole country, devouring and torturing every human settlement they could find…

"The once powerful, wise and kind king who ruled the kingdom of Fratia no longer existed…

"Although his goal was to save his kingdom, the demonic power was too great that it corrupted his and his family's souls until they became nothing but mindless beasts who cared nothing but causing pain and destruction to the world…

"Fortunately, the remaining good and kind kingdoms who didn't participate in the war between Fratia and its enemies, joined forces together with the Temples, especially the Temple of Priests, to stop the demon-worshiper Julius and his family.

"It wasn't an easy battle, of course… 

"After all, Julius was not only a being who had 5 Magic Art Affinities and had mastered them, but was also once a very wise king…

"He also had his son who, despite being a cripple, was extremely intelligent and his daughter who was also born with 5 Magic Art Affinities…

"But in the end, the demon-worshiper former king and his family were defeated…

"So what is the moral lesson of this story?

"It is true that Julius' goal was to save his family and his kingdom.

"However, it is also true that nothing good comes from using the power of the demons because it will only cause pain and suffering to everyone around you, and you will also lose your sanity, becoming nothing but a mindless beast whose only desire is to cause pain and suffering." 



Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading!

By the way, I posted some Chapter Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n. And to view them, you can read them at…

• https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades

There, you will have access to the Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.

Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when those said Chapter Drafts will be published here, there will be some edits. And at the moment, Chapter Drafts 147-206 are posted there.

And since this will be my first time posting Chapter Drafts for this novel, I will be posting 60 Chapter Drafts for the first month (November). After that, it will be around 30 Chapter Drafts each month.

I would like to give my special thanks for this month's Patrons:


Thank you once again and I will see you in the next chapter.