
The Beach In The Fantasy World

"Huh?" "Save the world?" "Help those in need?" "Why in God's name would I care about that if I won't get anything that I want in return?" "Go bother someone else, I have better things to do." "Now let me grind in peace or I'll destroy everyone and everything you love, weakling!" A beautiful, kind and pure soul from the modern world got transmigrated to another world of fantasy and magic set in the medieval era. Trapped and stranded in a new world, the beautiful, kind and pure soul decides to climb the ranks with the power of friendship and hopes to one day become an outstanding citizen who is loved and respected by all. ******************************** I don't know why I can't add the exact tags I want for female-lead novels so I'm just going to write them here • #genderswap • #transmigration • #weaktostrong • #overpoweredprotagonist • #villain • #ruthlessprotagonist • #evilprotagonist • #action • #fantasy • #mature • #sliceoflife • #slowburn ******************************** Vivian's social media: Instagram: vivian_lightstorm Facebook: Vivian Vivian TikTok: vivian.lightstorm Author being shameless because he can't get a contract: https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades

Immortal_Shades · Action
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264 Chs

Lady Business No. 3 (2)

Day of Fratur, 7:42 am.


Vivian was outside and waiting in front of the Apothecary Shop.


Although she was wearing an all-black clothes along with her White Cloak, she wasn't wearing any underwear.


Her head would whip left and right from time to time.


There were some sweepers cleaning the road, all of which were Brown Cloaks. There were also people walking and heading to start their day.


Where is the bitch who's in charge of this shop…?!


Fucking get here and fucking open already…!


Aside from bleeding, the pain that she felt in her lower abdomen and back worsened and she even started having headaches. And no matter how much she healed herself, the pain still persisted.


A few minutes later, the person she was looking for finally appeared.


It was a White Cloak Priestess with glasses and her hair was still wet.


When the woman finally got to the shop to open it, Vivian stood up and went over to her.


"Excuse me, sister."


The woman turned to her.


"I'm very sorry for bothering you but I have an emergency. Do you sell napkins here or something that stops red days? I really need one right now."


Vivian wasn't even sure if napkins existed in this world.


The woman's eyes became wide. As a woman herself, she knew the struggle of having periods.


"Yes, sister. We have pads and wipes. We also have some potions to ease any pain you're feeling," the woman said and then quickly opened the door of the shop.


Upon entering the shop, the woman immediately started to gather the items that Vivian needed.


"Do you live in the female dorm?" asked the woman.




"I also live there, in room 2-13."


"I'm at 3-08."


The woman was finally done gathering all of the items and she placed them on top of the counter.


"If you ever find yourself in a situation like this again, please don't hesitate to come at my room. I have some stock there. There's also some stock at Sister Lorei's office. I'm Joaquin, by the way."


"I'll keep that in mind, Sister Joaquin. Thank you. I'm Vivian."


The items that Joaquin gathered were 10 napkins, 10 potions and 3 packs of wipes, and she began wrapping them with a brown paper.


Vivian bit her own tongue to stop herself from asking how to use them, especially the 10 potions. But given that she's 24 years old, it would be very suspicious if she had no idea on how to use them.


"Thank you, Sister Joaquin," Vivian said and smiled after paying for the items using her pendant.


"You're welcome, Sister Vivian," the woman said and smiled back.




Day of Fratur, 8:01 am.


Vivian was rushing to the Training Grounds and didn't care if anyone thought she was acting childish for walking too fast.


After buying the things she needed from the Apothecary Shop, she went back to her room to put on the napkin and wear underwear.


She didn't even bother to wash. She simply wiped herself.


Whether she wore the napkin properly or not, she had no idea, because this was her first time wearing one and it wasn't like there was the internet where she could just watch a tutorial video or anyone that she could ask about due to her blue blood.


And if she were to be honest, she felt a bit uncomfortable moving around with a napkin between her legs and constant bleeding. And in regards to the napkin, it felt like having a male reproductive organ once again. Only this time, it felt like her balls were spread wide all the way from the side and up to the back.


She even thought about running instead of walking too fast. But she was afraid that it might slip to the side or whatever horrific accident might happen.


She also drank one of the potions that Joaquin sold her and felt a little better -- the headache and the pain in her lower abdomen and back lessened.


Nevertheless, she still felt uncomfortable, weak and sluggish.


Vivian finally arrived at the Training Grounds and went straight to Melissa who was talking with another White Cloak Priestess.


"Sister Melissa, I'm very sorry for interrupting," said Vivian.


When Melissa and the other Priestess turned to Vivian, they were surprised to see that Vivian's face was covered in sweat.


"Sister Vivian, good morning. You've been training?" Melissa said and smiled.


"Sister Melissa, good morning, too. I'm very sorry but I can't attend today. I came here today to tell you that I'm currently on my period and I'm really not feeling well."


Vivian heard that most women, at least the well-mannered ones, are very conscious of talking about their period, especially in public. She also doesn't know if such practice applies to this world as well.


But at this moment, Vivian couldn't care about such things. She was bleeding, she wasn't sure if she was wearing the napkin correctly and it felt uncomfortable, she could still feel a bit of pain from her lower abdomen and back and still also had a slight headache despite taking the potion, she was covered in sweat, she hasn't taken a proper bath since this began so she feels dirty, she hasn't slept the whole night from training, and she hasn't eaten breakfast yet.


An understanding look appeared on Melissa and the other Priestess' faces.


"It's okay, sister. I won't mark you as absent today. Please have a proper rest," Melissa said and smiled.


"Thank you, sister," Vivian said and then left.




At the Tailoring Shop.


When Vivian entered the shop, she immediately headed towards the clerk.


"Hello, sister. I want to buy some underwear, towels and sleeping gowns."


"Okay, sister," replied the woman.


Due to this current problem that she was dealing with, she decided to buy more clothes. And as for washing them, she would just wash them once she feels better.


"Do you also have baskets here for dirty clothes?" asked Vivian.


"Yes, we do."


In the end, Vivian bought 3 black and 5 dark blue pairs of bras and underwear, 3 black and 5 dark blue stretchable and fitting long-sleeves, 3 black and 5 dark stretchable and fitting pants, 3 dark blue towels, 2 black and 2 dark blue sleeping gowns, 2 black and 2 dark blue silk robes, 3 baskets, and 2 sandals.




At the Female Dormitory.


Vivian's hair was wet because she had taken a bath earlier and was currently lying down on her bed while wearing nothing but a fresh pair of dark blue bra and underwear. And of course, underneath her underwear was also a new napkin.


She also still feels some slight pain in her lower abdomen and back, and also still has a slight headache.


"Hehehe…" Vivian let out a weak chuckle.


"To think that I have all this power and yet is still under the mercy of biology…"


"What a joke…"


"This gender is a complete joke…"


Given that she was a man in her previous world, this was, of course, her first time experiencing a menstrual cycle and never expected that it would be this annoying.


She heard about women complaining about how uncomfortable it was. Some even claimed that they would have crazy cramps which would render them bedridden.


But as a man, she thought that women were just being too dramatic as usual. But after experiencing it herself, it really changed her perception about it.


And I have to experience this every month…?!




Vivian face-palmed herself.




She pulled her hand away from her face.


I can't believe how expensive and high-maintenance it is to be a woman…


Back in her previous world, although Vivian had some things and only bought things that with high quality in order to save money because they lasted longer, not to mention they also looked better, the feeling she felt right now pained her.


And she was an aspiring fitness influencer so she had a strict budget for her meals.


There's rent, there's food, there's clothes, there's makeup and the other daily cosmetics and hygiene products, there's Magic Items... 


And then there's this…


My God…!


I'm going to be broke if I keep this up…!


And not even the lending system of the Temple of Priests' bank can save me…!


She closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep.





Hello guys, belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


I have a few announcements to make: 


1) I received my new laptop around the second week of December but I was already in vacation mode with my family so I wasn't able to write that much.


2) Starting now, I will drop most of the gimmicks I've been doing. 


I just want to focus on writing and posting.


Having said that, I will only be posting 5 chapters per week here at WebNovel. Meanwhile, at Patreon, it would be at least 5 per week.


As to why, that's because in the later chapters I'm writing around 2,000 words each chapter compared to the earlier chapters which were only 1,200-1,500 each.


On top of that, I also have two small businesses that I'm managing and other personal matters.


So yeah, my hands are quite full and I hope that you will understand.


By the way, I posted some Chapter Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n. And to view them, you can read them at…


• https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades


There, you will have access to the Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.


Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when those said Chapter Drafts will be published here, there will be some edits. And at the moment, Chapter Drafts 207-219 are posted there.


I would like to give my special thanks for this month's Patrons:




Thank you once again and I will see you in the next chapter.


Again, belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!




I don't know why but WebNovel isn't allowing me to publish any new chapters. I've trying to publish this but it's not letting me!

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