
The Beach In The Fantasy World

"Huh?" "Save the world?" "Help those in need?" "Why in God's name would I care about that if I won't get anything that I want in return?" "Go bother someone else, I have better things to do." "Now let me grind in peace or I'll destroy everyone and everything you love, weakling!" A beautiful, kind and pure soul from the modern world got transmigrated to another world of fantasy and magic set in the medieval era. Trapped and stranded in a new world, the beautiful, kind and pure soul decides to climb the ranks with the power of friendship and hopes to one day become an outstanding citizen who is loved and respected by all. ******************************** I don't know why I can't add the exact tags I want for female-lead novels so I'm just going to write them here • #genderswap • #transmigration • #weaktostrong • #overpoweredprotagonist • #villain • #ruthlessprotagonist • #evilprotagonist • #action • #fantasy • #mature • #sliceoflife • #slowburn ******************************** Vivian's social media: Instagram: vivian_lightstorm Facebook: Vivian Vivian TikTok: vivian.lightstorm Author being shameless because he can't get a contract: https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades

Immortal_Shades · Action
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264 Chs

First Holy Mission

Vivian entered the room next door and found herself in what looked like a library.


There were shelves of books on the side and long tables in the middle with a few people sitting on them. And near the entrance, there was a counter that looked like a librarian's desk and a kind-looking old woman with glasses dressed in a white cloak sitting behind it.


Vivian went over to the woman.


"Hi, excuse me, sister," she said and took out the small piece of wood. "I was sent here from the other room to learn how to read and write."


When the old woman saw the item on Vivian's hand, she flashed a very kind smile, got up from her seat and went over to Vivian.


"Welcome, sister. May I know your name?"




"Sister Vivian, I am Sister Annabelle," said the woman. "Please follow me, sister."


Vivian followed behind and she was led to one of the tables.


At the table, there were 3 people in white cloaks sitting -- one female and 2 males.


The female and one of the males were having a chat with each other, while the remaining male, who had dark skin, was reading a book.


"Brothers and sister, this is Sister Vivian."

The trio turned them to Annabelle and Vivian and greeted them with a smile.


"She's here for tutorial lessons."


When they heard what Annabelle said, their eyes shined.


Annabelle turned to Vivian.


"Sister Vivian, this is Sister Marie, Brother Carr and Brother Said. Please choose who you want to be your tutor."


Vivian's eyes blinked a few times.


Marie and Carr were in their late teens, while Said was in his early 20s -- he was also the one with dark skin. But what made Vivian confused was that they were all too good-looking.


They were too good-looking that they could pass off as high-fashion models back in her previous world.


What's going on here...?


What kind of tutoring business have I been led into...?


Vivian thought about it for a moment.


If Vivian was still a man, he would definitely choose Said in a heartbeat because Said was older than Carr. As for Marie, the only reason why she wouldn't choose her is because she would only be distracted by her beauty and trying to hide her lust.


After all, Vivian was a 24-year-old fit man, so her libido was quite high.


Vivian finally decided.


"Sister Marie, if you don't mind, I would like you to be my tutor."


Marie got up and a bright and cheerful smile appeared on her face.


"Leave it to me, Sister Vivian! Please follow me," she said as she grabbed Vivian's hand and led her to another table.


Carr let out a wry smile and Said resumed reading the book he was holding. Annabelle, on the other hand, smiled sweetly before returning back to her desk.


As for why Vivian chose Marie, the reason was quite simple. She was a woman now. She wouldn't have to suffer from trying to suppress her boner and also be conscious of hiding it.




At Vivian and Marie's table.


Both women were seated side-by-side and Vivian could smell a soft and pleasing scent coming from her. She couldn't tell if it was shampoo or perfume. Nevertheless, Vivian liked it so she decided to ask her once they were done.


"Sister Vivian, did you receive a token before coming here?"


Vivian took out the piece of wood that she received from the other room.


"This one?"


"Yes, that's the one," she said and her eyes glistened.


"Should I give to you?"


"Not right now if you want to."


"I'll just give it to you. I hate carrying too many things."


She passed the item to Marie.


"Thank you, sister," she said and immediately hid it under her cloak as if it was the most precious thing in the world and someone would steal it from her any moment the longer it was exposed in the open.


Vivian pretended that she didn't notice anything.


Did I just make the wrong decision…?


She shook her head mentally.


Right now I need to learn how to read and write right as soon as possible... 


So that I can finally just focus on earning money and leveling up my skills…


I can't wait to level up my [Light Mastery] and fucking get [Greater Heal]…!


"Sister Vivian, I need to assess your reading and writing level so that I can teach you appropriately. Do you know the Zonian alphabet?"


"Not a single one."


A surprised expression appeared on Marie's face but she quickly managed to suppress it.


In her head, even if Vivian couldn't read or write, given her age, there must a least be some words or phrases that she could recognize.


Unless, of course, she was a foreigner.


However, based on Vivian's accent, she was definitely a local. So the only plausible explanation was that Vivian must've been trapped in a place for all of her life where she had no access to words and letters.


Which, of course, seems too crazy to be the case.


"Okay... I'll be right back." 


Marie got up and headed over to one of the bookshelves on the side to grab a book. When she returned, she opened the book and began flipping pages.


"This is the Zonian alphabet."


Vivian's eyes blinked a few times as she stared at the page that Marie was showing her.


There were about 42 symbols -- some were shorter, others were longer.


"Once you memorize this, we will start reading."




A couple of minutes later…


Vivian was reciting each alphabet that Marie pointed.


Some alphabets still took her some time to remember. But for the most part, she already got the gist of it.


"Congratulations, Sister Vivian. I'm impressed with your progress."


"Thanks. Can we start reading now?"


Back in her previous world, given that it was a world operating in a globalized market for decades combined with the advancement of technology, everything was very competitive that it was common for people, especially adults, to know at least 3 languages.


On top of that, since Vivian can speak the language that the locals here in Luxen City were speaking thanks to the power bestowed on her from the Zhey/Zhem God, once she got the gist of the alphabet, it was easy to identify and read them.


"Now?" Marie asked with a surprised expression on her face.


"Yes. Or is there a time limit on how long you can tutor me?"


Marie let out a wry smile.


"Well, there isn't exactly a time limit…"


"I understand. If you don't mind, just help me read for 20-30 minutes. After that, I'll read on my own. I have some important errands to run."


"Okay, please wait for a moment." 


Marie got up and headed over to the bookshelves once again to grab another book.


When she returned, she gave the book to Vivian.


Compared to the first book, it was thinner that it was more of a pamphlet or a children's book.


"If you're going to read, I recommend this one. It's simple and has a story. And then tomorrow or the next day after that, we can start practicing how to write."

