
Brew Town (2)

Vivian was walking around the town square and there were a lot of people, mostly her fellow Priests and Priestesses, around.


Is it just me or is there no Adventurer's Guild here…?


She thought about asking some of the locals but dropped it.


She was currently traveling with the Temple of Priests and she didn't want to attract any unnecessary attention.


Do Priests and Adventurers not mix…?


Vivian continued walking until something caught her attention.


Now that looks like a real Blacksmith Shop…!


The Blacksmith Shop was a small and open-air house. There were 2 men in their 30s working on items -- one was forging a sword, while the other one was designing a leather armor. There were also different kinds of weapons displayed on the side such as spears, axes, shields, bows and arrows, and etc.


These weapons look cheap…


Although Vivian couldn't tell what metal they were forged with, based on the weapon designs, they looked inferior compared to the ones back at the Market District.


I've seen better weapons from the street vendors…


The blacksmith who was currently designing a leather armor stopped what he was doing and looked at Vivian, which caught in surprise for a moment because he didn't expect her to be quite beautiful.


"How may I help you, Honored Priestess?" 


"Please don't mind me, I'm only here to check," Vivian said and smiled.


"Okay," he said and returned to his work.


"By the way, I just want to ask," said Vivian.


The blacksmith stopped and looked at her.




"What metal grades do you sell here?"


"We sell anything from Iron to Mithril here."


"You don't sell Orichalcum and Adamantite?"


"Not many people can afford them in this town. And even if someone could, they would rather order and have it delivered here or go to the main city."


"I see."


Vivian wanted to ask more but decided not to. After all, she wasn't a paying customer and the blacksmiths appeared to be busy.


"Thank you for your time," she said and then left.


Vivian entered another shop.


This time it was an Apothecary Shop but not quite.


Although there were the usual items that one would find in an Apothecary shop, there were some items that she was surprised to see.


"Hello, excuse me, what is this?" Vivian asked the shopkeeper and pointed at an item.


"That is a [Heal] Magic Scroll, Honored Priestess."


There are Magic Scrolls in this world…?!


The symbols…


It's similar to the Runes on Magic Items…


The Magic Scroll was as large as a short bondpaper but wasn't exactly paper. It was similar to leather but thinner and it had a light yellow texture.


"How much is this?"


"10 silver coins."


It's so cheap…


"Are Magic Scrolls only a one-time use?"


"Yes, Honored Priestess."




I see…


No wonder I didn't notice it back at Luxen City…


As far as Vivian can remember, based on what Marie has told her, if a person wanted to avail the services of a Priest at the Temple of Priests, [Heal] was 5 silver coins per heal while [Greater Heal] was 1 gold coin. And if the person wanted to take a Priest to another location or bring a Priest along with him, depending on the location, the minimum was 1 gold coin for [Heal] and 5 gold coins for [Greater Heal].


There was also the Healing Potions. A Small-Healing Potion costs 5 silver coins, Medium costs 10 silver coins and High costs 20 silver coins.


"Do you also have other Magic Scrolls?"


"Yes, we have all Low-tier Spells."


"Low-tier spells like [Fire Arrow], [Wind Arrow] and [Soul Strike]?"


"Yes, Honored Priestess."


"I see. And they're all 20 silver coins?"


"It depends on the quality of the paper. The ones with higher quality can cast up attack-type spells up to silver grade Magic Force which can cost up to 10 gold coins."


10 gold coins for silver grade Magic Force…?!


And it's only a one-time use…?!


I might as well just buy a Magic Weapon…!


Mithril-grade Magic Weapons only cost around 70 gold coins…


I think…?


Or was it 80 gold coins…?


And the recharging is 10 gold coins…!


But at least it isn't a one-time use…!


Vivian looked at the Magic Scroll.


Well, I guess such items are for weak and poor people…






"By the way, are there Magic Scrolls with [Resurrection] magic?"


A confused look appeared on the shopkeeper's face because Vivian was a Priest, a White Cloak and appeared to be around her mid-20s.


"I'm very sorry, Honored Priestess, but Magic Scrolls can't hold Class Magic."


"I see," said Vivian. "Are there Magic Scrolls that can boost mana recovery? And if yes, how long will it last?"


"Magic Scrolls can only hold Affinity Spells and only Low and Mid-tier spells."


"And the highest Magic Force is only silver grade?"


"Mithril grade which costs 10 platinum coins and we don't sell them here. We only sell up to silver grade."


"I see."




Only for poor and weak people indeed…


No wonder…


Definitely not worth bothering…


What a huge scam…


Vivian turned away to check another shop.


When she was heading for the exit, she bumped into someone.


"Sister Vivian, right?" a male voice said.


She stopped and looked at the man.


It was one of the good-looking friends of Carr and Said from last night and she didn't know his name because Vivian excused herself before they even got to introduce each other.


"Yes, brother?"


"Sorry, but you might not remember me but we met last night and I'm a close friend of Brother Carr and Brother Said."


"I see. How may I help you, brother?"


"Nothing actually. I was looking around to buy some things here and didn't expect to see you here. So I decided to say hi."


"Ah, I see. Hello."


"I'm Franz, by the way."


"I'm Vivian."


"Anyhow, please excuse me. See you around, sister," he said and smiled before moving on.




6:34 p.m.


All of the Priests and the Tamers in charge of managing the carriages were gathered in front of a two-story wide house which was actually the Temple of Priest headquarters for this Brew Town.


Clementine, the Red Cloak Priestess from the Heisen Chapter was standing behind a table and holding a cup in her hand. 


Beside her were 2 Red Cloak Priests stationed here in Brew Town, Isaac, Cornelio, the leader of the Temple of Tamers accompanying them, and 4 high-profile citizens of the town who were also holding a cup.


And around all of them were the Priests and the rest of the members of the convoy.


Clementine raised her cup.


"As you may already know, my name is Clementine from the Heisen Chapter Temple and the leader of this expedition.


"Tomorrow afternoon, we will be arriving at the Holy City, the capital of the Holy Kingdom and the main base of the Temple of Priests.


"For most of you, you will be there for the Holy Crusade.


"Some of you here are veterans and some of you are newcomers.


"I don't know when will our paths cross once again.


"But I pray to the God of Light that whatever endeavor you will face, you will succeed.


"And when our paths cross once again, and I say this to everyone here, it will be us fighting and celebrating together for our victory against the demons, the demon worshipers, the heretics and the forces of darkness.


"May the God of Light continue to watch over you all!" she said and then drank her cup.


"May the God of Light continue to watch over you as well!" all of the Priests replied and raised their cups before drinking.


Meanwhile, those who weren't part of the Temple of Priests simply raised their cups and then drank.


After drinking their cups, the party began. To be specific, it was a feast and the main dish was fish.


"It looks so delicious!" said a White Cloak Priest.


"You're right!" said another White Cloak Priest.


"Sister Marie, let's try that this over there," said Elena.


Marie nodded and then turned to look at 2 other women beside her.


"Sister Vivian, Sister Kara, let's go."


"Okay, Sister Marie!" Kara replied excitedly, her mood greatly influenced by the party's atmosphere.


Vivian, on the other hand, didn't say anything and just followed behind.


What kind of fish are those…?


According to what she has learned, seafood, especially fish, is an expensive commodity in this world.


Unlike the land mammals where one could chop off the limbs and then cast [Greater Heal] to repair the lost limbs, giving people an unlimited supply of meat, fish was different. With fish, there were no limbs to chop off and then cast [Greater Heal] in order to harvest it over and over. It was either dead or one had to cast [Resurrection] which wasn't exactly a common Class Magic spell in the Temple of Priests.


As a matter of fact, it was one of the reasons why Marie and Elena wanted to join the Sea Division this time around. Aside from traveling across the sea, they also wanted to enjoy all kinds of seafood.


"Here, Sister Vivian," Kara said and offered Vivian a plate and spoon.


"Thank you, sister," Vivian said and smiled. "No fork?"


"Fish is best eaten with hands, sister," said Elena.


"That's true," said Marie.


"Is this your first time eating fish, Sister Vivian?" asked Kara.




Vivian didn't know how to answer.


After all, back in her original world, fish was fairly common. 


After they all filled their plates with food, they went to search for a table.


"Over here, Sister Marie!" Carr called and waved.


He was sitting on a long table and there were a couple of vacant seats.


Marie and the rest went over there and sat down.


"We've saved these seats for you ladies. Said and Franz went to grab some meals for us, while Jurgen went to grab the drinks," said Carr.


"Thanks!" Marie said and smiled.


"Don't mention it," Carr said and smiled.


Elena, on the other hand, was staring dangerously at Carr.


Meanwhile, Kara was staring at Carr with blushed cheeks.


And as for Vivian, she ignored all of them and was solely focused on her meal.


This is going to be hard…


There's no fork…


And I don't want to use my hands when eating…


"Please excuse me, I'm going to find some fork," Vivian said and left.


After Vivian finally found a fork and returned to her table, she noticed something odd.


Apparently, while she was away, Marie, Carr and the others decided to change their seats.


Marie was seated between Carr and Elena.


Kara was seated between Carr and a Priest named Jurgen.


And as for Vivian, she was seated between Elena and Franz.


Only Said was sandwiched between Jurgen and Franz.




Vivian clicked her tongue as she slowly made her way back to her seat.


"Sister Vivian, were you able to find a fork?" asked Elena.


"Yeah…" she replied and waved the fork on her hand.


"Sister Vivian, fancy meeting you here," Franz said and smiled.


"Hi," Vivian said and forced a smile before eating.


The others began talking, while Vivian silently ate.


"Sister Vivian, is the food not to your liking?" asked Franz.


"It's fine."


"That's good to hear," he said and smiled.


"Brother Franz, did you know that Vivian has a very healthy appetite? She might be small, but you'll be surprised," said Elena.


"Really? That's amazing. I find it very refreshing to see a lady with a healthy appetite," said Franz.


"If you ask me, I think nobility should drop all these etiquette they imposed, especially for women," said Carr. "Everyone, regardless of their gender and status, must be able to act how they want."


"I agree," said Marie. "Not to mention how uncomfortable it is to a wear dress that's trying to strangle you to death while you're eating."


They chuckled.


"Sister Marie, us men also suffer, you know," said Jurgen. "Do you know how suffocating our necks feel from collars?"


"Are you seriously trying to compare a corset and a necktie?" Elena interjected.


They all chuckled once more.


Everyone here except Vivian, Said and Kara weren't part of the nobility. However, Kara was a daughter of a rich merchant.


"Let's change the topic," said Franz. "Are you guys going to join the same Division or are you guys changing?"


"Sister Marie and I are joining the Sea Division this time," said Elena.


"I was originally planning to join either the Air or Exploratory Division this time around, but decided to just continue with the Infantry Division," said Carr.


"Same here," said Jurgen.


"I'm planning to apply for the Inquisitory Division," said Said.


"I'm planning to join the Infantry Division," Kara said with a small voice and stared down. But she would occasionally glance at Carr from time to time.


"Sister Vivian?" asked Franz.


Vivian bit her tongue and she suppressed the urge to kick Franz.


She took a deep breath and turned to him.




"What Division are planning to join?"


She then noticed that everyone was looking at her.


"You're planning to join the Exploratory Division, right?" said Elena.


"Ah… Yeah," said Vivian.


"Oh, so you're planning to join the Exploratory Division, Sister Vivian," said Franz.




Marie chuckled.


"Everyone, please leave Sister Vivian alone and let her eat in peace. She's the serious type. Whatever she does, whether it's training, studying or eating, once she sets her mind on something, that's the only thing she cares about."


"Is that so? I'll keep that in mind," Franz said and smiled. 




Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


By the way, I posted some Chapter Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n. And to view them, you can read them at…




There, you will have access to the Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.


Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when those said Chapter Drafts will be published here, there will be some edits. They also involve a few secret outline notes/details that I won't publish here because they contain a lot of spoilers or dispel a lot of mysteries. And at the moment, Chapter Drafts 230-235 are posted there.


I would like to give my special thanks for this month's Patrons:


• GrimV


Thank you once again and I will see you in the next chapter.