
The bay of black dolphins

Not many knew, that before Victoria disappeared out of public sight and from newspaper front titles, she used to keep a rigorous diary. Detectives found it in the basement of the residence of Pierrot - the infamous terrorist, who vanished at the same time as his girlfriend in crime. The diary started with the first mentioning of Victoria's promising career ambitions as a psychologist, and also of her beloved brother, who was kidnapped soon after his wedding. As it turned out - and it helped to understand next step of a few key participants of the case - Victoria soon quitted her job and joined the criminal world not out of her professional interest to psychopaths, but because it was her plan to become one of them in order to find her brother, from the start.

Linda_Tint · Urban
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13 Chs

Spoiled birthday

In a day of my birthday Pierrot brought a basket of roses to our session. He looked better than me – full of energy, in his new bright yellow smoking with a green tie.

- Where is this costume from? - I asked, hesitating to accept the present. - And how did you manage to bring the flowers?

- Well, I left a few other baskets at reception, - he explained, sounding gladly. - And the costume was stolen, of course!

He gave out a maniacal laugh.

Later, secretary confirmed that they didn't see any flowers, or any patients walking in unusual clothes.

- You should think about finishing those sessions with him, - Terry warned me, when I told her about our unusual session. - It turns out that you are falling in love with your patient.

- This is ridiculous, - I denied. - He is just going through maniacal phase, which may result in a better health condition, and I try not to prevent it.

At the end of the day, when I was putting dark fresh roses in the vase, I noticed a small perfurmed paper between its petals. "Happy birthday, miss Vendetti" - the hand-writing in it was crossed with a badly drawn heart.