
The battle of the Gods: Reincarnation Game

Following the journey of Phoenix, a college boy whose life takes an unexpected turn when he becomes embroiled in a mystical game called "The Battle of the Gods." Unbeknownst to him, Phoenix is not only a player in the game but also the reincarnation of Hades, the ancient Greek god of the underworld. Unassuming and desiring a quiet life, Phoenix finds himself thrust into a world beyond imagination. Participants from different mythologies are chosen as contestants, with the purpose of competing to decide the fate of both the mortal and divine realms. Greek gods, Norse deities, Egyptian pharaohs, and other legendary figures feature in this epic battle. While many embrace their godly powers and fame, Phoenix is determined to resist the spotlight. Instead, he chooses to lead a solitary existence, dedicating himself to quietly tending to the souls that arrive in the underworld. The souls that cross over are not merely lost spirits; they carry secrets, stories, and longings that touch Phoenix's empathetic soul. As the Battle of Gods progresses, Phoenix's innate connection to the realms of life and death becomes more apparent. The other contestants begin to suspect that Phoenix possesses immense power, and many seek to exploit him for their gain. However, Phoenix remains steadfast in his refusal to join the frenzy of the gods' power struggle. Despite his reluctance, it becomes increasingly evident that Phoenix's destiny lies at the center of this cosmic battle. The game's fate is deeply intertwined with his existence, and by avoiding the spotlight, he risks endangering both the mortal and divine realms. To protect what he holds dear, Phoenix must find the courage to embrace his true nature and boldly face the forces even if it means stepping out of the shadows.

Ccleavell · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Dragon Guardian

Having a dragon by your side is certainly convenient for travel, but it also attracts a lot of unwanted attention. I give my dragon a pat on the head and tell it to keep watch over my castle while I'm gone.

I need to reach Persephone without drawing any attention to myself. Glancing at my menu options, I notice that I haven't learned how to teleport between realms yet.

However, I see an unselected skill that allows me to move between realms with a 20-minute waiting period. I bite my lip, realizing that we will have to make sure we are in the right place for 20 minutes while rescuing Persephone or risk getting caught in a difficult situation.

I am aware that a battle is inevitable and if I emerge victorious, there will be rewards waiting for me. I just have to figure out how to prolong the fight. I turn towards Thanatos, determined to make a plan.

"Where can I find Pirithous?" I admit, that my knowledge of this game's realms is lacking at best. My map is mostly blank except for a few marked locations.

Thanatos peers at me, a sly smile playing on his lips as he looks at me mischievously. "Pirithous, you say? He's from the kingdom of Lapiths in Larissa. A king, no less. And Hades, I had a feeling you wouldn't spend too much time expanding your map. Let me guess, you wanted to stay out of the spotlight? Just like back in college. But we're in a new world now, Phoenix. Embrace it! You are Hades."

I narrow my eyes at Thanatos, the mischievous glint in his eyes reflecting a part of me that I had long kept hidden. Yes, I was Hades, the ruler of the underworld, but I had chosen to keep a low profile, hiding behind a veil of anonymity. It was safer that way. But now, with Persephone's life hanging in the balance, I had no choice but to step into the spotlight.

"Fine," I say through gritted teeth, my voice laced with determination.

"Take me to Lapiths in Larissa."

Thanatos grins wider and claps his hands together excitedly. "Ah, finally! Time to show you what this game is truly capable of." He raises his hand, summoning a swirling portal next to us.

With a deep inhale, I bravely step into the swirling portal, my entire body buzzing with excitement and nerves. The vibrant hues of red, blue, and green whip around me, pulling me deeper into the unknown.

As the swirling colors dissipate, I find myself standing in a lush, verdant forest. The air is heavy with the scent of earth and blooming flowers, a stark contrast to the dark and somber atmosphere of my castle back in the underworld. The trees tower above me, their branches reaching toward the sky like ancient sentinels.

Thanatos steps out of the portal behind me, his eyes scanning our surroundings. "Welcome to Lapiths, Hades," he says with a smirk. "Now, let's go find Pirithous."

With a nod, I follow Thanatos as we navigate through the dense forest. The sunlight filters through the foliage, casting dappled shadows on the ground. The silence is broken only by the rustling of leaves under our feet and the distant chirping of birds.

As we venture deeper into the heart of Lapiths, signs of civilization begin to emerge. We pass by quaint cottages nestled among the trees, their smoke-filled chimneys spiraling into the sky. The smell of freshly baked bread wafts through the air, tempting my senses and reminding me that even in this virtual realm, there is a semblance of life.

Thanatos leads me to a bustling marketplace at the center of the kingdom. Colorful stalls line the streets, their vendors hawking their wares with animated gestures and boisterous voices. The sound of haggling and laughter fills the air as people go about their daily lives, seemingly unaware of the impending danger lurking beneath their seemingly peaceful existence.

I am suddenly bombarded with a warning message as I approach the castle ahead. It's not as grand as the one in the underworld, but still imposing in its size. This must be where Persephone is being held captive by our enemy.

I turn towards Thanatos and speak in a resolute, hushed tone. "We can't rush into the castle without a plan. Do we have any knowledge about Pirithous and his strategies? Any vulnerabilities we can take advantage of?"

Thanatos strokes his chin, his eyes narrowing in thought. "Pirithous is known for his cunning tactics and strategic mind," he says, his voice laced with a hint of caution. "He will have guards posted at every entrance, and the castle itself is fortified with powerful enchantments. We'll need to find a way to bypass his defenses if we're going to rescue Persephone."

I glance back at the castle, then turn to face Thanatos. "Ideally, I would prefer to avoid any unwanted attention. However, completing my quest is necessary for me to live a peaceful life. So, let's stir up some trouble." I grin slyly at Thanatos.

Thanatos chuckles, his eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and excitement. "Ah, the Phoenix I know and love. Stirring up trouble is what we do best," he says, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

I lean in closer to Thanatos, lowering my voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Let's create a diversion," I suggest, my mind already racing with possibilities. "If we can draw the guards away from the castle gates, it will give us a chance to slip inside undetected."

"I got the perfect idea." Thanatos snaps his fingers and within seconds a swarm of shadowy tendrils materializes around us. The tendrils twist and morph, taking on the shape of a small army of skeletal warriors. With a wave of his hand, Thanatos sends them charging toward the marketplace, their ethereal swords clashing and shields clanging.

As chaos ensues, the guards stationed at the castle gates start to abandon their posts, rushing towards the commotion. It's our chance to slip away unnoticed. Without wasting a moment, Thanatos and I use the distraction to our advantage, sneaking through a side entrance and making our way deeper into the castle.

The interior is dimly lit, with torches flickering on the stone walls. We move silently, gliding through the corridors like shadows ourselves. We encounter a few guards along the way, dispatching them swiftly and without mercy. It becomes clear that Pirithous has underestimated our abilities.

Without warning, a sudden pain shoots through my arm. I glance down and see a red arrow piercing through my flesh. My gaze rises to the source of the attack - a man standing with a bow and arrow, a smirk on his face as he looks at us.

"Well, well, Hades. You finally decide to make an appearance." The words come from Pirithous, the king of Lapiths.