
The Four Empire

Long ago all empires live peacefully in the land of dawn, the Moniyan, Eudorito, Terabethia and The Elves. Each empire has their own unique attributes that they are known for. Moniyan empire are know for the dicipline and purity. They have the strongest warrior on the land of dawn. Kimmy the splat queen, Fanny the blade dancer, Alucard the demon slayer and Tigreal the warrior of dawn are the most known soldiers of the Moniyan empire and they were called " the elite 4". On the other hand Eudorito empire was known for their advance technology. they say that the finest scientists are born on Eudorito. They also have an elite group called "the protector" and it was Layla the malefic gunner, Bruno the protector, Diggie the time keeper and Lolita the steel elf. This next empire is known for the arcane magic. thou Terabetia empire is known for magic they are also know for their high class assasin. They have 2 duo elite partners, first are Harley and Lesley and the second are Guinevere and lancelot. But the most fearsome assasin on this town is Natalia. She is very brutal assasin thats why Terabethia empire decided to imprison her. Lastly are The Elves they are known for peacefull living. This is the only kingdom without any fighters or soldiers because they believe that they dont need it since it is peacefull. It is also divided into two, the light and night elves, but all of the them lives together. The ruler of the elves is the "moon elf" Estes, The princess "moonlight arrow" Miya and the prince, brother Estarosa a night elf.

so why and how did the war started? well remember Estarosa the night elf, he was mischievous and greedy he wants the elves to rule all over the kingdom, on the other hand Estes is a peacefull ruler, he will do everything to not start a war. Estarosa went to the demon realm. He made a deal to the demon queen Alice that if she help him to conquer the 3 empire, she can have all the souls of the people. The deal was accepted in one condition, he needs to sacrifice one night elf. He went back to the elves kingdom and kills one night elf and that was Selena the sister of Karina. The incident spread all over the kingdom. Karina was so shocked because she can't believe what happend. the news came to Estes, He already knew that it was his brothers doing thats why he confronts him. When he went to estarosas room and he was devastated. Estarosa became a demon. he overpowered estes and given him a chance to join him or die. Estes didn't want to join him thats why Estarosa stabs Estes on his hips. He manage to escape and warn the others. He told miya, his sister to guide the elves to the moniyan empire and warn them about estarosas plan. As a king he tried his best to stop estarosa using all of his power but it wasn't enough to defeat him. Some of the elves manage to escape while some doesn't have a choice to turn themselves into demons. On that day Elven empire falls into the demon clan.