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You could feel the peace which reigned among the four cities of amaeddon in the air. The first city was Asgard,the second was paranor,the third was berham,the fourth was brahadge.they all had their leaders who ruled and represented them but they were under one state which was amaeddon.

The people of amaeddon were going to have a meeting to discuss a very important matter;they were tired of only going to other people's villages to buy things but nobody came to their village to buy because they didn't have a market.

So on the day of the meeting ten men and women were picked from each village to go for the meeting,discuss and finalize matters and bring feedback to the people.While discussing the women stated they will need imported goods like towels,wrappers,fabrics and dyes;so they could be selling on their market days,while the men said they will need Imported building materials,cocoa,limestone;so that they could sell Also.The four princes reasoned among themselves and picked a portion of land which will be used as thee market place.The meeting came to a close as refreshments were made and everyone dispersed to their different cities leaving only the people of Asgard in their city.

When the people of the different cities heard the decisions they were very happy and jubilated. Arrangements were made,the people Imported the goods they needed,built the market and made news go round that amaeddon had gotten a marketplace which traders could come and buy goods and pay either in cash or worthy kind.