
The Watchtower

The surveillance fort on the east side is a large structure that stands tall above the main royal road. The fort has a strategic position as it is the main gate to enter the palace area. Constructed from strong boulders, the fort looks impressive and sturdy.

The watchtower consists of several floors with the top floor being the most important watchtower. At the top of the tower is a large bell that hangs above the sturdy structure. This bell serves as a means of emergency communication.

If a threat or danger was approaching, the bell would ring loudly, alerting the watchers in the fortress and palace of the danger.

Underneath the bell, there is a carefully prepared wooden pile. This pile of wood served a dual purpose. First, if there was a bell ringing, the overseer could quickly spot the danger by seeing whether the pyre was on fire or not. If the woodpile is on fire, then it is a real danger sign that must be acted upon immediately.