
The Battle Cries

Eran and Theo, are two close friends that belong to the infamous mercenary group, Band of de Sun. Eran is driven by ambition for revenge, seeking retribution for his father's death, while Theo seeks to realize his dreams of power and control. The road ahead of them will not be as beautiful as they imagined. The band's loyalty tested, and tragedy ensues, forcing Eran and Theo to question their principles and reasoning. Will their friendship survive the clash of ambitions and the test of loyalty that awaits them? In a world driven by power and revenge, Eran and Theo's friendship will be put to the test. Will they find a way to reconcile their ambitions, or will their path lead them to a painful harsh reality?

sicksix · Fantasy
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192 Chs

Blades of Ironclaw (Part 4)

In the midst of the fierce clash between Theo, Taran, Strix, and Fenry, the atmosphere became charged with palpable tension. Strix, a towering figure adorned in ominous dark armor, deftly brandished a massive hammer with deadly precision, every swing executed with a brutal force aimed at pulverizing his adversaries with each thunderous strike. In stark contrast, Fenry exhibited a nimble and agile fighting style, wielding a pair of lethal daggers with uncanny accuracy.

However, Theo and Taran remained unflinching in the face of their formidable-looking foes. Theo, renowned for his agility and finesse, relied on swift swordplay and calculated maneuvers to elegantly evade Strix's lethal assaults. Taran, on the other hand, countered Fenry's rapid attacks with sheer raw power and unyielding endurance, delivering powerful slashes that demonstrated his indomitable strength.

The battle unfolded in a relentless ebb and flow, as both sides exchanged blows and attempted to exploit any vulnerability they could discern. Theo and Taran seamlessly harnessed the full potential of their collaborative efforts, harmoniously coordinating their offensive and defensive maneuvers. They fluidly shifted positions, leaving their opponents bewildered and vigilant, steadfastly preventing them from gaining a strategic upper hand.

The resounding clash of steel upon steel sent showers of sparks cascading through the air with each impactful collision. Theo darted in close to Strix, wielding his weapon with surgical precision and exploiting the minuscule openings in Strix's formidable armor. Meanwhile, Taran, harnessing his prodigious strength, engaged in a furious exchange of blows with Fenry, their black swords and twin daggers locked in an unyielding and relentless confrontation.

As the duel escalated in intensity, the superior coordination exhibited by the two Band leaders, with Taran orchestrating strategic offensives and Theo adroitly deflecting each counterattack, gradually overwhelmed Strix and Fenry.

Taran, who had been singularly focused on launching relentless attacks, continued to deliver powerful blows with his obsidian-hued sword, each strike laden with a formidable weight that reverberated through the battlefield. In stark contrast, Strix's once precise hammer swings began to exhibit a noticeable lack of accuracy, and Fenry's once-fluid agility faltered under Theo's stalwart defense, his every move deftly parrying their increasingly futile assaults. The tide of battle undeniably shifted, leaving no doubt that Theo and Taran now held a commanding advantage.

With an ultimate, unequivocal stroke, the combined might of Theo and Taran effectively disarmed their beleaguered adversaries. Strix and Fenry, their defenses rendered ineffectual and their strength severely depleted, were compelled to concede defeat. Bearing the physical marks of the intense combat, their bodies bore witness to the superior skill and prowess exhibited by their formidable opponents.

In a triumphant culmination, Theo and Taran successfully seized control of the diminutive fortress nestled within the confines of IronClaw City. An unspoken understanding passed between them as their eyes met, a silent recognition of their hard-earned victory, before they turned their collective attention toward the unfolding developments within the ongoing battle.

As the duel's crescendo gave way to a conclusion, Taran, perceiving the evolving scenario unfolding upon the imposing battlements, gently nudged Theo's shoulder, subtly directing his comrade's gaze toward the still-raging contest between Eran and Paul.


When Eran collided with the unforgiving earth, the profound reverberations of the impact coursed mercilessly through his already weary physique. Grasping his teeth tightly in a valiant effort to endure the searing pain, he embarked upon a swift ascent, fueled by the relentless surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. The metallic tang of blood clung tenaciously to his tongue as he subjected his adversary, the towering and self-assured Paul, to a thorough appraisal.

Paul, a battle-hardened veteran whose face bore the indelible scars of countless encounters on the field of strife, wasted not a single moment in seizing upon Eran's fleeting vulnerability. His sword, an instrument of lethal precision, cleaved through the air with a deadly grace, unerringly homing in on the exposed chinks in Eran's faltering defense. The solitary combatant grappled with all his might to regain his composure, repelling each assault with hurried and precarious defensive maneuvers.

The resonant clash of their swords resounded, the meeting of metal upon metal filling the atmosphere. Eran's once fluid and graceful movements, now strained and erratic, bore witness to his struggle to keep pace with Paul's ceaseless onslaught. With each resounding blow, Eran keenly sensed the mounting tension in his sinews, the oppressive burden of fatigue accumulating upon his beleaguered shoulders.

Paul executed his assaults with meticulous precision, a testament to the years of battlefield experience etched into the very essence of his being. He seamlessly transitioned between offensive thrusts and adept defensive parries, anticipating Eran's every tactical gambit. Eran's erstwhile nimble and agile fighting style, a source of advantage in the past, now appeared futile and ineffectual in the face of Paul's consummate mastery.

Eran's frustration swelled within him, his thoughts racing feverishly as he sought a strategic avenue that might tip the scales in his favor. He endeavored to seize upon any and every fleeting opportunity, resorting to feints and launching deceptive lunges with astonishing swiftness. However, Paul remained resolute and unwavering, effortlessly deflecting each assault with exacting precision, countering with devastating efficiency.

The duel evolved into a relentless and frenzied ballet of blades, the tumultuous collision of their weapons punctuated by primal grunts and labored breaths. Eran's visage contorted with unyielding determination, his eyes affixed unwaveringly to Paul's every gesture, tirelessly scouring for the faintest chink in his opponent's formidable armor. Alas, Paul's defenses remained impervious, his swordplay an impregnable bulwark against Eran's relentless onslaught.

With the inexorable passage of time, Eran's movements began to falter, descending into a lethargic and increasingly disjointed cadence. The superficial scratches that had previously marred his flesh deepened into grievous gashes, each one exuding torrents of crimson life-force, further enfeebling his flagging motions. The inexorable weight of the protracted conflict bore down upon him, his reservoirs of energy now entirely depleted.

In a desperate final bid to regain control of the situation, Eran mustered his courage and launched a daring attack, driven solely by his primal instincts. His body moved with a fluidity born of sheer instinct, a testament to the depths of his determination.

Paul, prepared for Eran's impending assault, remained steadfast and resolute. With an air of calm, he gathered his strength at a singular focal point, his movements measured and deliberate. In one swift, precise motion, he drew his sword, its blade gleaming with a deadly promise.

As the battle unfolded, Eran found himself overwhelmed by a sense of failure that threatened to consume him. Both daggers he had clutched so tightly in his grasp moments before now slipped through his trembling fingers, crashing to the ground. A heavy burden of despair settled upon him as he realized his weapons lay hopelessly out of reach, leaving him utterly defenseless and vulnerable.

In that harrowing moment, Eran steeled himself for what he believed to be his inevitable demise, for Paul's ultimate attack appeared unstoppable, an impending storm of destruction.

Yet, just as Paul's lethal strike seemed poised to descend upon Eran, a figure with remarkable skill managed to intercept the impending doom with a deft parry. The clash of their swords resonated through the air, their presence a testament to their martial prowess.

Seizing this precious moment of distraction, Eran swiftly rolled to the side, creating vital distance between himself and Paul. It was in this moment that recognition dawned upon him, for he knew the figure who had intervened.

"Theo," Eran uttered, his voice laden with gratitude and relief.

"At this juncture, allow me to take over. You appear grievously wounded and in need of respite," Theo replied without diverting his gaze from the formidable adversary before him, a testament to his unwavering focus and determination.

"Hmm...intriguing," Paul mused as he sheathed his sword and took a step back.

"It is an honor to finally meet the esteemed former Secret Knight of the Empire, Sir Paul de Leaf," Theo acknowledged with a respectful bow.

"I must admit, I'm rather surprised that you know of my true identity. Not even the imperial elite are often privy to such knowledge."

"Ah, but you see, our lineage in the art of the sword binds us together," Theo explained, his words filled with deep meaning. With that, he dismounted from his steed, prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead with unwavering resolve.

Their duel commenced, and with synchronized precision, they both launched their attacks upon each other. The two combatants' swords weaved an intricate dance in the open air, each movement executed with a meticulous finesse that spoke volumes about their skill and prowess.

In the fluidity of each step, Theo's grace and dexterity shone brilliantly, as if he were performing a meticulously choreographed routine, his thin sword becoming an extension of his very being. It glided effortlessly, a seamless appendage that enabled him to unleash a relentless barrage of swift, pinpoint-accurate strikes against Paul's defenses, every blade meeting its intended target with a calculated intent that resonated throughout their intense duel.

Old Paul, on the other hand, displayed an impressive ability to match Theo's agile movements, countering each of Theo's attacks with unwavering precision and a steadfast defensive posture. It was now Paul's turn to exert relentless pressure, his slashing attacks leaving Theo with no option but to concentrate intensely, lest his body succumb to the relentless onslaught. Theo decided to take a step back, retreating slightly to regain his composure in the face of Paul's fervent assault.

"As the rumors foretell, even in this brief exchange, I can discern your exceptional talent," Paul mused, his words laced with admiration. "It is indeed an honor for me to engage in combat with the future leader of the empire, Theo de Light, the esteemed leader of the Band of de Sun."

Eran, an enraptured spectator, found himself captivated by the spectacle before him. Their swordsmanship mirrored each other in every movement, yet the discerning eye could spot the subtle distinctions—Theo's agile motions and the elegant, slender blade he wielded setting him apart.

"It is with the utmost gratitude that I accept your praise, esteemed Sir Paul," Theo replied modestly, acknowledging the compliment bestowed upon him.

Paul, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist a playful challenge. "Why not both attack me simultaneously, so as to heighten the spectacle?" he proposed, gesturing toward Eran. In response, Theo shook his head resolutely.

"I believe one is sufficient," Theo affirmed with determination. His gaze briefly met Eran's, who stood leaning against the fort's elevated wall, seemingly drained of energy.

"Prepare yourselves," Theo declared, his voice firm with resolve.

Paul, ever the enigmatic figure, couldn't help but muse, "You are indeed an intriguing young prince."
