

Roderick and his five bodyguards had ridden early in the morning from the previous camp, now they were halfway across the vast plains of Slice. Surrounding them was lush green grass with a few small mounds visible in the distance.

However, the scenery was not what it seemed, as this meadow held a dark history. Dulun was once a battlefield several times. You can still see the remains of fragile swords and other weapons.

Roderick saw traces of damage from side to side. The remnants of war, in the form of broken objects, rusted objects that had lost their value. There were several large graves, as a sign of the previous war that cost many lives.

"Here is a symbol of the courage of the Berillan kingdom against the great powers of the empire," Roderick said.

They breathed in the free air and continued their journey with the wind in their faces. Their horses trotted steadily and quickly, crossing the grass and forgetting the devastation of the past war.