
The Battle-Crazed Demon Slayer

Takeo Yasushi lives for the sword. Winning countless competitive bouts, his hunger's never satisfied, that is until he's killed by a jealous opponent and reborn in a different world. (Could go to Other Anime's/Series in the future)

OM90 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 2 : 2nd Stance

'WHAT IS GOING ON!!', Takeo thought, shocked at the situation he was in. 'Reincarnation?', he pondered, before he examined everything around him, there was numerous ladies and a doctor surrounding him and a sick woman on a bed, 'I'm assuming she's my new mother?', Takeo questioned, but he stopped when...


Takeo's new 'mother' vomited a pool of blood onto the floor, making her complexion worsen by the second.

'I just got reincarnated, and you're telling me my mother is going to die as soon as I'm born?', he thought with a blank face.

"Ma'am control your breathing! Don't die on us now, You just gave birth!", one of the women helping shouted.

"It's too late for m-", BLEURGH!!

She continued vomiting blood, before her skin could get any paler, she asked the ladies, "Can I hold my son please?", and without hesitation Takeo was in her arms.

"You're so cut-, cute", she stated after stammering. "Live a good life and be strong, you're father and mother may not be with you, but make sure to take good care of yourself", she stated, "You're name will be Takeo Yasushi, goodbye son....".

And with that, Takeo's mother had died. Looking at her lifeless body, he thought back to what she said, 'So my father's dead too? And my name is the same as my last life huh?', 'I'll make sure to live a good life, just get some rest mother'.

Resembling her quite a-lot by having her white hair and purple eyes, Takeo hoped she would be at peace.

Takeo's 'mother' laid on the bed, motionless....her eyes were as dark as the abyss but a smile was still apparent on her face. Takeo stared at her face, before he turned his little head away. In the arms of a nurse, he had a face completely devoid of emotion, as he thought about what to do next.


Whilst he was in thought, his 'mothers' body had some sort of spasm, her body was shaking violently on the bed and the previous smile on her face was wiped away....

"Doctor! what's going on", one of the ladies in the room asked, completely clueless on what was about to happen...


'What's happening??', Takeo pondered over before he took a look at this 'mother'. He had a look of shock on his face....Her body had been pulled apart, blood splatted across the whole room.

The doctors stared at her disfigured body in horror before an unfamiliar voice spoke out-loud...

"Marechi~, I smell Marechi~".

Emerging from the darkness, some kind of creature appeared. It stared at one of the women in the room, before it licked it's lips. "Marechi~", it stated one again, before he charged at the woman.

"De-Demon.....AHHH!!", The other women in the room screamed, before they sprinted out of the room. The one carrying Taeko even had the audacity to drop him, a new-born baby, on the floor....


His small little body crashed onto the floor, pain spread throughout his whole body and he felt weak. Meanwhile, the woman that the demon charged at, was gobbled up immediately.

"Yummy~", It proclaimed with a smile. Before it stared at Takeo, who was on the floor in pain.

"Ooh, a little one~", It stated, before it moved towards Takeo slowly, attempting to spread fear.

But Takeo wasn't fazed as the demon wasn't his main worry... His little body was seemingly paralysed. His head was spinning and his consciousness was fading, 'So I'm dying as soon as I was born huh....and by a demon', he thought with a look of disgust... but before he fell unconscious he heard a voice mutter..." Honō no kokyū Ichi no kata : Shiranui"( Flame Breathing First Stance : Unknowing Fire)


A blur launched at the demon with blinding speed, steam escaped from his mouth, readying his sword....fire surrounded the whole blade in a mesmerising fashion before the blur decapitated the demon in one swift motion, shocking not only Takeo who was watching in pain, but also the demon himself.

"Hu-", the demon proclaimed, confused at what happened, but it was too late as his body withered away into the air.

Staring at the man in-front of him, it was if all the pain in Takeo vanished....as he gazed at the man's sword.

'Wa-wait isn't that a Demon Slayer...', Takeo thought, before he fainted due to his injuries.


After that incident, Takeo stayed in the hospital for a couple weeks, the woman who dropped him was fired, and the man who saved Takeo from the demon had vanished into the air, as if he never existed.

With no parent or remaining family members, Takeo was put in an orphanage. Takeo couldn't get that day out of his mind, 'So I'm in the anime Demon Slayer huh?', he thought....before a wide smile shone on his face. "Just imaging all those people and those Demons I can face just gets my blood boiling~", he stated manically, before he began his training to get stronger.