
The Bastard Jedi

The forbidden love between fellow Jedi is what kept the young force-sensitive boy named Koth hidden from the eyes of the Jedi, and would ultimately be what saved him..... (WARNING: FOR THE FINAL TIME HE IS A STRONG MC, NOT AN OP MC!!!!)

DaoistShinobi · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

The Bounty

(Author- Hope you all enjoy! Please support me at PayPal.Me/YugiohGod.)

"Darth Tyrannous, you failed me." A dark raspy voice comes from a shriveled figure who is shown in the hologram. He wears a dark robe with a hood covering his face, but his furious scowl can still be seen.

There, in front of the hologram kneeling, is an elderly man with white hair and a well kept beard. "Master, I promise I won't fail you again. Our forces who were transporting the man were intercepted and ambushed."

"I want him killed. Do not fail me again."

The white haired man nods, "Yes my lord." Then, the hologram cuts short.

The man then stands and scowl, "How could such a young child cause so many problems!" He then turns to a nearby battledroid, "You, send out a bounty in the name of the Confederacy of Independent Systems on the Jedi we found frozen in ice. Put one for 75,000 credits."

The droid nods, "Rodger Rodger!" And with that turns and exits the room.


"Eren close the hatch now!" Ashoka shouts from the cockpit of the ship. Red laser fire flies past my head as Hondo shouts, "Stop them, don't let them take my ship that I just stole!"

I then reach the hatch and wave at Hondo who is running at me full speed, "See you Hondo!" With that, I close and lock the ships hatch and click the disengage button which allows us to disconnect from their ship.

"We're free!" I shout back. With that, Ashoka hits the jump and we blast into hyperspace.

Hondo looks at his men with a scowl, "I can't believe they betrayed me! After all I've done for them!" He then smiles and sheds a tear. "I'm so proud!"

Back on the ship I walk over to the cockpit and sit in the co-pilot's seat acrossed from Ahsoka. "Well, that went better than expected."

"Yah..." Ahsoka replies, something in her voice made her seem distant and bothered.

I the turn to face her, she continues staring out the window in front of her, "Is everything okay? You seem upset."

"Yah, it's just, I killed someone..." She replied with a very regretful look.

I then realize what is going on. My eyes soften as I then ask her in a understanding tone, "This was the first time you killed someone isn't it."

She simply nods her head. I then breath in a deep breath, "My master told me after my first battle, 'do not be afraid to mourn those who have died, do not fear facing the guilt of having killed.' Remember, you were in a situation where a single hesitation could have resulted in your death, and if you died and she survived the it is possible that she might have killed many more innocents.

In the end, you must make a decision and then stick with it. Do not regret, just reflect and learn from your decisions. Were you right? Were you wrong? That's the decision that you must make yourself.

Remember, whatever you decide I won't challenge your decision. Whatever you decide I'm here for you." I then turn her chair to face me. She looks at the ground, a single tear falls down her cheek, "Remember, I'm your partner, and more importantly I'm your friend, so if you need anything even just to vent, let me know."

She then nods, "Yah, thank you. I'm going to head to my room and think about this." She then stands up and walks into her room.

I smile as I turn to the window and stare out of it at the beautiful seen of moving through hyperspace while resting my legs onto the control desk. She'll be fine, after all she reminds me of my master. She won't let something like this stop her. I muse to myself before I slowly drift off to sleep.

[A few hours later]

"Um general, there is a unauthorized ship going through the hyperspace lane to the Mandalore system." A cold robotic voice echoes through a large room filled with computers and a large window which stares into space. Then, a tall eight foot cyborg turns to the droid.

*Cough* *Cough* "Oh? Pull it out of hyperspace it could be a republic infiltration unit." *Cough*

"Um sir, what if it's just a civilian vessel?" One of the droids sitting at the computer asks.

General Grievous then turns to the droid and rip it's head off. "Any more questions?"

"No sir!"

"Rodger Rodger!"

[Back at the ship]


Suddenly, I jerk awake as the ship shudders before slowing down and drops out of hyperspace. I the stand and look around, what in force?

Ashoka then bursts out of her room and runs to the control panel, "What's happening?"

"I don't know! Where being pulled out of hyperspace!" Just as I finish, our ship is completely yanked out of hyperspace and is being pulled towards the hanger of a large ship which looks like a bird of some kind.

Ashoka begins frantically trying to break the tractor beam, "No no no! This isn't good!"

I turn to her, "What's wrong?"

"This is the Invisible Hand, General Grievous's flagship, Grievous is a Jedi killing cyborg. He is incredibly skilled and can even defeat some of the Jedi on the council." She states.

I nod as our ship is drawn into the hanger, "Do you think we can beat him?" I ask. While normally I wouldn't be too worried, I really have no idea how strong the Jedi council members are. Arrogance and foolishness will lead to an untimely demise after all.

Ahsoka then sighs, "I guess we'll find out here soon." With that we turn and head to the boarding ramp of our y-1300. "Ready?"

I nod, "Yah, let's have some fun!" The thought of battle excites me as I can't help but smile in anticipation.

With that, the boarding ramp begins to lower, and we prepare for battle.

I hope you all enjoyed! If you did please support me at PayPal.Me/YugiohGod

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