
Chapter 81: Beary Curious

Minutes turned to hours before the cavalry arrived and it was all Luisa could do to placate Mr. Green and stop him from leaving the premises with Jimmy. The jerk really wanted to get home to his couch and TV.

"Look lady, I'm getting' hungry and my dog is expectin' his dinner," he started, and Nate sidled between her and the increasingly angry normal.

"Your dog? You haven't even asked if your son was hungry, Mr. Green, and you expect me to believe you're worried about a dog?" Nate growled.

"I told the girl he ain't my boy. Wife got custody of her grandson when her daughter died. Then she got sick too. Damn weak family and now this little shit gets himself bit-"

Before he could get another word out Nate had him hauled off the floor by his collar. Marcus arrived at that moment. Without his wife for the first time in memory and Luisa realized he must have argued long and hard before his stubborn good-hearted mate agreed to stay at home.