
The Barren

A young street rat boy lived day-by-day never knowing who he was or what came next. What will he do when given the opportunity to live, to be happy? And how would he react if all of that came at a cost. I wonder what the future holds for him. Don't have a solid posting schedule yet but as long as it says serializing it means I'm still working on it. I just get busy but this is my little passion project so I'll see it to the end.

Plusgrain8 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 20. I Wolf You

With labored breaths, Charon reevaluated his position as the wounded wolf inched closer by the second. 

Charon faced the savage wolf, its shoulder bleeding profusely from his desperate fleeing attack, yet it remained a threat. Having sacrificed his impromptu weapon to wound the grey wolf, Charon found himself in a dire situation with no weapon to defend himself.

Taking a step back he was near-lethally reminded that the edge of the rock formation he had climbed loomed behind him; beyond it was a sheer drop to the river below.

Peering over the edge, Charon spotted Leo running along the cobbled shore before diving into the river's cold embrace, branch in hand. It was a desperate attempt to escape the other half of the wolf duo the two boys had encountered, but what else could two children do?

He could jump down, but there was no guessing from this high up if the river was deep enough near him to ensure a safe landing. A fall from this height into shallow water would spell nothing less than a painful death, and that was something he wasn't willing to risk.

With no trees nearby for him to escape to, and only small pebbles at his feet as potential weapons, the question lingered: could he confront the beast with his bare hands? He knew better than to entertain such a reckless notion. Aware of his own limitations, he refused to entertain the impossible idea of a young boy like himself engaging in a life-and-death struggle against a wolf.

As the wolf quickened its pace, his remaining time dwindled for him to determine his next course of action.

As the wolf finally reached its effective striking range against Charon, it wasted no time in its bloodthirsty pursuit.

With a sharp snap and a ferocious roar, the beast lunged at the young boy.

Eyes widening, Charon dropped to his knees and rolled to the side in a panic, narrowly evading the animal's snapping jaws. However, he was not so fortunate to avoid the swipe of razor-sharp claws that carved out a clean trail of skin on his side.

Pain erupted as blood began to escape from beneath his torn skin.

Rolling to his side, Charon quickly pushed through the pain, bracing himself for the wolf's anticipated retaliation.

Watching as the vicious beast struggled to regain its footing, its claws scraping futilely against the hard rock surface, Charon observed in fascination. Finding no traction, the wolf helplessly slid toward the edge of the rock formation before plummeting below.

Laboriously breathing, Charon held his dripping side and watched with wide eyes for a moment before hearing a soft thump against the ground below.

'It didn't make it to the water.'

He thought inwardly with relief. Scrambling over to the edge the wolf had fallen over Charon peered over at the ground below on all fours. 

'Ouch. '

Reeling back from the gruesome display below Charon sent a silent prayer to anyone watching over him before checking on Leo. 

Leo had swam across the river with the wolf following close behind. Finding purchase on the loose rocks he dragged his soaked body ashore and turned around with his own similarly sharpened branch in hand.

Charon could no longer watch as the wolf inched closer to where Leo stood and decided to run down the formation he stood on. He needed to, at the least, attempt to save Leo's life or else he'd never be able to live with himself. How could he face Father David and the others at the church if he returned alone? With the only news he'd bring to be the boy's death? He couldn't let that happen. So right now he needed to do anything in his power to save him, if not for himself then for the others who awaited their return. 

Quickly jumping down the rock formation he found the path Leo had used to approach the shore and headed down in a deadout sprint.

Feeling the dirt beneath him disappear as it was soon replaced by a collection of loose rocks under his foot he came to a stop. 

The wolf had now found ground footing and shook its dripping wet body, spraying water everywhere in the process.


The beast emitted a deep, guttural growl that reverberated through the air, sending shivers down Charon's spine. If Leo had felt any of the feelings Charon had he did not allow it to show. The fear that pierced Charon's body wasn't evident in the knight's son. Standing steadfast against the approaching beast Leo held the sharpened waterlogged branch in his hands, looking strikingly familiar to a sword stance.

Charon knew he had to find a way to help but the process of swimming across the river would do no one any good. He had to find a different way. Looking around the river bank an idea suddenly flooded his temple.

On the other half of the river, Leo Omel stood face to face with the approaching beast, steadying his breath in a readying action for what was to come. 

'Just like Grandpa instructed, bend your knees, stay low, and most importantly; never stop fighting.'

The drills that his grandpa ceased to let him forget found a way to enter his mind at this crucial moment. As an heir to a knight's family and the ruling family over the small realm of Tarick, one needed to know how to fight and his instructors drilled that importance into him day and night. 

The uninjured beast moved forward after finally growing impatient. Striking fast the beast wasted no time in aiming for the critical spots, the neck, legs, arms, and any major arteries. 

Keenly watching the animal's movements Leo was less than surprised when it finally decided to move. Seeing the flicker of movement in the beast's muscle he struck. Swinging his branch in a two-handed grip he held nothing back in the force of his attack, sure it would it. 

Yet the beast had already adapted, proving its metal against the boy. Ducking low below the swung branch it made sure to not fall for the same attack twice. Allowing the force of the strike to carry the boy's weapon forward it wasted no time upon noticing Leo's opening.

Tilting its maw to strike once more it was quickly knocked to the side with a wet thwack and crack as the wet branch Leo had pivoted with snapped from the impact it delivered to the animal's head. 

Momentarily dazed, Leo took advantage of the animal's confusion and put room between the two. 

With his branch broken and snapped in half all he held in his hand was a splintered half of it but he was still willing to use it to the fullest. He refused to die without at least taking the beast with him, Grandpa instilled that into him and he had made sure to remember. 

Even now, his voice lingered in Leo's memory—weathered by age yet resonant with the steadfast resolve of a seasoned warrior. "When confronted with death, withhold nothing," he had said solemnly. "A drowning man grasps at any straw, but an Omel facing death is no such man. An Omel confronting death is a warrior communing with the god of the underworld, and we ensure to bring forth an offering for her collection."

Noticing the wolf regain its footing the canine advanced once more, this time Leo wasn't going to allow it the advantage. 

His knuckles turned white from pressure and he released a roaring battle shout similar to ones he'd seen from dueling warriors. Releasing the primal rage when confronted with death's door he lunged at the wolf giving it a taste of its own medicine.

Mirroring the young boy's resolve the young grey wolf began to meet his intent. 

Mere feet away from each other the young Omel boy reversed his grip on the broken half of his branch when a crack erupted and a dark object whizzed past, knocking the wolf upside the head.

Whimpering at the sudden blow to its skull the wolf's pace slowed and liquid red began dripping off its chin. Leo's heart raced as he witnessed the rock's impact, momentarily stunning the wolf. Without hesitation, he seized the opportunity to finish the injured predator. Lunging forward with every ounce of strength he could muster he threw his arm into a downward arc. The branch, now wielded like a makeshift dagger, found its mark with rough precision at the base of the wolf's neck artery.

Still confused by the shock of the projectile it released a primal howl when Leo plunged his pointed shaft into its neck. Crying out the wolf began to fight back as its ingrained instinct to survive drove it to retaliate. With a swift movement, it snapped its jaws toward Leo, aiming for his arm. Instinctively, Leo twisted away, narrowly avoiding the razor-sharp teeth. Adrenaline surged through his veins, heightening his senses as he danced on the edge of danger and drove the splintered half further into its skin.

The struggle between man and beast raged on, each combatant fueled by their own determination to emerge victorious. At that moment, Leo understood the wisdom of his grandpa's words. Confronted with the specter of death, he unleashed every ounce of his being, fighting not merely for survival, but for the honor of standing firm against the darkness.

After a few long moments of struggle, the beast's retaliation slowed to a stop, staggered, and fell into a soft pile of bleeding flesh. Attached to the wolf with no sign of yielding Leo's shaking arms still did not let go of the broken branch and fell due to the weight shift. The boy and wolf fell in tandem. 

Watching as the last remnants of life escaped the predator's body Leo stared hard into its eyes when it released a wet whimper of pain as hot blood no doubt began to fill its lungs. In due time, a movement all too familiar came from the wolf, its final death shudder. The shudder an animal gave when its fighting spirit finally stopped.

And so, with great trials, the beast had stopped.