
The barber:Dc

Jayden, a talented and ambitious boy, has always dreamed of becoming a Barber. However, his aspirations seem out of reach in his ordinary life. One fateful night, as Jayden was walking back home he encounters a woman in danger and tries to save her...unfortunately, because of his recklessness, he died... But that wasn't the end for him as he awakens in a realm beyond imagination, finding himself reincarnated into the DC Universe. Now trying to live out his lifelong dream, Jayden must navigate this new reality where superheroes and supervillains coexist. . . . . . My last story wasn't really starting off well so I decided to change it for this dc one while I fine-tune and mark out the other one that I'll upload into another story category. I'll be honest here I've never read a dc comic in my life but I love the movies and have been reading up on my favourite characters. I'm still confused about the whole rebirth thing and the new 52 but I'm trying. In any case, most of my knowledge will be from the movies, some videos I've seen from Kinglion, variant YouTube and of course the wiki. I've been recommended to watch the young justice TV show, static and other animated stuff so while writing this I'll watch some of that stuff in my free time. Also just a reminder, I'm not a professional writer and don't claim to be, I'll make mistakes, so pointing out those mistakes would be much appreciated. Then with nothing more to say I hope you enjoy my story, and if not then thanks for trying it out. ......................

John_Len_2493 · Others
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92 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Two

(Harley Quinns Pov)

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a shadowy glow across Gotham City, Harley Quinn found herself deep in the midst of her own chaotic mayhem.

Dressed in her signature jester costume, she skipped through the city streets, leaving a trail of Destruction in her wake.

Her target for the evening was none other than the prestigious Gotham Diamond Exchange.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, she had devised an elaborate plan to make off with the crown jewel, "The Star of Gotham." It was a heist that would cement her reputation as the city's most audacious criminal.

As she approached the Exchange, Harley could hear the distant wailing of police sirens growing louder.

She grinned, relishing the thrill of the chase. But this time, it seemed the Gotham City Police Department had stepped up their game.

Swiftly, she scaled the walls of the Exchange, using her acrobatic skills to evade security measures.

Inside, she leapt from display case to display case, her nimble fingers snagging priceless jewels. Laughter bubbled from her lips, a symphony of mischief.

However, the police had caught wind of her presence.

They flooded the Exchange, forming a blockade around the exits. Harley's heart raced, the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She knew she had to find a way out, and fast.

Through the maze of dimly lit corridors, Harley darted, her mind racing with possibilities.

But luck seemed to have abandoned her. Each exit was blocked, forcing her deeper into the belly of the Exchange.

The sound of heavy footsteps reverberated behind her.

She glanced over her shoulder to see officers closing in, their determined expressions etched in the flickering lights. It was a game of cat and mouse, and Harley intended to be the mischievous mouse who slipped away.

Turning a corner, she stumbled upon a service door.

It was her only chance, and without a second thought, she flung it open, stepping into a pitch-black alley. The door slammed shut behind her, leaving her in darkness.

Harley caught her breath, her eyes adjusting to the lack of light.

She felt the weight of the stolen jewels against her chest, a constant reminder of the danger that lurked.

She had run for who knows how long, but she knew she didn't really have enough time to get to her hideout without being caught.

She needed to find a temporary sanctuary, a place where she could regroup and elude capture.

And that's when fate intervened. In the distance, a neon sign flickered to life, casting an inviting glow on the rain-soaked pavement. It read: "Barbet's Barbershop."

Curiosity and desperation guided Harley's steps as she approached the door.

Without a moment's hesitation, she pushed it open, her eyes scanning the interior. The barbershop appeared empty, a haven of calm amidst the chaos of the city.

Harley stepped into the barbershop, her eyes scanning the room.

The sound of sirens faded into the distance as she found a temporary sanctuary, surrounded by the scent of hair products and the promise of anonymity.

Little did she know that her rendezvous with Jayden and the subsequent encounters with others would change her entire future.


(Uptown 777 Grant Wood Road, Time: 6:12 Pm)

One day, as he was finishing up a haircut on one of his regulars, he heard a loud commotion outside.

He went to investigate and saw a group of police officers in the far distance chasing after a woman in a jester costume.

The woman was laughing and throwing confetti in the air, seemingly enjoying the chase, and soon after the police completely lost track of her.

Jayden eyes widened as he recognized her immediately as Harley Quinn, one of Gotham's most infamous villains.

He wasn't afraid of her, though.

One because he was strong.

And two because he had heard from one of his customers that not too long ago it was said that Harley, had worked with Batman to help him put the Joker in Arkham.

And that she and her puddin' ( What she likes to call the Joker had broken up.

Jayden knew that everyone had a story, and he knew Harley's pretty well, but then again this Harley might not be so innocent or sain.

He watched as Harley ran down the street, ducking into alleys and storefronts to evade the police. Eventually, she stumbled into Jayden's barber shop, looking breathless yet thrilled.

"Can I help you?" Jayden asked, trying to sound calm and friendly. Harley looked at him suspiciously, sizing him up.

"Who are you?" she asked, still panting. "I'm Jayden," he replied. "I own this barber shop. Do you need a haircut or something?" Harley scoffed.

"I don't need no haircut, chump. I need a place to hide." Jayden nodded understandingly.

"I see. Well, you're welcome to stay here for a little while. Just don't cause any trouble, okay?"

Harley looked surprised at his kindness. "Thanks, kid. You're all right." They sat in silence for a few minutes, with Jayden pretending to read a magazine while

Harley fidgeted nervously. Finally, she spoke up. "You're not like the others, are you?" she asked, looking at him with new eyes.

"What do you mean?" Jayden asked.

"You're not afraid of me," she said, sounding almost disappointed. Jayden shrugged.

"Why should I be? You're just a person, like everyone else. And besides, I believe that everyone deserves a second chance."

Harley looked at him with a mixture of confusion and admiration. "You're weird, kid. But I like you."

Jayden chuckled softly. "Well, weird is my middle name. And I like you too, Harley. You're not like anyone I've ever met."

Harley tilted her head, her pigtails bouncing with the movement. "You really mean that? Even after knowing who I am?"

Jayden nodded sincerely. "Knowing who you are doesn't define who you can become. We all have choices to make, and I choose to see the person beneath the mask."

Harley's eyes softened, a hint of vulnerability shining through. "You know, no one has ever said that to me before. They either fear me or try to take advantage of me. But you... you see something different."

Jayden smiled warmly. "Well, I believe in giving people a chance. So, if you need a safe place to catch your breath, you're welcome here. Just remember, I don't condone any criminal activities."

Harley playfully saluted him. "Noted, boss. No funny business, promise!"

As they settled into the quietness of the barber shop, Jayden decided to break the silence. "So, Harley, what's your story? What led you down this path?...of crime I mean."

Harley leaned back against the barber chair, her eyes gazing into the distance as memories flashed across her mind. "It's a long story, kid. But it started with love, and maybe a little bit of madness."

Intrigued, Jayden leaned forward. "Love and madness? That's quite the combination. Care to share?"

Harley smirked mischievously. "Oh, it's a tale filled with twists, turns, and a certain clown prince of crime. But that's a story for another time. Right now, I just need a breather."

Jayden nodded, respecting her boundaries. "Fair enough, Harley. Take all the time you need. And if you ever want to talk or just hang out, I'm here."

As the minutes ticked by, Harley relaxed in the safety of the barbershop.

When customers started coming in Jayden had given her a coat and a hat to hide her identity and to not scare the customers.

She watched Jayden go about his work, his skilled hands creating art with every haircut.

A sense of calm washed over her, momentarily pushing aside the chaos and mayhem that usually consumed her life.

Before long, the sound of sirens grew louder outside the shop. The police were closing in, their search for Harley intensifying. With a glance at Jayden, she knew it was time to leave.

"Looks like it's time for me to make my exit," Harley said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

Jayden nodded, understanding the necessity. "Stay safe out there, Harley. Remember, there's always a chance for change."

Harley flashed him a mischievous grin. "Who knows, maybe one day you'll see me in a different light."

"See you around Barber Boy!"

With that, Harley swiftly disappeared through the front entrance, leaving Jayden with a mix of emotions. He couldn't help but wonder about her future and the choices she would make.

' Would she turn a new leaf like other Harleys, or would she drown in her Madness before spiralling to where there was no more hope for her.' Jayden wondered with curiosity.

As the police sirens faded into the distance, Jayden returned to his work, reflecting on the encounter with Harley Quinn.

"Why does it feel like I'm meeting Dc characters more frequently than should be possible."

I have officially written 50,000 words for this fanfiction...I still can't believe it.

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