
The barber:Dc

Jayden, a talented and ambitious boy, has always dreamed of becoming a Barber. However, his aspirations seem out of reach in his ordinary life. One fateful night, as Jayden was walking back home he encounters a woman in danger and tries to save her...unfortunately, because of his recklessness, he died... But that wasn't the end for him as he awakens in a realm beyond imagination, finding himself reincarnated into the DC Universe. Now trying to live out his lifelong dream, Jayden must navigate this new reality where superheroes and supervillains coexist. . . . . . My last story wasn't really starting off well so I decided to change it for this dc one while I fine-tune and mark out the other one that I'll upload into another story category. I'll be honest here I've never read a dc comic in my life but I love the movies and have been reading up on my favourite characters. I'm still confused about the whole rebirth thing and the new 52 but I'm trying. In any case, most of my knowledge will be from the movies, some videos I've seen from Kinglion, variant YouTube and of course the wiki. I've been recommended to watch the young justice TV show, static and other animated stuff so while writing this I'll watch some of that stuff in my free time. Also just a reminder, I'm not a professional writer and don't claim to be, I'll make mistakes, so pointing out those mistakes would be much appreciated. Then with nothing more to say I hope you enjoy my story, and if not then thanks for trying it out. ......................

John_Len_2493 · Others
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92 Chs

Chapter Sixty-four

(Location: SSS SANTANA)

As Harley skipped her way to the sun deck, her playful energy radiated around her.' Hehe, that was fun, didn't expect to meet Jayden on this cruise though, *Gasp* and I forgot to come up with a nickname for him. I could just keep using Barber Boy...'

As she was walking along she couldn't resist the temptation of two martinis being carried by a passing waiter, so she promptly snatched them from the tray.

With a mischievous grin, she handed one to an unsuspecting kid who seemed interested and took a long sip from her own, relishing in the refreshing taste.

Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she spotted Selina and Lola, standing with their heads close together, engaged in a conversation.

Without hesitation, she waved her arms enthusiastically and called out to them. "Hey, hey! Look who's arrived! It's me, Harley!"

The Trio turned their attention towards Harley, their expressions a mix of surprise and relief.

Though before they could greet Harley back Jayden had appeared from the other side of the deck and had also called out to Selina and Lola.

" Tiger/Baby/Jayden/Barber Guy..." Both Lola, Selina, Ivy and Harley said at the same time, before all the girls looked at each other in confusion.

Selina's eyes widened, disbelief evident on her face."Wait, you know him already?"

Before Ivy could respond, Harley gasped dramatically, pointing at Jayden, who had coincidentally walked towards Selina and Lola from the opposite direction. "Oh my goodness, wait, he's your new boyfriend?" Her voice oozed with surprise and genuine shock.

Lola, trying to piece everything together, furrowed her brows in confusion. "Hold on a second. You all know each other? How did this even happen? No better yet when did this even happen?

Jayden stepped forward, a warm smile on his face. "Not too long ago I found two injured girls behind my barbershop. I took care of them and helped nurse them back to health. Those girls were none other than Ivy and Harley."

"Though I did tell you two about it, just not who they were...for obvious reasons but I never expected you two to know them, or that they would be the friends you wanted to invite."

'Of course, I did know but hey seeing all their reactions, the wait was totally worth it.' Jayden thought in amusement.

Selina and Lola exchanged astonished glances, their jaws dropping in disbelief. The realization dawned on them, connecting the dots.

Ivy, ever the calm and composed one, joined in with a smile. "Indeed, it seems our paths were intertwined long before we even knew it." Though she was acting calm she was actually pretty shocked inside.

Selina shook her head, a mix of awe and amusement playing on her features. "Well, Tiger, it seems you have an uncanny knack for attracting extraordinary people into your life."

Jayden chuckled, his eyes gleaming with fondness. " I never could have imagined that our chance encounter would lead us to this moment."

Harley, her curiosity piqued, chimed in. "Yeah he was a real lifesaver, we had met even before he took in me and Red," Harley said telling the girls how they first met.

Jayden blushed slightly, humbled by the compliment. "I did what anyone would do in that situation. But I'm glad I could be there for you both..."

" *Sigh* You're too kind for your own Good Tiger."

" Be more mindful in the future would you," Lola said exasperated, she was happy the way Jayden was, but it was because of the way that he was that she worried sometimes.

Suddenly Ivy who had been calm put on a shocked expression and pointed at both Lola and Selina in a confused manner.

"Wait a god damn minute...if I'm not wrong you just called him Tiger which is what you call your boyfriend...but Lola you also just called Jayden baby..." She was so confused now.

Jayden couldn't help but chuckle at the mix-up of the term "Baby and Tiger."

He moved gracefully, walking in-between Selina and Lola's loungers with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

He leaned down and planted a loving kiss on each of their lips, his affectionate gesture drawing surprised gasps from both Selina and Lola.

As the kiss lingered, Ivy, who had been observing the scene with a bemused expression, finally couldn't contain her confusion any longer.

Her emerald eyes narrowed, and she looked at Selina and Lola with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "Wait a minute," she said, her voice tinged with bewilderment, "both of you said... You mean to say...?"

Selina, a playful smirk gracing her lips, responded with a nod. "Yes, Ivy, we're both dating Jayden. It's a bit of a unique arrangement, but it works for us."

Lola chimed in, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "We didn't plan for it to happen this way, but love has a funny way of surprising you."

Ivy's expression shifted from confusion to shock then from shock to curiosity, and she let out a soft chuckle. "Well, I must say, this is quite the revelation. Jayden you certainly know how to keep things interesting."

In the background, as the display of affection unfolded, Harley couldn't contain her excitement.

She exaggeratedly mimed her mind being blown, her hands dramatically flying away from her head.

The exaggerated gesture caught the attention of the nearby onlookers, including some men who had entertained the thought of approaching Selina and Lola.

Their hopes and dreams were shattered as they realized the two captivating women were not only taken but in a unique relationship with Jayden.

"Fuck!! Two at once!! Who the hell is that guy."

"Damn, he must be loaded..."

As the moment of affection came to a close, Jayden turned to Harley, a playful glint in his eyes. "Harley, don't even think about taking pictures this time," he warned, remembering their previous situation.

Harley flashed him a mischievous grin. "Well, you'll have to catch me first, Jayden," she teased," Plus because of it, you got to see my girls, aren't you a lucky guy?

"He got to see your girls," Lola asked and Jayden felt a chill go down his spine as both Selina and Lola turned to him for explanation.

'Goddammit Harley!!!!"


( Location: SSS SANTANA - Jaydens Cabin.)

Jayden stood on the balcony of his cabin, his gaze fixed on the mesmerizing sight of the setting sun casting its golden glow across the vast expanse of the ocean.

It had been three hours since the reveal was made and after a very short but accurate recounting of the situation, both Selina and Lola had forgave him.

They knew how random Harley can be and knew Jayden wasn't to blame for seeing her half-naked. Plus Harley had moved in with them In the past so they knew her streaking habits quite well.

Now the girls were getting ready and dressed up for a dinner he had reserved and after that, They would be going to an Ice show held on the Entertainment deck.

More specifically Deck(Pi) 9.

The tranquil moment was interrupted by a light tap on the window, drawing his attention. He turned to see Lola peering out from behind the curtains, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Curiosity piqued, Jayden approached the window, a questioning expression on his face.

Lola gestured for him to come inside, her excitement barely contained. With a bemused smile, he entered the cabin, his eyes scanning the room.

To his surprise, he found all of the girls gathered there, each one adorned in a stunning evening dress that accentuated their beauty and individual style.

The transformation was remarkable, and Jayden found himself momentarily speechless, captivated by their looks.

Harley couldn't contain her laughter, her bubbly personality shining through. She pointed at Jayden and teased, "Look at that face! You're so tongue-tied, Cupcake...Can't blame you though, we do clean up real nice!"

'Wait a minute, Cupcakes! That It! Thats his new nickname...Harley, you are a genius.'

Selina, the epitome of seduction, leaned against the wall with a sly smile. "I must say, Tiger, you're lucky to be surrounded by such stunning women. I hope you're up to the challenge of escorting us tonight," she purred, her voice dripping with playful flirtation.

Lola blushed, feeling a mix of shyness and pride at Jayden's reaction. She twirled a strand of her hair nervously, Both Ivy and Harley weren't used to seeing her act so girly.

Ivy, exuding an air of confidence and sensuality, stepped forward. Her emerald eyes locked with Jayden's, and she smirked. "Well, well, Mr. Lucky. It seems we've left you speechless. Don't worry, it happens to the best of them. But let's not keep you waiting too long, shall we?"

Jayden finally found his voice, a genuine smile gracing his lips. "You all look absolutely breathtaking. Each of you brings a unique beauty that takes my breath away. I feel like the luckiest man alive. And it would be an honour to escort you, fine ladies to your destination." Jayden said playful.

The room filled with laughter and joy as the girls exchanged glances. Selina playfully nudged Ivy and whispered, "I think you've met your match, Ivy. Jayden seems to have a way with words."

Selina took the initiative to wrap herself around Jayden's left arm, and she was soon followed by Lola who took his right.

With a renewed sense of excitement, they stepped out of the cabin. Though as they did Harley couldn't help but point out...

"...Pftt Hahaha!! You know...If you walk with us like, this you're gonna look like a pimp Jayden."

Jayden who felt excited immediately paused...

Looking at Selina and Lola who were linking their arms with him and Ivy and Selina who were right by their sides. Then at his purple highlighted suit...all he was missing was the cane.

'Fuck...I really do look like a pimp.'














(Claudia pic)