
The barber:Dc

Jayden, a talented and ambitious boy, has always dreamed of becoming a Barber. However, his aspirations seem out of reach in his ordinary life. One fateful night, as Jayden was walking back home he encounters a woman in danger and tries to save her...unfortunately, because of his recklessness, he died... But that wasn't the end for him as he awakens in a realm beyond imagination, finding himself reincarnated into the DC Universe. Now trying to live out his lifelong dream, Jayden must navigate this new reality where superheroes and supervillains coexist. . . . . . My last story wasn't really starting off well so I decided to change it for this dc one while I fine-tune and mark out the other one that I'll upload into another story category. I'll be honest here I've never read a dc comic in my life but I love the movies and have been reading up on my favourite characters. I'm still confused about the whole rebirth thing and the new 52 but I'm trying. In any case, most of my knowledge will be from the movies, some videos I've seen from Kinglion, variant YouTube and of course the wiki. I've been recommended to watch the young justice TV show, static and other animated stuff so while writing this I'll watch some of that stuff in my free time. Also just a reminder, I'm not a professional writer and don't claim to be, I'll make mistakes, so pointing out those mistakes would be much appreciated. Then with nothing more to say I hope you enjoy my story, and if not then thanks for trying it out. ......................

John_Len_2493 · Others
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Chapter Fifty-Two

(Uptown - Gotham)

Michael walked through the dark, desolate streets of Gotham alone, his mind in a whirlwind of fear and desperation.

The weight of his colossal debt hung heavily on his shoulders, suffocating him with every step he took.

He knew he had lied to Jayden about his progress, not wanting to involve his helper and friend in the dangerous situation caused by his stupid addiction.

Now, he found himself at the mercy of the Architect, a new villain who seemed to revel in the misery of others.

As he pondered his grim future, a black van pulled up beside him, its menacing presence sending a shiver down his spine.

Before he could react, burly men emerged from the vehicle, their faces concealed by black masks adorned with tear-like streaks.

Michael's heart raced as they forcibly dragged him inside, his protests drowned out by their cold indifference.

Inside the van, darkness enveloped Michael, amplifying his trepidation. He mustered the courage to speak, his voice quivering, "Please, I'll find a way to pay off the debt. Just give me more time."

The men exchanged glances, their expressions unyielding. One of them reached into his pocket and withdrew a meticulously crafted invitation letter.

With an air of ominous finality, the man extended it toward Michael, who hesitantly accepted the enigmatic offer.

"This is an invitation to a game," the man explained, his voice devoid of any warmth. "If you participate with a partner and win, your debt will be absolved. But if you lose..."

He let the statement hang in the air, leaving Michael's imagination to fill in the terrifying blanks.

Thoughts of physical harm, retribution, and even death flooded his mind, intensifying his anxiety.

Michael's trembling hands clutched the letter, his gaze fixated on the bold letters that taunted him with both hope and fear.

This Architect's game offered a chance to turn his life around, to break free from the suffocating grip of debt.

Yet, he knew that accepting the invitation would plunge him into an unknown, one that required a willing partner.

The van abruptly screeched to a halt, jolting Michael back to reality.

With a swift push, he was unceremoniously ejected onto the desolate street before the van disappeared into the darkness.

Left alone with his thoughts, he clutched the invitation tightly, his mind racing to find a solution.

Three days. That was all he had to decide whether to accept the Architect's macabre proposition.

The weight of the choice pressed heavily on his conscience, knowing that it would not only impact his own fate but also that of an unsuspecting partner.

Michael's footsteps grew heavier as he walked aimlessly, contemplating the impossible decision before him.

The streets of Gotham seemed even darker and more foreboding than before, reflecting the turmoil within his troubled soul.

He had walked for so long that at some point he had made it to an all too familiar street.

In the distance, he spotted the neon glow of Jayden's barbershop.

Hope flickered within him as he remembered the support and kindness his friend had shown him. Perhaps, in Jayden, he would find the courage to share his troubles and ask for help.

But he didn't do it, he couldn't do that to Jayden after everything he's done for him.

Michael sat on the cold, desolate streets of Gotham, his mind consumed by the weight of his impossible decision.

The invitation letter from the Architect's game taunted him, its presence a constant reminder of how much of a fuck up he was, how much of a failure he was.

Lost in his thoughts, he was startled by the approach of a man, his weathered face etched with lines of experience.

At first, Michael's instincts kicked in, his fear flaring up at the sight of a stranger.

He tensed, ready to defend himself against potential danger. But to his surprise, the man's words were far from what he expected.

"Are you the one who received an invitation to the Architect's game?" the man asked with a hint of intrigue.

Michael's eyes widened in disbelief. How could this stranger know about the invitation? His scepticism overwhelmed him, and he cautiously replied, "Who are you, and how do you know about the game?"

The man chuckled softly, the sound carrying a sense of mystery and intrigue. He seemed to radiate an air of confidence as if he held the answers Michael desperately sought.

"I'm just a wanderer in this city," the man replied cryptically. "Let's just say I have a knack for stumbling upon secrets I shouldn't be stumbling onto."

He said while taking out a cigar from his breast pocket.

Michael's curiosity was piqued, and he found himself drawn to this enigmatic figure.

Perhaps this encounter held the key to his salvation, or at least a glimmer of hope in the face of his overwhelming predicament.

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Michael asked tentatively, "Can you help me? I'm trapped, and I don't know what to do."

The man's gaze softened, a flicker of empathy crossing his eyes. "I can offer you a way out, a chance to navigate this Architect's game and free yourself from this debt. But it won't be easy."

Michael's heart raced with a mixture of apprehension and newfound hope.

The prospect of escaping his dire situation was almost too good to be true. Yet, the stranger's presence exuded an air of reliability.

He hesitated for a moment, torn between caution and the yearning for a lifeline.

Looking towards Jayden's barbershop in the distance, he contemplated seeking solace in the presence of his friend. But the stranger's offer beckoned him with the promise of a way out.

Summoning his courage, Michael looked into the stranger's eyes and made his decision. "I'm willing to take the risk. If you can help me win this game, then I'll trust you as my partner."

A genuine smile graced the stranger's face, dissipating the shadows that clung to his mysterious aura. "Good choice, my friend. Together, we'll dominate this shity little game of there's."

Taking a deep breath, Michael mustered the courage to ask, "Who are you, exactly?"

Taking a deep puff of his cigar, the man introduced himself."Tony, Tony soprano!" before exhaling all the smoke.

Tony, a stranger with an air of confidence, had emerged as a potential ally in this treacherous game. He knew that their path would be fraught with danger, but with Tony by his side, he felt a glimmer of hope.

As Tony and Michael left the scene, their footsteps faded into silence, their presence swallowed by the darkened rooftops of Gotham.

Unbeknownst to them, three male-like figures had been observing their encounter from a discreet vantage point.

With calculated precision, they observed the unfolding events, their eyes gleaming with a sense of curiosity.

Silently and seamlessly, the trio melded with the shadows, their figures blending effortlessly into the night.

They moved with the grace of predators, their presence felt but never seen. Like spectres, they drifted through the city, their mission clear.

Their watchful gaze extended beyond Tony and Michael, scanning the streets and alleys for others ensnared by the Architect's web of debt.

Each figure, with their own distinct aura, ventured into different corners of Gotham.

One figure, tall and imposing, moved with a commanding presence. He cast his discerning eyes upon the inhabitants of a lavish penthouse, where a man's life had crumbled under the weight of his debts.

The figure's presence, a mere whisper in the wind, filled the room with an unsettling aura.

Another figure, lean and agile, navigated the treacherous underworld of Gotham's nightclubs.

In a dimly lit establishment, he observed a woman caught in the clutches of desperation. His eyes, sharp and perceptive, pierced through the smoke-filled air, assessing her plight with an air of detachment.

The third figure, shrouded in darkness, ventured deep into the city's underbelly. In the depths where shadows danced, he came upon a man haunted by his past choices. His presence, like an echo from the abyss, sent shivers down the man's spine.

With a shared understanding, the trio dispersed, each venturing into different corners of Gotham to seek out those burdened by their immense debts.

Their mission was clear—to extend the Architect's invitation and present an opportunity for salvation, albeit one that came at a steep price.

In the heart of the city, the first figure entered a lavish penthouse, where a man with a haunted expression awaited his fate.

The figure's voice dripped with calculated charm as he began, "Mr Thompson, I come bearing an offer—one that can absolve your debts and grant you a second chance."

Mr Thompson, a once-wealthy businessman reduced to ruin, listened with cautious hope as the figure described the Architect's game and its tantalizing promise of liberation.

The figure extended an invitation, its elegant design belying the darkness that lurked within.

Meanwhile, the second figure infiltrated a dimly lit underground club, where a woman, her face etched with desperation, clung to the remnants of her former life.

With a voice like silk and steel, the figure presented her with the opportunity to wipe the slate clean, to regain her freedom from the Architect's clutches.

As the woman hesitated, torn between the shadows of her past and the uncertain path that lay ahead, the figure revealed the invitation—a ticket to the Architect's game, a glimmer of hope disguised as a pact with the unknown.

Lastly, the third figure ventured into the depths of the city's underbelly, where a man haunted by his choices sought solace in alcohol.

With a voice steeped in darkness and mystery, the figure unfolded the Architect's proposition.

The man, his eyes flickering with a mix of fear and desperation, beheld the invitation that was placed before him.

It promised a chance to break free from the chains of his indebtedness, but it also hinted at the perils that lay in wait, lurking behind closed doors.

One by one, the Architect's men visited those ensnared by debt, delivering the promise of liberation through the clandestine game.

The city of Gotham became their new little playground.

As the clock ticked relentlessly, the destinies of these individuals became entwined, their choices shaping the intricate workings of the Architect's game.

Salvation or damnation, it all hung in the balance as they teetered on the precipice of a choice that would define their lives...


Next Arc - The Architect's Game...

See you in the next chapter...

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