
The Banished Mage of Stocaea 1, 2, & 3 (First Draft)

Here you will follow the story of a banished mage called Christopher Newman as he ventures to other lands to find a family of his own. Being a wizard who has experience in spatial magic. (in which this magic type is only acceptable in nobility) He finds himself confident he won't lose in a conflict, but the world is full of surprises that our mage did not account for. Will he survive the horrors of the forests surrounding Stocaea? Or will he die not knowing where he truly belongs? This book takes place in the first twenty-five years of Christopher's life. We will follow all his laughs, cries, sorrows, wins, losses, and his adventures around the realm of Epusdma. He will make friends, acquittances and enemies as well as develop his skill and experience in magic. This is the very first book in the Epusdma series and book 1 of 9 in the Christopher chronicles *trigger warning* contains examples of problems such as racism, inequality, SA, homophobia and many more. I hope to tackle as many human faults as I can.

StephenPFrith · Fantasy
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127 Chs

Chapter 9 Part 3

"So, we finally meet," The Mythril Warrior mocks, his voice laced with a mixture of defiance and scorn. "Thank you for playing with Christopher on his birthday. He had a blast."

(Narrator) Jasyn's title is so cool!

Ralgormath, his sinister features contorted into a wicked smile, locks eyes with his adversary. The air crackles with tension as he responds, his voice dripping with malice. "It was his demon seed that bested me. Tricked me into ripping off my own arm. That will be the last time I underestimate an opponent."

As the words hang in the air, Ralgormath's fury intensifies. With a primal roar, he brings forth his malevolent powers, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield. The ground trembles beneath his demonic presence as he shatters the core of one of the golems with his bare hands, its mist-like form dissipating into nothingness leaving only its armour behind.

Jasyn's eyes narrow, his grip on his sword tightening. Unyielding in the face of Ralgormath's arrogance, he steps forward, fully embracing his role as his kingdom's guardian. With unwavering resolve, he squares his shoulders and channels his inner strength, ready to face this formidable foe.

As the two adversaries prepare to clash, the battlefield holds its breath, aware of the monumental struggle about to unfold. The result of this battle hangs the tone of future conflicts in the balance as Jasyn and Ralgormath lock horns, each prepared to unleash their full might in this battle.

Jasyn charges forward, bringing his greatsword down in a swift arc. Ralgormath raises his weapon just in time, their clash sending a shower of sparks through the air.

(Narrator) Ok, I've been practising a little and I think I can dramatise the fight as it unfolds.

(Nebulon) You've been doing great so far, there hasn't been such trying times before now. It deserves as much flare as you can muster!

Jasyn, The Mythril Warrior, charges forward with unwavering determination, holding his greatsword firmly in his grasp. Each step brings him closer to the demon that threatened his future with Christopher, his heart pounds in his chest with anticipation.

With a thunderous battle cry that pierces through the air, Jasyn swings his greatsword in a swift and calculated arc. His blade slices through the air with the intent to kill. However, Ralgormath, a powerful demon, proves to be a formidable opponent.

Reacting with supernatural agility, Ralgormath raises his own weapon just in time, deflecting Jasyn's strike with a screeching clash. The force of their collision sends shockwaves reverberating through the battlefield, while sparks erupt like stars against the night sky.

Locked in a furious struggle, Jasyn and Ralgormath exchange blows, their movements a blur of steel and fury. However, despite Jasyn's skill and determination, Ralgormath's unholy strength proved to be a formidable challenge for him.

In a swift and unexpected manoeuvre, Ralgormath manages to land a brutal strike against Jasyn's defences. His weapon cuts through Jasyn's mythril armour, leaving behind a deep gash that seeps crimson. Pain sears through Jasyn's body, but he grits his teeth and fights through the agony, refusing to succumb.

"How did you cut mythril? Answer me filth." Jasyn grunts out.

"Like I'd tell you. But mythril's only weakness is mythril itself." Ralgormath answers with a sinister demonic toothy smirk, admiring his blade.

With blood staining his armour and his movements slightly hindered, Jasyn continues to press on. He unleashes a flurry of lightning-fast slashes, each blow an act of defiance against the overwhelming odds stacked against him. Every swing of his greatsword sends shockwaves through the air, a testament to his unyielding spirit.

Ralgormath, however, is relentless in his assault. With a dark energy swirling around him, he retaliates with a ferocity that shakes the ground beneath them. Jasyn found himself on the receiving end of the demon's malevolent strikes, each blow leaving its mark.

Though injured and battered, Jasyn fights on, his determination burning like an unquenchable flame. He draws upon the reserves of his strength and summons every ounce of his skill, seeking an opening to turn the tide in his favour.

"Why are you not fighting me with magic? Is this some stupid honour act or something?" Ralgormath laughs wickedly.

In a desperate gambit, Jasyn launches a powerful counterattack, his movements fueled by a combination of adrenaline and sheer willpower. His strikes land with precision, momentarily driving Ralgormath onto the backfoot. But the demon, fueled by darkness and rage, refuses to surrender.

In an act of malice, Ralgormath summons a surge of dark magic, channelling it into a devastating blow. Jasyn's defence waivers under the overwhelming force, and his body absorbs the full impact of the attack. The impact sends him sprawling to the ground, pain coursing through his veins.

"What is this?" Jasyn gasps, clutching at his chest.

Battered and bloodied, Jasyn struggles to rise, his breath ragged and his vision blurry. The battle seemed to be on the verge of slipping from his grasp. But then, with a sort of scorning rage, he forces himself to his feet, ignoring his injuries and the darkness that threatens to consume him.

(Dime) It's... it's bad, Your Highness. I feel his lifeforce weakening.

Christopher's heart sinks, his grip tightening on his own worry. His voice, laden with urgency, cuts through the air, "Force a Holy Grade Healing Potion down his throat. Have Beerwolf at his side, supporting him. Tell him not to hold anything back, no matter the cost."

Jill, her voice trembling with both longing and determination, steps forward, her eyes reflecting the want she feels in being useful to Christopher. Her words come out in a soft plea, "Do you have anything for me to do, Your Majesty? Anything at all?"

Christopher turns to Jill, his gaze filled with a mixture of gratitude and concern. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself amidst the turmoil. "Take over Beerwolf's duties with the evacuees," he commands, his voice filled with a potent blend of authority and compassion. "If you encounter a challenge beyond your capability, do your best to explain his absence and provide reassurance to those in need."

The weight of their predicament presses heavily on Christopher's shoulders, his expression etched with unwavering resolution. His eyes, though clouded with worry, remain fixed on the task at hand. Every word he speaks is infused with a sense of desperate hope, fueled by his unyielding love for Jasyn.

(Nebulon) Sure, but you know the kid is dying inside. He's playing the role of King well this time. I'm proud of him.

In this moment, the depth of their emotions hangs in the air, their hearts entwined in a shared journey of fear, love, and the unwavering resolve to protect their cherished ones. It is a battle not only against a physical foe but against the insidious claws of despair, propelling Christopher forward with an unwavering spirit.

Back on the battlefield, Jasyn is left on his knees, the weight of the relentless battle finally catching up to his battered body. Ralgormath, the demon, cackles darkly, his triumph over The Mythril Warrior filling him with a sense of invincibility. The fight seemed completely one-sided, with Jasyn's strength fading against the overwhelming power of his adversary.

Gasping for breath, Jasyn feels a sudden surge of discomfort in his throat. He chokes and coughs, caught off guard by the liquid pouring down his gullet from inside his visor. A wave of healing energy courses through his veins, mending each gash and soothing every bruise before Ralgormath's very eyes.

A scowl curls upon Ralgormath's lips as he realises the source of Jasyn's unexpected recovery. "This is Christopher's doing. That pesky Spatial Mage," he mutters, his voice laced with both admiration and annoyance. Even in the heat of battle, the connection between them remains unbroken.

Ralgormath grunts, his irritation evident as he scrunches his nose. "The meddling of that coward," he mutters under his breath, his frustration fueling his determination to overpower Jasyn once more.

Jasyn lets out a hearty laugh, a spark of renewed vigour in his eyes as he picks up his blade, using it as a support to rise to his feet. He gazes at Ralgormath with an unwavering resolve, the scars of battle still fresh upon his face. He wipes the blood from the corner of his mouth, his spirit remains unyielding.

Just as Jasyn readies himself for the next clash, Beerwolf appears by his side, dressed in his distinguished suit. His voice carries a note of concern as he addresses his king, "I was told to provide backup. Can you still fight, Your Highness?"

Jasyn nods, his eyes never leaving the formidable demon before him. "Yeah, be careful. This bastard is strong," he warns, his voice a mixture of respect and caution. He appreciates Beerwolf's unwavering loyalty, knowing that his presence will provide a much-needed advantage in this intense battle.

Together, Jasyn and Beerwolf stand as a united front, their determination blazing like an unyielding flame.