
The Banished Mage of Stocaea 1, 2, & 3 (First Draft)

Here you will follow the story of a banished mage called Christopher Newman as he ventures to other lands to find a family of his own. Being a wizard who has experience in spatial magic. (in which this magic type is only acceptable in nobility) He finds himself confident he won't lose in a conflict, but the world is full of surprises that our mage did not account for. Will he survive the horrors of the forests surrounding Stocaea? Or will he die not knowing where he truly belongs? This book takes place in the first twenty-five years of Christopher's life. We will follow all his laughs, cries, sorrows, wins, losses, and his adventures around the realm of Epusdma. He will make friends, acquittances and enemies as well as develop his skill and experience in magic. This is the very first book in the Epusdma series and book 1 of 9 in the Christopher chronicles *trigger warning* contains examples of problems such as racism, inequality, SA, homophobia and many more. I hope to tackle as many human faults as I can.

StephenPFrith · Fantasy
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127 Chs

Chapter 11 Part 1

(Narrator) Damn it Christopher, not so aggressive next time. I know you had to kill some time after you woke up, but you could have killed me with your little experiment.

"How many times do I need to apologise to you Tari? I didn't know it was going to blow up on you." Christopher begs.

(Narrator) Lets not forget the absurd way you acted last night. Damn, it's like you don't realise I feel your emotions. It still sends shivers through me.

"I'm sor-, wait, you can feel shivers?" Christopher says, aggravatingly getting side tracked. Tari gives him the next best thing he has to a glare, his light turning a mixture of red and orange. "I'm sorry." He finishes, lowering his head to the Wisp. Tari is enjoying the power he has over him right now.

(Narrator) One more time.

Christopher gives a look as if to say, I'll get you back someday. "I'm sorry, Tari. I hope you can forgive me."

Jasyn snorts off to the side. "Sounds like your Tari's servant or something."

(Narrator) *Chortle* I'm done now. I accept the thirty-six apologies.

Christopher gives an exhausted sigh, slumping back into the carriage chair. "Thank the gods."

Jasyn takes hold of Christopher's hand, squeezing it lightly and rubbing his thumb along the backhand. Christopher first looks at his hand, then looks softly into Jasyn's piercing blue eyes.

The carriage comes to a harsh stop, Jasyn and Christopher brace themselves at the sudden halt.

Christopher leans on through the driver window. "Lay it on me, Beerwolf."

The Wolfman sniffs the air before answering. "Something feels, off. I'm not picking up any scent."

Christopher retreats from the window, crossing his arms with a serious disposition. "Any enlightenment, Dime?"

(Dime) The air has become rather filled with static. We can expect some kind of anomaly nearby. When I say static, I mean my usual way of tracking with mana has been hindered. Like a haze.

"Hmm. I see only one, no. Three possibilities." Christopher says.

"There is a mana deficiency caused after either a large spell." Jasyn interjects.

"An overabundance of magic after a mass grave." Beerwolf comments.

"Or a mana crystal is consuming the environment, summoning monsters. Or worse, undead." Christopher says.

"Are you saying something happened here? Like, someone did this?" Jill nervously asks.

"We can't assume anything. It just could be a natural magical anomaly. We should try to locate its source. And I know the perfect entity to do so." Christopher says, stepping out of the carriage.

"Your Majesty. You shouldn't be doing that. You must keep Royal etiquette at all times." Jill scolds, leaping from the passenger seat. 

"Jill, the sooner you realise that you can't change who His Majesty is, the better." Beerwolf informs.

"My husband will do whatever he likes, Jill. Sit back down." Jasyn commands.

"Excuse my rudeness, Your Majesties." Jill says, climbing back up to her seat next to Beerwolf.

"It's nice to see that your training is going well, but most of that will probably go out the window when it's just the four of us." Beerwolf says.

"You MUST keep your professionalism when around us too, like your teacher. Learn from his example. Smart, dressing smart, strong, and above all else, always ready at a moment's notice." Jasyn instructs, making the Wolfman flush under his fur.

"Thank you, Your Highness. Such kind words are unworthy for one such as I." Beerwolf grins.

"Nonsense." Christopher replies. "Dime, bring me three C.R.A.I.G soldiers, one of them preferably able to take command of the other two." He says.

(Dime) I assume you do not mean the commander, sir?

"He's already tailing us. No, I need one that can lead the other two. I don't want any incompetence for this."

(Dime) Searching for three C.R.A.I.G soldiers that are not patrolling Loreafan. . . . . . . FOUND. Giving them the summons. . . . . . . OPENING DIMENSIONAL GATE.

The Gate opens horizontally and the selected golems pass through each making a deep crunch as they land on the gravel road on a knee, fist to the ground.

(Nebulon) Didn't a reincarnation once say they called that a Superhero landing?

(Narrator) What's a Super-hero?

(Nebulon) Honestly, I think it's part of their fiction or something. Like a fantasy about having magic or an innate power. Something like that.

(Narrator) Huh, I might use that next time.

The Staff Sergeant of this newly made Squad lifts her misty form so that her helm gazes upon her Kings' polished suit shoes. Her voice is toneless, lacking much emotion as she speaks. It's almost disembodied, like hearing her from afar.

(Golem Staff Sergeant) Your Majesty, we have received your summons. We answer at your beck and call. What are your orders, Highness?

Christopher, a little unnerved by her tone, asks her to rise. "I would like you to investigate this marshland and identify its source. You are forbidden from taking any action other than to scout and report." Christopher decrees.

(Golem Staff Sergeant) We've received your mandate, we shall depart at once.

The brand new Sergeant rises to her monstrous height, the golden accent on their blackened armour glimmering as the sun's rays shine upon its regal aura. Her rise in rank accumulates in a slightly more detailed Loreafan Crest. Every rise in rank is shown with a feather becoming more elaborate, from the left wing transitioning over to the right wing. The lowest rank, Soldier, has no circumstantial detail on the crest; Whereas the Commander, the highest rank under Beerwolf has all but three feathers fully detailed.

"You should follow them, Tari. It'll probably be interesting." Christopher smirks.

(Narrator) Look at you, taking the initiative on making your R.O.I.M.P. a must read for the Gods, huh?

"Just get a move on!" Christopher says, waving his arms to force Tari to move.

(Narrator) With the way you're pushing me away, my narrative senses are firing off on all cylinders. There ain't no way I'm leaving.

(Nebulon) Yeah it gives me the heebie jeebies too.

(Narrator) Cmon, If Nebulon is saying something, you know somethings gonna happen.

(Nebulon) Are you calling me a bad omen?!

(Narrator) That's exactly what I'm saying. You destroyed the Stocaean Empire for fun!

(Nebulon) … Fair enough.

"*Sigh* Jill, come here please. I have a job for you." Christopher says, diverting his attention away from the spat between The Wisp and The Void.

Beerwolf shoves her off the carriage. Luckily for her, he's done this enough to anticipate it. Inches away from her face becoming acquainted with the ground, she outstretches her arm, throwing herself so that she rotates her body upright. Landing on her feet, she makes a practised pose, she grabs hold of the sheath attached to her hip, using her spare hand to grasp the holdster of the blade. Her face is firm and focused, her brow arching with determination.

Her entire expression changes on a flip of a coin as she gleefully claps to herself while moving in mini hops. "Finally! Didn't get me that time Master Beta!"

Tari snickers, finding humour in the unintentional innuendo.

(Narrator) You have got to be kidding. Why is no one laughing?! You know what that sounds like, right? You can not tell me you didn't notice.

Christopher turns round his left eye twitching as he whispers through gritted teeth and bated breath. "Will you please shut the fuck up. I'm trying to keep things professional. Your commentary is not helping."

A moment later Jasyn's humongous belly laugh erupts from the carriage, inevitably making Christopher lose his composure. "Ahahah! Jill called Beerwolf a masturbater! I couldn't hold it in anymore! *GASP!* I'm so sorry." he comes stumbling out of the carriage like a man on a binge, almost face planting the floor as he drops to his knees in stitches. This makes Christopher laugh at him, instead of what Jill had said.

Looking at the young woman, she blushes as she realises her error, gingerly hiding behind a nearby rockface. Beerwolf bounds after her as his royalty stumbles on the floor. Before moving behind the rock Beerwolf glares at Christopher. "Get a hold of yourself, Highness'. You embarrassed the poor girl."

Jasyn calms his laugh moments later, getting up but stammering into the side of the cart, hurting his shoulder. As he braces his shoulder with his other arm, Christopher laughs harder.

"It hurts!" Christopher exclaims with amusement.

Jasyn makes a swift exhale as Christopher falls onto his rear, fully calmed from his glee. "C'mon now my love. Time to give it a rest." he asks, reaching out his arm.

"It's your fault this all started in the first place!" Christopher points out in huffs. He grabs his partner's arm and is pulled from the gravelly ground. Dime uses a spell to pull all the sut and dirt from Christopher's elegant royal garm. It balls up, dropping to the ground at his feet.

Jill's screams alerts them both in an instant, they sprint over to where they saw her and Beerwolf leave from. When they arrive, they eye a quivering Jill, clawing at the ground, her binocular vision fixated and rapidly finding, something.