
The Banished Healer

Synopsis In the vast wilderness of the wolf world, a lone figure stood against the backdrop of a crimson sunset. Liana, a rogue with an extraordinary ability to heal, had been cast out from her pack. The reason? Her peculiar power that defied all norms and traditions. It was both a blessing and a curse, for she possessed the gift to mend wounds and restore life. The moon's silver rays danced upon her raven-black hair as she ventured into the unknown, her heart heavy with longing for acceptance. Banished from her home, she sought solace in the embrace of nature's untamed beauty. But little did she know that fate had woven an intricate tapestry destined to change her life forever. Why will happen when she found out she has a darkness with her

flimxy_viktor · Fantasy
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16 Chs

chapter 17

Chapter 17 : The Perilous Path

In the dimly lit courtroom, tension hung heavy in the air as the proceedings unfolded. Alpha Ethan stood at the center, his commanding presence casting a formidable shadow across the room. All eyes were on him, awaiting his response to the grave news delivered by one of his trusted court members.

"Alpha! The two messengers you sent to Black Crescent Pack did not return in one piece," the court member pointed out, a hint of concern etched on their face.

Alpha Ethan's brows furrowed as he absorbed the weight of those words. His mind raced with possibilities, each more treacherous than the last. How could his messengers have met such a fate? What dark forces were at play within Black Crescent Pack?

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Alpha Ethan addressed his court with an air of determination. "We cannot afford to falter in these trying times," he declared, his voice resonating with conviction. "The path we tread is perilous, but it is our duty to unravel this mystery and protect our pack."

His words echoed through every corner of the room, stirring emotions and igniting a sense of purpose within each pack member present. They knew that their alpha was not one to shy away from a challenge; he was steadfast and resolute in defending their honor.

This call for war!" One council member exclaimed, his tone laced with frustration. "The two messenger heads were sent back to us, and what can that mean but war?" He paused for a moment to let his words sink in before continuing.

"We can't simply sit back and watch," another Council member interjected passionately. "That will only make other packs call us cowards. First assassins were sent to our pack, and now our messenger heads! We must take action, Alpha."

Murmurs spread throughout the court room like wildfire as tensions rose among the council members. The alpha raised his hand in a commanding gesture, demanding silence from all.

"I understand you all are scared and furious," he began, his voice filled with authority. "But we can't just jump to conclusions. This could be a plot for war or a ploy to provoke us." He glanced around at each council member before continuing.

"At the same time," he added firmly, "we won't overlook it. I will ensure that we find a solution to this matter." His words hung in the air as everyone absorbed their meaning.

You are all dismissed he said as he rise from his seat.

As the Alpha retreated to his private chambers, his mind raced with thoughts of strategy and diplomacy. He knew that he needed allies, both within and outside the pack, to navigate this treacherous path.

The night sky outside mirrored the Alpha's turmoil. Stars twinkled overhead, shining brightly despite the uncertainty that loomed below. It was a reminder that even in times of darkness, there was always a glimmer of light to guide them forward.

With determination etched on his face, the Alpha began to devise his plan. He would consult with trusted advisors, seek counsel from other packs who had faced similar challenges before, and explore every possible avenue for resolution.

As he poured over maps and reports late into the night, a single thought burned brightly in his mind: he would not let his pack fall victim to this plot for war. He would fight tooth and claw until peace was restored.

Liana's pov.

Waking up with Adrian by my side after the passionate night we shared, a smile graced my lips as I gazed upon his beautiful face. It was nothing short of perfection. The moon goddess truly smiled upon us by pairing me with Adrian, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

"Good morning," I whispered as Adrian slowly opened his eyes, still in the haze of waking up.

"Hmm, good morning, love," he replied with a yawn, his voice filled with warmth and sleepiness.

"You look adorable with your messy morning hair," he chuckled softly, causing a blush to spread across my cheeks.

"Aw, thank you," I said playfully.

As Adrian rose from the bed, completely unashamed of his nakedness (and why should he be?), reality started to set in. He had to go to work.

"Oh... do you have to leave?" I whined pitifully at the thought of him leaving my side so soon.

"I still have a lot of paperwork to do, but I promise I'll be back as soon as possible. Stay safe while I'm gone, okay?" he reassured me before giving me a quick kiss and dashing out the door.

Left alone with my thoughts and Camilla's cheerful presence entering the room carrying a tray filled with breakfast delights brought some much-needed distraction.

"Come in," I called out when she knocked on my door.

"Oh hi Camilla! How are you doing?" I greeted her warmly as she entered the room with that infectious smile on her face.

"Good morning Luna," she bowed slightly before catching herself. "I mean... Good morning Liana!" she giggled sheepishly.

We shared a laugh at her slip-up before she continued eagerly,

"You look so happy today! What's going on?"

With a wide grin, she couldn't contain her excitement any longer and blurted out,

"Well, I found my mate!" Camilla squealed, clapping her hands and jumping up and down like an excited schoolgirl.

"Really? Who is it?" I asked, caught up in her contagious joy.

It's one of the guards!" she exclaimed with a sparkle in her eyes. "He's perfect, Liana!"

The news filled me with delight. Witnessing someone find their true mate was always a magical experience. Love was a powerful force that could transform even the toughest of hearts.

Camilla went on to describe his strong physique, kind eyes, and gentle demeanor. It seemed like fate had brought them together in the most serendipitous way possible.

As we indulged in our fantasies about love and destined mates, my thoughts drifted back to Adrian. Our connection was undeniable yet complicated by the challenges we faced as rogue wolves. But seeing Camilla find happiness reminded me that true love was worth fighting for.

To be continue