
The Banished Angel

Feeling rushes through her veins, cold shivers running down her spine, her heart beating like crazy, these are all strange feelings to her. She is an angel determined to know the cause of her brother's death but it all took an unexpected turn. She found her way to the earth when she got deserted. So new to the world and environment, the demon king in her enemy kingdom was bent on making her his, and a human who got bounded with her isn't also ready on letting her go. Now her heart is beating, it wouldn't stop singing his name, it wouldn't stop longing for him. Who is the deserted angel craving? will she ever get to know the cause of her brother's death? why did she got deserted to the unknown world? Read and enjoy this thrilling story.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter one

Beyond the cloud and sky, after multiple planets comes a world. A world filled with beautification, the fragrance is so beautiful and intoxicating, a world that is filled with different kinds of flowers, butterflies, luxuries, and most beautiful of all, angels. The world was divided into two kingdoms, the kingdom of Akarsto which is filled with only angels, and the kingdom of Darko which is of only demons. Darkso is a kingdom created out of angels that became evil, the moment any angel harbors evil, the pure little white glass on their forehead turns black indicating the presence of evil resulting in them or her getting banished into the Darkso kingdom. The powerful Orb that separates the two kingdoms suddenly got missing and the boundary becomes shaken, since then there has been a war between both kingdoms until one of the queens sacrificed herself to make a new stone boundary that's now guided by the white angels. But there wasn't assurance the demons won't find their way in.

In Akarsto kingdom

On a large green field were two angels, a young female angel, and an old male angel. The atmosphere wasn't so nice as the female angel possesses a weapon, a sharpened dagger with determination, braveness, and coldness written all over her but her opponent maintain a straight look, daring her, looking at her like she isn't up to an ant that can be squeezed between fingers. This angered her more,

' you shouldn't have underestimated me ', she thought and suddenly dashed at him, her wings flapping in the air. He defended himself with his mighty wings. They engaged in a fierce fight which he soon got tired of, he fired a bluish arrow, aiming at her tummy but really ? he over-under estimated her, she stopped the arrow mid-way and was suddenly nowhere to be found. Before he knew what was going on, it pierce through his back.

"arrghhhhh", he groaned and fell, hitting the ground heavily on his butt, "ouch...", he groaned in pain. She flew back to the ground with a smirk on her face,

"the wasn't as long as I expected", she said mockingly,

the man hissed in reply,

"you shouldn't over underestimate me Gojja ", she took some steps closer," I'm sorry about that though, you knew that will weaken me before aiming it at me, I just served you your own medicine",

"Princess", he called as he stood up, "I must say, you have improved a lot", he complimented,

"Not when I must find out how my brother died",

"princess, you have to accept reality, the prince died due to the injury he sustained from the battle",

"never", she turned angrily away," he didn't die in the battle with the demons, he was okay till he got back to the kingdom and suddenly he died overnight and you want me to believe he wasn't murdered?",

"if he truly was I'm sure the king won't hesitate to investigate",

"That's why I'm going to make sure he did investigate",

"Princess ",

"Now that I have defeated you Chief Gojja ", she said aloud with authority," you should go to the king and announce your defeat",

"yes your highness", he replied quietly and watched her fly away. He sighed and limbed away, he was too weak to fly or even walked faster.

The princess approved the golden castle in her war uniform and the dagger in her right hand. Both the angels flying and the ones walking bowed at the sight of her and she non-hesitantly replied. She was welcomed by her mother's cold face.

She bowed immediately she got to her,

" and now what is your plan?",

"Didn't the king says he will know what to say if I present myself worthy of his consideration, now that I have defeated one of his chiefs I am heading over to him",

"Amelia!!", the queen yelled her name angrily," wake up from your dream and see the reality, the prince is dead, he died as a hero, he wasn't murdered",

"How could you say that mum, my brother didn't die from an injury, I knew him so well, he isn't that weak, how could you not even know that as his mother",

"and did you think you know my son more than I do?",

"I can say so when you don't even understand your daughter's pains", she said and walked out on her.

The queen felt a slap on her face, she was angry but knowing how stubborn Amelia can be, she decided to let her have her way leaving her to whatever fate she met.

Princess Amelia waited patiently for the king to show up, she couldn't help but feel nervous about what his decision might be. Though she can be rude sometimes, cold and fierce that doesn't change the fact she is tender by heart, she just doesn't want to believe the person she loves most died out of injury. She was with the prince when she confirmed he was okay before leaving him to rest and the next day, he was reported dead. The prince is the closest angel to her, the only one who understands her and whom she loves so much.

" Someone seems lost in thought ", the king deep voice jotted her out of her thought. She bowed immediately after she saw him,

" you can stand ", he allowed her, " looks like you can defeat Gojja ",

"yes, your majesty",


"And now I've come to plead and persuade you to please investigate my brother's death now that I've proved myself worthy of your consideration",

The first princess standing beside the king bowed and said, "please your majesty, allow me to have a say in this conversation",

"go ahead",

' Seriously? not now ', princess Amelia cried in her mind. She and the first princess, princess Tania were never on good terms.

" Princess Amelia, defeating Gojja isn't something to be proud of", she started, smirking," Gojja is an old man, defeating him is 80% chance, how about you compete with young blood and then I will personally plead with the king to investigate our brother's death", she said,

Amelia looked at her knowing what she was trying to derive, she has always wanted to compete with her and claim she was superior to her.

"and who do you want me to compete with?", Princess Amelia asked,

Princess Tania smiled," I ", she said.

' of course, I knew that ', she thought.

" When did you want it to be", she said looking at Tania like she isn't even her match and that got to her other side.

Princess Tania turned to the king, " please your majesty, I will love to have it tomorrow",

"so shall it be ",

She turned back at Amelia and smiled. Finally.