
The Band Boys

Jadis is a normal school girl. Not popular, not so smart, not friendly, not sociable. Most of the time, she likes to stay quiet in the corner, headphones on, and a sheet of paper to draw. She doesn't like talking about rumors or gossiping about other people. Karlee is one hell of a pain in the ass. A problem child. He always gets into trouble and super badass. Jaz is a very creative and fun-loving type of guy. Happy-go-lucky, having more money and luxury in life, he doesn't care much about other people. Quite popular with girls. When all three of them meet, what will Jadis do to get along with two clashing bad boys? How will they become a group of musicians loving the same thing at the same time? Or loving the same person at the same time? .....

Kei_Kei_ · Teen
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28 Chs


(FLASHBACK - 2 years before Jadis & Karlee met)

Karlee's POV

It's clear to me that she will never be able to see me as a man. But I know I can still stay by her side.

Watching her, protecting her, loving her, all by myself.

"HI! Did you wait for too long? I'm sorry I have to finish some paperwork for Lance.

Lance, her boyfriend that time. A huge jerk.

"I am not amazed. He still in learning school then? Can't deal with his own shit!"

I was never friends with her boyfriend because he's an asshole and a huge burden that Z likes to carry.

"He needs me."

"Yeah. Like your his mom"

We go to school together, we grew up together, we go home together. But I was never rumored to be her boyfriend because everyone knows that we are JUST and will ONLY be Friends.

Ouch. Yes. But I am fine with it.

She's too perfect for him. He doesn't deserve her. But people will always go to the bad guy cause they look cool. I am just average, I guess.

She's 2 years older than me. She's my senior but she never wants to be called senior. She said it's making her feel like she's already a grandma.

She's on top of her class and will graduate soon. She will leave the school but we still get to see each other even, or so I thought.

So I decided to tell her the truth about what I feel, without any expectation or anything like that.

"Hey Z, can you come tonight at the park. I want to tell you something."

" Hmm why not now? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I just want to show you something."

"ok. I'll be there."

I dropped her off her house and went to the park after. I set up my preparation for my confession.

I got everything ready.




And went home to change a bit.

I planned for it to look nice and made sure she liked everything she'll see.

I was very nervous. I can't stop fidgeting and I feel cold sweats all over my body

The fuck am I doing?

And then there she is, she smiled at me, and melted all the cold sweats into warm feelings.

I know I am blushing but who the fuck cares. She wouldn't see it cause it's already night time.

"Hey, what's up? What's with the lights and all these?"

She smelled the flowers and noticed all the lights around her.

She was looking at me straight in the eye as if she already knows what I'm going to say.

"I.... I... Wait. I'm sorry I am not used to this. Fuck! Wait. I--I want to-to-to tell you something very important. No pressure intended and please just listen to me first., OK?

" alright. Take your time "

She sat on the bench near her and looked at me straight in the eye, waiting for what I would say to her.

It took me awhile to compose myself and find the words in my head. This is it, here goes nothing.

"Z, I know this might be too sudden. We've been friends for a long time. We have been closer than any siblings you have. I know this will bring me nowhere but at least let me tell you what I honestly feel about you. I-I- like you Z. More than a friend, or a sibling. I didn't intend this to happen. Honestly, it was never my plan. I didn't make friends with you to take advantage or anything but shit happens right. Oh... Wait... You're not shit. I am shit. For hiding this for so long and now I am telling you this, without expectations, alright. I just want you to know, that from this day onwards, I won't be treating you just like a friend would. And I am fine with friends, but can you just let me do what I think you deserve to have. Just let me. " I handed her the flowers and waited for her reply.

She was surprised, I can see that. A tear fell on the corner of her eye. She seemed tensed and doesn't know what to say.