
The Banana

OwO I love bananas

Bananaking · Horror
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The Banana

Ther was a banana on the tree no one cares about it but no one knowed what happen with the banana. The 3 world war wasn't far away , everyone knowed it. They were scared of the war, but it doesn't help to be scard. So on 23.7.2034 The USA president saied: "We can't wait any longer. China build too much weapons, we must destroy them." The world was shoct. "OoO" And than it happened. USA, China and Russia pressed the Red knob. On the sky big huge Atombombs flied. The baby's cry (ToT) , the fish won't die ,the parents tells them lie. But then the big red boll comed and the faces blushed away. The world was dead x_x . After 10 years the banana growed to a walking something. Creepy ^×^. But he walked to the Labour and build a timemachien and want back to the past. In the past he killed the China USA and Russia president and want back to the future. And than he sew the big world and everyone was laughing and happy. The END

#Abo me on YouTube /Lavakit