
The Ballad Of Jerry and the Undead Knights

Our character is an average male who's height stands at around 4'10. But being average doesn't mean your not extraordinary can our main character go through hardships and complete his journey. the knights may see to it

Karnage5248 · Horror
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19 Chs

The dust settles(12)

Jerry fainted after using his power and the knights recovered his memories and Jerry fell into a 3 month long coma and while in his coma the knight had to fight off demons, monsters, zombies and all the horrors of the underworld whilst the knights were fighting Jerry had hallucinations of the worst kind which had him screaming in his sleep while fighting off the monsters. Lucifer started to worry for the little candidate and watched his back while they rested anytime he could. Jerry would scream Lucifer would jump to see what the problem was because Lucifer was once the littlest and was once bullied and called little lucy the smallest of demons.