
Chapter 17: Vengeance, Pt 1

Mary sat next to her window in her room above the Kitty Kat Club, overlooking the busy city street. It went without saying that she was very much inside her own head. The loud talking and honking horns slowly melded together into droning that she barely noticed. Her only thoughts were on Mickey’s betrayal. She sipped on what was her second glass of bourbon as she inwardly scolded herself.

‘You really know how to pick ‘em, kiddo.’ She let out a sigh and looked down at her phone. ‘What is it about you that’s such a damn magnet for these assholes?’

She scrolled through the messages he had left. He let her know that he was okay, that he’d see her soon. There were a few spicy messages about what he wanted to do with her once he got back, but there was also quite a bit of “I love you” and pet names peppered into the mix.

“What a crock of bullshit.” She mumbled.