
The Bai Clan's Rise

The story of a young man as he reascends back into the world of Martial Arts and cultivation, after coming back to the world of the living, he now has a new clan to call home. The book cover is not my artwork, if you'd like it taken down please message me on Discord WinslowsArt #5564

WinslowsArt · Eastern
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34 Chs


In the early morning, before the twin suns had fully risen, this planet's three moons began their descent toward the horizon, casting a celestial tapestry of shimmering light upon the world.

It was a planet known as Azure, a third-graded planet where power reigned supreme.

On Jade Island, to the east of the fourth largest continent, stood a man known as Bai Huo. Though older in years by the standards of ordinary folk, he defied aging through the essence of martial arts. His heart remained a blazing ember of unyielding passion, but lately, a singular wish consumed his every thought.

But to rekindle the flames of his Clan and lead them in their fight for survival.

The once-mighty Bai Clan had fallen on hard times, and Bai Huo felt a profound duty to honor his Clan's founder and the ancient spirits of his lineage.

In the eyes of the world, he should have been basking in the comfort of his Clan's position, but the past few decades had seen his Clan's fortunes wane.

They teetered on the precipice of obscurity and a small chance of oblivion, and Bai Huo began to question if there was any light left at the end of their tunnel.

The fear gnawed at him, threatening to dismantle his Clan from within and erode it into the ashes of history, much like many ancient clans of yore.

Yet, he still looked up to the heavens, his gaze fixed upon the stars, offering silent prayers for his Clan's endurance.

He held fast to the belief that greatness still coursed through their veins, but the embers of that motivation were slowly fading. Little did he know that forces far greater than he could fathom were already at work, poised to intervene.

Bai Huo, his attire swathed in a white robe adorned with a striking black-and-white square pattern at the collar, presented a dignified image. His hair was neatly coiled into a bun, trailing long, lustrous locks. His beard and mustache added to his regal countenance, despite the telltale streaks of gray. His Malachite eyes shimmered with a unique brilliance, a testament to his inner fire.

Beneath his robe, he wore a black, long-sleeved shirt that peeked from the robe's half-sleeves. His forearms and lower legs were enrobed in the signature attire of the Bai Clan—black engraved iron plates forming a protective armor.

On the back of his white robe, nestled between his broad shoulders, a symbol of a white tiger descending from a mountain marked his allegiance to the Bai Clan, a purpose that had guided him for most of his life.

But now, as he gazed upon the three moons in the early morning sky, doubt shadowed his once unwavering determination.

As one of the Bai Clan's Grand Elders, Bai Huo had just emerged from a grueling meeting that had stretched from late night to early morning. The discussion centered on the thorny issue of who would inherit the Clan's leadership, a position that carried immense power and wealth. The new Clan Leader would command the Clan's vast resources without opposition or challenge, but the weight of the responsibility had left Bai Huo with a heavy heart.

The current Clan Leader was his son, a title that carried the weighty moniker of Patriarch. The tea that had sustained Bai Huo through the many trials and tribulations of the meeting was a rare blend known as "Two Hearts Become One Mind," a precious gift from his father, acquired six years ago during an overseas journey.

The tea had initially brought solace when his son was injured in a duel, but now, even this cherished Spirt Tea Elixir was beginning to fail him.

Two Hearts Become One Mind, once a source of comfort and composure, had transformed into a bitter reminder of his troubles. It had become the sole tether keeping him grounded, allowing him to eat and sleep, and yet, even that was slowly slipping away.



Even as he gazed upon the planet's three moons and the myriad stars adorning the tranquil night, the calming effects of the tea, though it cleared his mind, couldn't quell the relentless tempest of thoughts that raged within him.




His father's soothing words promised a brighter future, but the unease that nestled in Grand Elder Bai Huo's heart continued to fester.

The strife within the Clan, the impending menace that threatened to engulf them, cast a looming shadow over their once-mighty lineage, and it gnawed at his very soul.









"Let us hope," he murmured under his breath, the weight of the world resting on those words.







The two suns began their ascent, and the trio of moons and stars descended gracefully over Jade Island.

The Glimmer Mountain Range sparkled with ethereal radiance, revealing the hulking silhouettes of the mountains within the Bai Clan's valley. The night sky shattered, giving way to a magical sunrise that bathed Azurite Town and the vast expanse of the Bai Clan's domain in its resplendent glow.

As the first rays of dawn pierced the horizon, Bai Huo's unease intensified. The azure sunset gave way to a hazy amber blue, signaling the arrival of a new day.

"Grand Elder, it's time," a voice broke the solemn stillness.

Bai Huo's steely resolve solidified.

"Very well," he replied with unwavering determination, his eyes fixed on the horizon.

"May the gods bless us in this perilous hour."


A tall man, towering at over two and a half meters, paced restlessly in the chamber. The rhythmic thudding of his heavy footsteps was enough to make the man sitting nearby apprehensive.

Anxiety ran through the man, he knotted his fingers rubbing his hands together nervously, causing his hands to change colors with a pinkish-red hue, and now covered in a nervous energy.

"Don't worry, brother, she'll be fine," someone offered reassurance.

"I can't wait; I need to know," he responded urgently.

"Brother, your wife and child will be fine, just like the last nine children," another voice of reason chimed in.

"Master, please be calm," another implored.

"He's right, be calm," echoed more words of encouragement.

"The council called for a summons from the mage's guild," someone mentioned.

"Yes, I know, but I still can't feel satisfied with a healer outside the family," the man fretted.

"The fact that the council called for outside help shows how they feel," another reasoned.

"Brother, stop that, you know how Brother Hu feels," a voice warned.

"Yes, Brother okay!"

A midwife approached a set of double doors, prompting all the male family members to lean forward in an attempt to catch a glimpse. All they could see were the backs of the women and the mage healer darting in and out.

"Ahhhh, it hurts!!!!" came a cry from within the room.

"No, madam, you must push harder, push!" the healer urged.

But just when they thought they might witness the action, one of the women turned and called for another.

"Hey, boys, you need to calm down and wait patiently; there's nothing you can do here," she admonished.

"Wait, Grandma, please let us in; we want to see," one man pleaded.

"No, be gone; this is no place for your rowdy selves!" the elderly woman scolded.

In an instant, their hopes of catching a glimpse were dashed as the old lady firmly shut the doors in their faces.

"Damn, can't they let me in? I hate that my wife won't let me see her during childbirth," one man grumbled.

Waiting was always agonizing, especially when their child's safety hung in the balance, entrusted to the hands of others. The helplessness gnawed at them, amplifying the pain in their hearts.

Fortunately, the torment felt by the men in the nursey's waiting room was about to end, as the moment they had all been anxiously awaiting was drawing near.

Outside the Bai Clan's Main Villa, through his heightened senses and the resonance of the clan members' auras, Bai Huo raced toward the estate's main villa, his heart pounding in tandem with those inside.

The palpable tension emanated from the massive estate, signaling the imminent arrival of the Bai Clan's newest member.

The child was about to be born, and Bai Huo could feel it in the air.

Within the mother's womb, the baby sensed the world's extraordinary essence, intertwined with the mother's life Qi during the lengthy pregnancy.

The child stirred restlessly, imbued with radiant, white energy, pure and vital, like a healing force.

Having experienced this process multiple times, the mother understood what was happening. "Excuse me, madam, it needs to happen now," she said, steeling herself.

"Okay, young madam, please push as hard as you can."

"The blessings of having a healer mage!"


"Here it comes!"

Meanwhile, in the waiting room, the master, older gentlemen, and some elders waited with bated breath.

And then, a piercing cry echoed through the vast main villa, a testament to the arrival of a new life. "Wah, Wah, Wah."


At the very center of the vast main villa, the piercing screams of a child sounded out loudly.

Amidst the resounding cries of the newborn child, an electric atmosphere of excitement and anticipation swept through the main villa.

The tension that had gripped the clan felt as if it had been spread like butter under the warm sun.

But beneath the jubilant facade, the oldest and wisest members of the Clan's upper council couldn't shake their deep-seated anxieties.

Their ancient customs and strict traditions bound them tightly, and the absence of a male heir cast a looming shadow over the clan's future. They yearned for a son to carry on the legacy, to secure the Clan's ancient heritage in a rapidly changing world.

Author's Note - In the Bai Clan, proximity to the White Marble Table at the center of the room equated to greater influence and status.

On the other side of the Bai Clan's vast villa, within a towering edifice, lay the Bai Clan Council Hall. Here, the Elders, Great Elders, and Grand Elders, along with the oldest and most influential members of the Clan, gathered in a colossal circular room.

A sea of chairs sprawled in every direction, enveloping a massive white marble table at its core.

The Grand Elders occupied the seats at the pristine table, while rows of men stretched out behind them, fervently raising their voices, each one hoping to convey their ideas and viewpoints to the other Elders and sagacious men in the room.

They yearned for a semblance of solace amidst the unfolding events.

The youngest and least experienced Elders found themselves positioned furthest from the Table. As one's strength and age increased, so did their proximity to the central table.

This hierarchy provided the oldest and most distinguished members of the Bai Clan an opportunity to voice their concerns, even though they didn't possess an actual seat at the table. Their hope rested in the belief that the nearer they were, the likelier it was for the seated council members to heed their ideas.

A massive white curtain adorned with depictions of clouds and white tigers concealed three elderly men, seated on ancient wooden chairs adorned with intricate wood and ivory carvings. Behind them, a prominent flag displayed a white tiger with wings soaring through the clouds. The flag exuded an aura of authority, compelling anyone who beheld it to submit to the beast's command.

The three venerable men gazed down upon a bustling hall, where numerous elders and wise men argued and shouted, all in the throes of a heated debate surrounding the current crisis within the main branch of the clan.


A heavy exhale escaped from one of the three elders as they watched the scene unfold below.

Shortly all three men Sighed in succession -

"We should change the family's edict."

"No, we should never allow women onto the seat of Clan leader or Patriarch Position."

"He's right, women are only allowed to hold a position of power, as an elder."

"These men can never agree on anything."

"You're right, Bai Tie. They can't."

"Well, Bai Shi, I think today's gonna be a tough one, regardless."

"I don't care, Bai Hu possesses an awakened bloodline."

"Other than Bai Hu and his children, it's been a thousand years since we've had someone awaken our Clan's Bloodline!"

"All his children have awakened our Clan's White Tiger bloodline."

"I know, but it's still frustrating to think about."

"We should tell Bai Hu that his children can't marry into other families."

"I agree, I think that would be for the best."

"We're gonna need to put our foot down if this child is not a boy."

"Let's hope it is, so us three can go back to closed-door cultivating."

"Yes, brother, you're right. What do you think, cousin?"

"I just wish to know what happened to our fathers and grandfathers."

"Yes, it's been over 700 years since we've even heard from them; let's hope everything is fine."

"Oh, sounds like the child has been born."

[A baby was crying, the Bai Clan Ancestors could hear it.]

"It sounds like a strong set of pipes on this child."

"It sounds like a boy."

"No, it can't be."

The three looked at each other.

"Well, Bai Yin, congrats are in order."


All three men burst into hearty laughter as they gazed down towards the bustling hall. The group of rowdy old men below them, who were yelling and screaming just moments ago, had now fallen into a hushed silence, captivated by the cries of the newborn child.

"Men, let's pray for the baby," the three Bai Ancestors proclaimed in unison.

Their voices resonated powerfully throughout the vast hall as the three elderly men suddenly materialized before the gathering, their icy-blue Azurite irises penetrating through the crowd.

Simultaneously, a faint image of three semi-bulky, spectacular white tigers manifested behind the three men, inducing both the elders and great elders to kneel in reverence.


Outside the labor room, a wave of tension gripped Bai Hu as he heard a resonant cry emanate from the room. His heart raced, the anticipation gripping him like a vise. And then, as if a dam had burst, the room erupted in jubilation.

Numerous maids, a wet nurse, and a midwife flooded out, their faces radiant with joy.

"She's given birth! It's a healthy boy," one of the maids joyously announced.

Bai Hu was so overwhelmed with excitement that he couldn't contain it any longer. His world spun, and before he knew it, he had fainted, collapsing onto the floor.

His older brother hurried to his side, concern etched on his face, while the maids and wet nurses quickly gathered around to check on him.

Inside the labor room, Li Bao's eyes glistened with joy as she gazed upon her newborn son, nestled in her arms. The radiant room was filled with excitement as she whispered to her child, "Let me see you... Ah, he's so cute. Look at those eyebrows, just like swords. You're going to be as handsome as your father."

Overwhelmed with joy, she couldn't wait to introduce him to her sisters and parents.

"Madam, they're out and about. Shall I go get the guards to fetch them?" a maid inquired.

"Oh, never mind. Where's my husband?"

"I'm not sure. I'll go look for Bai Hu."

"Hi, sweetheart. Don't bother with that fool, how are you?"

"Oh, Hi, Father Huo. Where's Bai Hu at?"

"Oh, that fool is passed out on the floor outside."


"Don't worry. He'll be fine. He just fainted like a wuss when he heard you had a boy."

As Bai Huo rushed to inform the elders and ancestors, Li Bao's face flushed with elation. She held her newborn son close, and her eyes shimmered with delight as she giggled along with the baby.

"Now, what should we name you?"

"Giggle, Giggle."

Back in the Elder Council's room, the relentless chatter of the elders and the incessant arguments began to take a toll on the senior members and the three Ancestors. Just as they thought the endless debate would never end, a red-faced and sweaty Bai Huo burst through the massive doors, his words electrifying the room.

"It's a Boy, It's a Boy!"

The room exploded with jubilant cheers, hugs, and a rush of euphoria. The three Ancestors shared knowing grins. Without delay, they declared a three-year stay-at-home order for the entire Bai Clan, locking down the Clan from the outside world.

Trade for rare items was halted, supplies were swiftly secured, and provisions were stocked for the next three years. The order sent shivers down the spine of everyone connected to the Clan's fief.

"Ancestors, can we talk privately?"

"Yes, Bai Huo, what is it?"

"We need to have an Oath meeting."


Almost immediately, Ancestor Yin, Bai Huo's father, gave orders for everyone in the hall to swear an oath of secrecy regarding his grandson.

"We accept and bow, Ancestor Yin!!!" echoed through the room.

"Okay, now come with me."

For three straight hours, the three Ancestors discussed Bai Hu's baby boy, reinforcing their oaths of secrecy. They were determined to prevent the Clan's elders and wise men from learning of their conversation, except for the boy's parents and siblings, fearing that outsiders might discover the news, jeopardizing the Clan's safety and future.

"We need to visit the child as a group and discuss this with Bai Hu and Li Bao."

Amidst the joyous celebration inside, Bai Hu and Li Bao were lost in their newfound happiness, cradling their precious child as if he were a priceless treasure, radiant smiles on their faces.

As the three clan Ancestors appeared at the main villa, it caught Bai Huo, Bai Hu, and Li Bao by surprise. They had anticipated that the Ancestors would return to their closed-door cultivation as soon as the child was born.

"Hello, Father. How are you? I see that the three Ancestors are with you as well."

"Maids, if you can, please leave; you can have the rest of the day off."

"Father, we still need them. I haven't taken care of a boy before, and I was planning to learn from them today."

"Never mind that; we have important matters to discuss."

"Great-nephew Hu, does the baby have a name yet?"

"Li Bao said he has beautiful eyebrows like a sword, so she named him Bai Jian!"

"Hmm... White Sword sounds like a strong name, little brother Yin."

"Bai Tie, I think you should craft Bai Jian's first pair of Daisho Katanas."

"Li Bao, may I hold him?"

Bai Jian was gently passed to his grandfather, examined by his great-grandfather, and scrutinized by his great-uncle and second great-cousin. As they looked at him, the baby began to giggle and smile, filling the room with an infectious joy that left everyone captivated.

"It's as you said, Bai Huo, the boy's body is blessed by the Heavens," Bai Yin observed.

"It's like I told you," Bai Huo replied.

"What are you gentlemen talking about?" Li Bao asked.

"Well, Li Bao, your son possesses one of the Top 9 Yang Physiques."

"We believe... "

But before Bai Huo could finish his sentence, he abruptly pushed Bai Yin to the side, accidentally causing him to bump his head against the wall.

"We believe he possesses the Sacred Sky White Tiger Physique. It is a higher version of his father's Immortal White Tiger Physique."

Li Bao gasped, overwhelmed with emotion. "Oh, my goodness, sweetheart, can you believe it?"

"We think it would be best if we hide the boy from the world until he turns 10."

"Oh, I can't believe our Bai Clan has a chance at revival."

"Hahaha," Bai Yin chimed in.

This boy's birth was a boon for the Bai Clan's development, and Bai Yin wholeheartedly embraced it. He was especially pleased that a child with a graded physique was a blessing for the Clan. With the birth of a son, the Bai Clan could afford to permanently hire the Mage Physician who had assisted Li Bao during her delivery. This also served as a way to keep the new child a secret, as he was destined to be no ordinary individual.

Hi, Guy's and Girl's I decided to scrap my first project and start this new one.

This will be my first try at writing a WebNovel so please bare with me and if I make any mistakes please let me know.

This is just an introduction into the story background so enjoy and have a great day.

WinslowsArtcreators' thoughts