
The Bai Clan's Rise

The story of a young man as he reascends back into the world of Martial Arts and cultivation, after coming back to the world of the living, he now has a new clan to call home. The book cover is not my artwork, if you'd like it taken down please message me on Discord WinslowsArt #5564

WinslowsArt · Eastern
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34 Chs

Martial Arts Pavilion

Bai Jian's journey of discovery in the Bai Clan's Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion continued as he explored the vast and meticulously organized library.

This expansive repository of knowledge held the keys to unlocking the martial traditions of the Bai Clan, and Bai Jian was eager to delve into its depths.

The first floor of the library was his starting point, organized into sections corresponding to the fundamental elements.

It was a testament to the Bai Clan's commitment to providing a comprehensive foundation for aspiring martial artists.

Each elemental section held a treasure trove of knowledge, offering a holistic approach to martial arts and cultivation.

Bai Jian couldn't help but speculate about the historical origins of the Bai Clan's martial practices as he perused the shelves.

The primary focus on sword techniques, spears, and physical martial arts intrigued him.

"Was this the clan's original tradition from ancient times, or did the Bai Clan's progenitor make a deliberate choice when founding the clan?" he wondered.

The library seemed to hold the collective wisdom of countless martial artists, and Bai Jian was determined to uncover its secrets.

The first floor of the library was immense, with towering bookshelves containing a vast collection of texts.

Each elemental section offered a comprehensive range of martial arts techniques, along with body and movement techniques.

It was a treasure trove of Cultivation Manuals, Martial Art Techniques, Martial & Movement Art Skills, and Scriptures, both complete and unfinished.

These texts encompassed foundational theory, serving as a rich resource for aspiring martial artists.

Bai Jian was like a treasure hunter, sifting through the accumulated wisdom of past cultivators, martial artists, and scholars.

The accompanying notebooks and annotations added layers of insight and depth to the techniques.

They contained valuable thoughts, annotations, and experiences left behind by those who had walked the path before him.

These notebooks offered comprehensive explanations of the techniques, practical insights, and detailed historical accounts of their development.

They also provided valuable information on correct usage and notable contributors who had made improvements over the years. Bai Jian was overwhelmed by the depth of knowledge and the multifaceted resources at his disposal.

Bai Jian was overwhelmed by the wealth of knowledge available in the Wind Element section of the Martial Arts Pavilion.

The organization and categorization of the materials made it easier for him to navigate through the vast amount of information.

Starting with the Breathing Manuals, Cultivation Manuals, and various techniques related to the Wind Element, he delved deeper into Body Techniques, Movement Techniques, and Escaping Techniques.

The collection also included Fist Techniques and Leg Techniques, offering a comprehensive range of martial arts knowledge.

The inclusion of Outer Techniques piqued his interest, as it delved into skills and culture beyond just martial arts.

Bai Jian realized that he had an opportunity to acquire valuable techniques and knowledge that could help him integrate his skills with those of the Bai Clan while maintaining his cover.

He resolved to explore the collection carefully and select techniques that would serve his purpose.

As he began his exploration, Bai Jian's focus and determination were unwavering, knowing that the knowledge he gained could play a crucial role in his future endeavors.

The white and green tones of the section's books, scrolls, and diagrams symbolized the essence of Wind. As he delved deeper, Bai Jian couldn't help but feel that this knowledge was an invaluable asset in his quest for mastery.

His journey of exploration took him to the third section, and it was here, on the second shelf of the third row, that Bai Jian's eyes fell upon an old white leather book adorned with green scripture on the front cover and gold-edged pages.

It seemed to beckon him, promising to reveal secrets that would further enrich his understanding of the Bai Clan's martial traditions. With a sense of anticipation, he reached for the book, ready to embark on the next chapter of his martial journey.

Bai Jian delicately examined the white leather book with green scripture on the cover that elegantly spelled out "Graceful Gale Wind Techniques." As he flipped through its pages, it became apparent that the book had suffered damage over time.

Despite its wear and tear, the book contained valuable knowledge, presenting nine techniques related to wind-based martial arts. Additionally, the index revealed the existence of three hidden moves.

Unfortunately, the final three chapters of the book were in a state of disrepair.

The faded letters and images made it challenging to glean the full extent of the content.

Bai Jian recognized the significance of this book and knew it could potentially become a valuable resource.

With determination in his eyes, he considered the missing content.

"Well, at least it has some substance to it, but the last three chapters of Moves are faded, almost missing technically.

I'll read it just in case.

When I reach the Danitian Realm, I should have enough Qi within my body to perform a Restoration Spell Technique on it."

He closed the book and carefully returned it to its place on the shelf.

The search for knowledge continued, as he acknowledged that there might not be anything better in this particular row.

He was ready to explore further in his quest for martial enlightenment.

As Bai Jian reached for the dusty, cobweb-covered book on the top shelf of the fourth row, he couldn't anticipate the profound effect it would have on him.

The moment he laid his hands on the old martial arts book, he was transported back in time, experiencing a vivid recollection of his past life when he had embarked on his martial arts journey.

In that earlier life, he remembered picking up a martial arts book for the first time, standing there with anticipation as he ventured into the world of martial arts knowledge.

It was a moment etched in his memories. As he relived this recollection, he felt a mysterious presence surrounding him, as if the spirits of ancestors were watching over him.

His head turned abruptly as if he had heard something behind him.

This reaction was not unique; it was something he did instinctively during such experiences.

While Bai Jian's reaction puzzled him, it was not lost on the ancestral spirits who had been secretly observing him.

Among them, Ancestors Tie and Shi were taken aback by Bai Jian's response, momentarily startled.

On the other hand, Ancestor Yin couldn't help but wear a small, enigmatic grin.

The mysteries of Bai Jian's past and the interconnectedness of his soul across lives were beginning to unfold in unexpected ways.

As Bai Jian continued to browse through the martial arts books on the first floor of the Pagoda Pavilion's library, he moved on to the Metal Section.

Just like the Wind Section, the books here were predominantly of a single color, in this case, various shades of yellow.

The martial arts techniques associated with the Metal Element had their own unique characteristics.

While he had found a Fist Technique called "Shaking Strikes" in the Wind Section, Bai Jian discovered a valuable technique in the Metal Section called "Toughening Finger Points." This book contained details on four distinct moves within its contents.

The techniques within each element were designed to harness the essence and attributes of that element to enhance martial prowess.

Bai Jian carefully examined the book, absorbing the knowledge within, and understanding the intricacies of each move.

He knew that this newfound knowledge would contribute to his martial arts journey and aid him in the future when he reached higher realms of cultivation.

Unknown to him, the ancestors and elders watching him continued to be impressed by his choices and the depth of his understanding.

The mysteries of his past and his remarkable connection to the ancestors' wisdom were becoming increasingly evident.

Bai Jian's connection to the martial arts techniques he had been studying on the first floor of the Pagoda Pavilion's library led to a moment of profound enlightenment.

As he combined the principles and moves from "Shaking Strikes," "Toughening Finger Points," and "Graceful Gale Wind Techniques," his eyes radiated with a brighter light.

The knowledge he had absorbed flowed together seamlessly, and his understanding of martial arts deepened.

His newfound insight inspired him to create his own martial arts technique, one that would be uniquely his.

The fusion of his experiences, knowledge, and spiritual connection culminated in a transcendent moment.

Bai Jian seized an empty journal from the Study Section, sat down, and began to write furiously. He documented every thought, every idea, and every sensation that rushed through him, capturing the essence of his creation.

His soul vibrated, merging harmoniously with his physical and spiritual essence.

The elders watching him noticed something extraordinary happening, and they couldn't help but smile as they recognized the depth of his connection to the martial path.

As Bai Jian wrote, it felt as though the foundation for his new technique was calling to him from the depths of his being.

His ink and quill seemed to move of their own accord, crafting a masterpiece of martial arts philosophy, combining elements of Wind Dao, Sword intent, and Earth, Fire, Light, and more.

The essence of his technique began to take shape: the "Graceful and Beautiful Violet White Flame Fist Technique."

This new technique embodied the beauty and grace of martial arts, with the promise of immense power and potential.

As the ink flowed onto the pages of the journal, Bai Jian's journey on the path of martial arts took a momentous leap forward.

Bai Jian maintained his composure and didn't allow his excitement to show on his face. As he reached the second floor of the Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion, he couldn't help but notice the heightened pressure emanating from the surroundings.

However, he remained unaffected by it, demonstrating a level of control and mastery that was unexpected for someone of his age.

He made his way to the Wind section once again, this time on the second floor. With calculated steps, he approached the last row of bookshelves in that section and ascended to the top. His keen eye soon landed on a book he recognized from his time in the Immortal Realm.

Even though Bai Jian had identified the book he sought, he continued to keep his emotions in check, fully aware of the elders and some of the clan's ancestors who were secretly observing him.

With a composed demeanor, he reached out and took the book from the shelf, preparing to explore the knowledge contained within its pages.

As Bai Jian grabbed the book he had recognized from his time in the Immortal Realm, a touch of nostalgia and perhaps a hint of melancholy crossed his features.

The memories of his experiences and the challenging environment he had faced in the Immortal Realm briefly clouded his expression, causing him to frown.

Bai Jian's hands moved deftly, each stroke of the brush bearing the weight of a lifetime's worth of martial wisdom. He was not merely copying the technique into the book; he was infusing it with his unique insights, creating a comprehensive guide that would benefit generations of Bai Clan disciples to come.

Unbeknownst to Bai Jian, the elders and ancestors who were observing him were privy to this technique that Bai Jian had picked up.

As Bai Jian continued his diligent work, the atmosphere around him seemed to resonate with the significance of his actions. The elders and onlookers watched in awe as he meticulously transcribed his knowledge and insights into the book, breathing life into its pages with the essence of his martial wisdom.

The skill and precision with which he documented his understanding were nothing short of remarkable. It was as if he was leaving behind a legacy for future generations of Bai Clan disciples, ensuring that they would have access to a comprehensive guide to this ancient technique.

As Bai Jian put the finishing touches on his work, one of the elders, Brother Shi, contemplated the implications of this endeavor. "Indeed, it would be wise to verify the contents once he's finished," he remarked, acknowledging the extraordinary nature of Bai Jian's actions.

Unbeknownst to them, Bai Jian's profound knowledge and insight were the result of his past life as an Immortal Master, now converging with his recent enlightenment. This convergence had granted him a heightened level of clarity and insight, setting him apart from the norm.

While diligently working on preserving this ancient technique, Bai Jian couldn't help but experience a pang of sadness. His contemplation led him to reflect on the people he had known in his previous life, the master who had taught him this very technique, and the world he had left behind.

He recognized the depth of this technique's significance, as it was one of the first skills his master had imparted to him when he began his martial training.

As he continued writing and breathing life into the pages, he knew he was making a valuable choice by preserving and reviving this ancient art within the Bai Clan.

As the book's contents took shape under his hand, it became a testament to his unwavering commitment to the martial arts and the profound wisdom he had accumulated.

With the final stroke of his quill, he completed his mission and ensured that the ancient technique would once again see the light of day, bearing the unique essence of his insights.

This achievement marked another chapter in his quest for martial enlightenment within the Bai Clan.

Bai Jian's chosen technique, the "Gentle Wind Fist Technique," held a unique significance within the Bai Clan's martial history.

It was one of the oldest techniques, created by the clan's founder over 100,000 years ago.

Yet, as the elders and onlookers discussed his choice, they couldn't help but wonder why a young disciple like Bai Jian would select such an ancient technique, especially one that had fallen out of favor within the clan for so long.

Grand Elder Huo expressed his curiosity regarding Bai Jian's choice. "Brother Shi, it seems that Bai Jian has opted for the book titled 'Gentle Wind Fist Techniques.'

No one has delved into that technique in a very long time.

If my memory serves me right, our Clan's founder was the creator of that move over 100,000 years ago."

Another elder, Ancestor Tie, speculated on the reasons behind Bai Jian's selection.

"I wonder if he chose it for its aesthetic appeal, or if he simply couldn't find a more suitable technique."

The discussion continued, with some expressing doubt about whether a young disciple could truly grasp the subtleties of such an ancient and complex technique.

However, Ancestor Tie had a different perspective.

"Ah, Ancestor Tie, he's still very young. I find it hard to believe he could discern such subtleties at his age."

Ancestor Tie, however, believed in Bai Jian's potential to surprise them further. "You never know, Ancestor Tie. Bai Jian has already proven to be full of surprises. He may yet astonish us further."

As Bai Jian poured his energy and dedication into refining and enhancing the "Gentle Wind Fist Techniques," he felt a deep connection to this technique.

It was not only because of its roots in the Bai Clan's history but also due to the memories it held of his past life in the Immortal Realm.

His vision for the future was clear: he aimed to perfect this technique, transforming it into the revered "Will of Fire Fist."

The book he had chosen was now more than a martial arts manual, it had become a bridge between his past and his promising future within the Bai Clan.

As he continued to refine the technique and make it uniquely his own, he felt a sense of fulfillment in knowing that he was contributing to the legacy of the clan and preparing it for a bright and powerful future.

The Pagoda Pavilion was witness to this transformative journey, as Bai Jian drew on his experiences from both lives to shape his destiny and the destiny of the Bai Clan.


As Bai Jian delved into the second level of the Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion, he couldn't help but notice the heightened sense of competition among the older children and favored clan members.

This event was not only a showcase of their potential but also a chance to prove themselves among the elders and senior members of the clan.

Within the observing group of elders, some had made their way to the second floor to closely monitor the progress of the clan's higher-level members.

The event was organized by the clan's ancestors, and the participants were eager to impress with their martial talents.

Amidst the vast collection of techniques and martial knowledge, Bai Jian made a thoughtful selection.

He had encountered two techniques on the second floor that resonated with him, and he believed these techniques would form a solid foundation for his martial journey, especially considering his current cultivation stage. With these newly acquired skills in his possession, he felt ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that awaited him within the Bai Clan.

Among the techniques Bai Jian discovered on the second floor were "Shadow Void," a Movement Art, and "Suppressing Strikes," a Basic Sword Art.

These findings pleasantly surprised him, particularly because "Suppressing Strikes" addressed the strengths and weaknesses of a basic sword art in a really effective manner.

What fascinated him even more was the fact that these techniques were created by a relatively low-ranking member of the Bai Clan, highlighting their keen understanding of the needs and challenges faced by martial artists in the lower stages of cultivation.

This discovery further fueled Bai Jian's curiosity and admiration for the ingenuity of his fellow clan members.

Satisfied with the techniques he had found on the second floor, Bai Jian acknowledged the simplicity and effectiveness of these newly acquired skills. He recognized that they would complement his existing techniques, such as "Shaking Strikes," and make him better prepared to face the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead on his martial journey within the Bai Clan.

As Bai Shen and the twin girls, Bai Jian's companions, also ascended to the third floor, a sense of enthusiasm and camaraderie filled the group. Their determination was palpable, and their eyes shone with the spark of ambition as they eagerly moved forward to explore the next level of the Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion.

Their rapid progress and the ambition of this generation of Bai Clan members did not go unnoticed.

The elders and ancestors who observed them were impressed by the speed at which these young clan members were advancing through the pavilion.

It was clear that this generation was filled with vigor and ambition, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead on their martial journeys within the Bai Clan.


As Bai Jian, Bai Shen, and the twin girls embarked on their ascent to the third floor of the Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion, a strong sense of camaraderie and determination enveloped their group.

Their youthful enthusiasm was palpable, and their unwavering determination indicated their readiness to challenge the clan's record for the youngest individual to reach the fourth floor.

In the midst of this excitement, the elders and ancestors who closely observed this new generation of Bai Clan members held differing opinions about their potential. Some believed that Bai Shen might be the one to break the clan's record, recognizing his exceptional talent and progress. However, others expressed a mix of skepticism and curiosity about the possibility.

Amid these discussions and debates, one elder suggested that it was best to set aside arguments and simply watch the young clan members as they continued to progress through the Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion.

The potential and promise they held were significant, and the true extent of their abilities was yet to be unveiled. With unwavering focus, the elders and ancestors maintained their watchful eyes, eager to witness the unfolding saga of the Bai Clan's rising stars.

The journey ahead was filled with anticipation, as these young members prepared to explore the mysteries and challenges of the third floor.


Upon reaching the third floor of the Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion, Bai Jian noticed a significant reduction in the number of books and materials available.

The once expansive collection had been trimmed down, leaving just over two thousand books on display.

Additionally, the third floor seemed to emphasize the display of weapons and artwork rather than the cultivation manuals and martial arts techniques that had been prevalent on the lower levels.

The layout on the third floor was different, resembling a public library rather than the sanctum of martial arts and cultivation. Marble tables were scattered throughout the floor, creating a more relaxed and communal environment.

Despite the reduced selection, Bai Jian spent some time exploring the third floor, searching for techniques or manuals that would resonate with him. However, he came to realize that nothing among the offerings captured his interest or met his criteria.

With determination, he made his way toward the stairs leading to the fourth floor. The decision to ascend without acclimating to the pressure on the third floor raised questions among some observers.

The presence of Bai Shen, the twin girls, and the lively discussions among the onlookers hinted at the anticipation and curiosity surrounding these young clan members.

Notably, the twin girls mistook Bai Jian for a girl, which triggered his frustration.

The fleeting look of anger and bloodlust that crossed his face was observed by Ancestors Yin, Tie, and Shi. While Ancestor Tie found humor in the girls' mistake and even teased Ancestor Yin about it, Ancestor Shi recognized the strength of the killing intent that Bai Jian had momentarily displayed.

He understood that the young boy was not to be underestimated, even at his age.

Ancestor Tie, noticing Bai Jian's displeasure, suggested that it might be best to keep him away from the twin girls for a while to avoid any potential confrontations.

They surmised that Bai Jian's anger would likely fade over time, and this incident would be forgotten. The elders maintained their watchful eyes on the unfolding events and the journey of Bai Jian within the Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion.

Ancestor Tie's playful comments about Bai Jian's gender caused some discomfort among those who held the young boy in high regard.

Two of the other elders present, who had witnessed Bai Jian's potential, expressed their disapproval of such comments. They recognized the future clan leader's significance and had no tolerance for any form of disrespect or disparagement directed toward him.

However, Ancestor Tie seemed unfazed by their objections, insisting that Bai Jian, being a mere four-year-old, was unlikely to comprehend or remember such comments. With his flippant demeanor, he decided to leave and enjoy some wine, disregarding the rebuke from his fellow elders.

Meanwhile, as Bai Jian ascended to the fourth floor of the Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion, he was greeted by two massive, breathtaking white jade statues.

On the left was an elegant and slender White Crane with piercing red eyes, while on the right stood a powerful and imposing White Tiger with eyes that glowed like malachite.

In the main area of the fourth floor, he observed Bai Fa and Bai Feng, the twin swordsmen, seated at a table engrossed in their reading, a long, ancient scroll spread out before them. Nearby, a young girl with a large brown leather book sat on a window sill, her attention also focused on her reading.

Upon Bai Jian's approach, the girl noticed him and reacted with a frown. When he inquired about her choice of seating, she explained that she had chosen the window sill due to the ample sunlight in that spot.

Bai Jian's interaction with the girl named Bai Yu took an amusing turn. After he initially left her, he realized she was following him around the room. He grew increasingly frustrated as she persisted in trying to engage him in conversation.

Annoyed by her questioning, Bai Jian eventually asked her name, to which she replied -

"Bai Yu, I'm the daughter of Elder Bai Yuan."

His frustration grew as the conversation continued, with Bai Yu offering no more than a single word in response to his inquiry.

Bai Jian, exasperated by the situation and feeling a deep sense of frustration, placed his hand over his face.

This act of irritation was not lost on the amused ancestors who were watching the entire scene unfold.

The laughter of the ancestors echoed from the higher levels of the Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion, further embarrassing Bai Jian as his face turned a shade of red.

The humorous incident highlighted his youth and inexperience, leaving a vivid impression on the observers.

... ... ... ...

Bai Jian's grandfather, having sensed the escalating situation from outside the Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion, urgently called out to his grandson. He was aware of the remarkable phenomenon unfolding inside and knew that his grandson needed guidance and support during this unprecedented event.

The sight of the painting glowing with intense golden light and the transformative appearance of the elderly man and the majestic white tiger caught the attention of all the onlookers, including the grand elders who held positions of authority within the Bai Clan.

The unique and unexplained event sparked a sense of concern, curiosity, and even fear.

As Bai Jian's grandfather hastened his steps to enter the Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion, the expectations and questions of everyone present continued to mount.

What was the significance of the ancient painting? How would it affect Bai Jian, the future of the Bai Clan, and the martial journey that lay ahead?

The elders, grand elders, and ancestors who had witnessed the incident recognized that they were on the precipice of a momentous event, and their watchful eyes remained fixed on the unfolding scene.

The crowd of Bai Clan members and guests remained in a state of shock and anticipation as the situation inside the Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion continued to evolve.

The mysterious voice emanating from the painting and its extraordinary recognition of Bai Jian's potential had sent shockwaves through the entire clan.

Amidst the bewildered murmurs and anxious inquiries, there was a palpable sense of urgency as individuals tried to make sense of the unfolding events.

Some were hearing Bai Jian's name for the first time, while others had known him as the clan's promising young talent.

Bai Jian's father, the clan's leader, and other high-ranking members of the Bai Clan gathered around the entrance to the Martial Arts Pagoda Pavilion, their faces etched with concern. They were aware that the situation had escalated to a level that required their immediate attention and intervention.

Bai Jian's grandfather, who had called out to his grandson earlier, had now reached the fourth floor of the pavilion, his heart filled with fear and trepidation for the safety of the young prodigy.

As the crowd awaited further developments, the voice from the painting continued to reverberate, echoing throughout the pavilion.

The elders and ancestors, both curious and cautious, kept a close watch on the mysterious figure in the artwork, realizing that the fate of the clan and its promising future rested on the outcome of this extraordinary encounter.

As the clan's Elders and Guardians swiftly moved to reach Bai Jian and remove him from the vicinity of the mysterious painting, their sense of urgency was palpable.

The situation was growing increasingly perilous, and the fate of both Bai Jian and the entire Bai Clan hung in the balance.

The janitor, who had been closest to Bai Jian, reached the young boy with remarkable speed, the floor beneath him cracking due to the sheer force of his charge.

His voice was filled with urgency and apprehension as he urged those around him to act swiftly.

"Quick, get him away before something else happens with that painting on the wall!" he implored, recognizing the imminent danger that surrounded them.

The unknown force at play had thrown the entire Bai Clan into a state of chaos and concern, with the unfolding events shrouded in mystery.

As the janitor reached Bai Jian, his outstretched arms closed around the boy, intent on carrying him to safety.

His voice was filled with determination as he called for the swift evacuation of the young prodigy from the perilous area near the painting. The fate of Bai Jian and the Bai Clan was at stake, and every moment was precious.

The situation had escalated to an unprecedented and unimaginable scale. The tension and pressure that extended over a square mile around the mysterious painting had reached a boiling point, akin to an impending explosion.

The defiant voice emanating from the painting continued to challenge the Bai Clan's Elders and those within the Martial Arts Pavilion. The voice expressed its intent to choose its disciple and dared anyone to interfere.

As the Elders sought to halt the events and disrupt the painting's choice, the figure in the artwork gained substance and life. The elderly man and the majestic tiger depicted within the painting emerged from it, expanding the pressure to cover a vast expanse, affecting a radius of ten miles around the Pavilion.

Beyond the Glimmer Mountain Range, where the ancestral lands lay, formidable figures were alerted to the disturbance. An old and wild voice resonated from the ancestral domain, expressing an indignant question:

"Who dares to encroach on my clan's land?"

An Elder stationed as a protector at the wall of the Mountain Range was taken aback, exclaiming, "Great Ancestor Tian!"

The clash of two immense auras caused an explosion of Spirit Energy that reverberated through the entire region.

The once-normal sky transformed into a surreal spectacle reminiscent of the Northern Lights, with vibrant aurora-like lights flickering and dancing in response to the unfolding turmoil.

The stage was set for a monumental confrontation, and the destiny of the Bai Clan now hung in the balance.

The moment of confrontation had arrived, and the majestic tiger, in response to the audacious challenge to its authority, made a breathtakingly swift and powerful move. It assumed a combat stance, its massive muscles rippling with untamed power.

With a slight lunge, it inhaled deeply, drawing in the very essence of the world around it. Then, with a primal and crazed roar that emanated from the depths of its being, the tiger unleashed a violet, resounding bellow that resonated throughout the Bai Clan's ancestral lands.

The sound of this thunderous roar seemed to command the very heavens and earth, causing the sky to tremble and the earth to shake. The ground quaked beneath the sheer force of the tiger's roar, and the atmosphere was charged with an overwhelming aura of dominance.

In response to the tiger's roar, tigers, and other spirit beasts scattered throughout the Bai Clan's ancestral lands joined in a chorus of might.

It was as if they, too, recognized the significance of the moment and responded with their vocal manifestations of power.

The collective roar of these spiritual beasts sent ripples of pure energy coursing through the surroundings, creating a wave of immense, almost tangible power that could be felt even by those far beyond the Pavilion.

Witnesses in the vicinity couldn't help but comment, their voices reflecting a mixture of awe, fear, and excitement:

"This is incredible! I've never witnessed such raw power."

"The ancestral tiger is challenging the elders and ancestors!"

"I can feel the ground shaking beneath me. It's like the world itself is responding to this clash."

"The aura of dominance is overwhelming. Who will emerge victorious in this battle of wills?"

"The Bai Clan's ancestral lands have never witnessed such a display of power. This is history in the making."

As the Bai Clan's ancestral lands bore witness to this unprecedented spectacle, the future of the clan and the fate of Bai Jian hung in the balance, as the clash between the majestic tiger and the elders and ancestors continued to unfold.

The shockwaves from the Spirit Beast King's awakening and the ongoing clash between the majestic tiger and the Bai Clan's elders, Ancestor Bai Tian, and the floating man above the Martial Arts Pavilion.

The Fighting was causing reverberations throughout the Bai Clan's ancestral lands, the Glimmer Mountain Range, and the entire East coast of the Fire Continent.

The people of Jade Island, who had been going about their daily routines, could not ignore the immense tremors and resonating power that filled the air.

Fearful and awestruck, they inquired about the source of these profound sounds and spiritual fluctuations, sensing that something of extraordinary importance was taking place.

In the heart of the Glimmer Mountain Range, the Great men and women who had long remained secluded recognized the monumental significance of the events unfolding.

They understood that there was a Spirit Beast King with the clan's lands was causing a problem, and this knowledge filled them with a lot of tension.

As the Spirit Energy emanated from the Spirit Tiger King's awakening, more great ancestors and ancient beings from the Bai Clan's storied history began to emerge from the shadows behind the ancestral lands.

Their presence reached far beyond the confines of the Bai Clan, echoing across Jade Island and extending to the far reaches of the Fire Continent.

The silent waves of influence from this momentous event had the power to reshape the destiny of the entire region, and the foundations of power and destiny shook in response to their ancient strength.

The world held its breath in anticipation, and people everywhere watched in awe as history was being made before their very eyes.

The destiny of the land and the fate of the world hung in the balance, and all who bore witness were spellbound by the unfolding clash of titanic forces.

This unprecedented event had the potential to alter the course of history, and the world stood on the cusp of a new era as the Spirit Beast King's awakening continued to captivate and astonish all who were fortunate enough to witness it.


Xiuying Tian Peaks, a secluded and enchanting region within the Glimmer Mountain Range, was a hidden paradise of breathtaking peaks, meticulously groomed landscapes, and rich courtyards.

The vibrant Spirit Energy bathed the valley, creating an otherworldly atmosphere reminiscent of a fantasy film.

Within this serene setting, a 7-story pagoda stood as a testament to the region's rich history and culture.

Inside the pagoda, two venerable men engaged in a game of go, their moves executed with the precision of a lifetime's mastery.

Four attentive servants observed the match, ready to cater to their every need.

As the game progressed, one of the distinguished men, known as Great Ancestor Zhang, requested more tea, which was graciously provided by Bai Min, a servant with a warm smile.

The other elder, Brother Fan, inquired about Bai Min's age, fascinated by her proficiency in the Arcane stage at such a young age.

Bai Min, hesitating for a moment, revealed that she was 29 years old and working to avoid her father, who wanted her to get married.

Brother Fan, displaying a curious gleam in his eye, continued the conversation, and Bai Min confessed that she disliked her father because he was a playboy and wasted money.

Ancestor Zhang, always with a penchant for humor, couldn't resist playfully teasing Bai Min about her father, claiming it was because he was fat.

The jovial exchange continued, with Brother Fan chiming in, "Just be honest, you don't like him because he doesn't look handsome."

Bai Min's embarrassment became evident as her cheeks flushed slightly, and the other servant girls giggled in response. Laughter filled the room as the two men and Bai Min enjoyed the lighthearted banter.

However, the joyful atmosphere was suddenly shattered by a thunderous boom that shook the pagoda. Both Ancestor Zhang and Brother Fan were startled and exchanged alarmed glances.

A second, even louder explosion followed, causing tremors through the pagoda. The two men, realizing the gravity of the situation, disappeared from the room like streaks of lightning, determined to uncover the cause of this unexpected disruption.

 ... ... ...

Inside the secluded and intensely hot cave, a remarkable scene unfolded. In the center of the cave lay a natural hot spring, surrounded by rising steam and warm mists, creating a comforting and tranquil atmosphere.

Wooden decks encircled the spring, and a Spirit Rice barrier thoughtfully divided the space, keeping the men and women separated.

Several old men, their silver hair and aged features revealing the passage of time, were immersed in the soothing waters of the spring.

Attendants and servants, dressed in elegant gray robes, stood along the room's perimeter near the cave walls, ready to assist and cater to the guests' needs.

The ambiance resembled a high-end spa retreat tucked away deep within a picturesque mountainside.

Two men, distinguished in their white Hangfu robes, stood beside the spring, each carrying a small pouch filled with red Spirit stones emitting a comforting warmth.

They occasionally tossed these stones into the spring, enhancing the heat. As the stones made contact with the water, the guests would sigh with relaxation and delight, basking in the soothing experience.

Amid the warmth and relaxation, the men and women engaged in lively conversations, making chit-chat and discussing various topics, including the art of cultivation.

The attendants and personal aides, responsible for serving the legendary figures in this serene haven, remained attentive.

They occasionally noted down insights and wisdom shared by the esteemed guests, who had a wealth of knowledge and experience to offer.

These insights could significantly impact the cultivation paths of those fortunate enough to be in their presence.

Amid the tranquil ambiance, an old and weathered voice, filled with the authority of age and wisdom, disrupted the peace.

As the voice spoke, the air itself seemed to grow warmer, and those nearby might have even felt a subtle sunburn from the heat of his words.

One onlooker wondered aloud, "What is going on?"

Another person, seemingly more informed, responded thoughtfully, "I'm not sure, Haoyu, but if we felt it, you can be sure Senior Sister Tao sensed it as well.

You know that battle enthusiast – she'll seize any excuse to leave the mountain for a fight."

The atmosphere within the Red Fire Spa Inn was alive with conversation, contemplation, and relaxation.

It offered a unique perspective on cultivation and the wisdom of the ages, making it a haven for those seeking both enlightenment and leisure.

There was a waiting list for individuals eager to work at the inn and serve these revered figures.

With the weight of centuries upon him, Great Supreme Elder Zhen spoke with a commanding presence, drawing the rapt attention of those gathered in the cave.

He acknowledged their presence with a respectful nod before addressing the elderly Bai Clan member.

Great Supreme Elder Zhen uttered a single, profound sentence, filled with layers of meaning, implying the urgency of their departure.

He said, "In service's final year, a moment to relax forfeited, my dear friend."

The ancient Bai Clan member, who had witnessed countless ages and epochs, paused to contemplate the significance of these words.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, he nodded solemnly, and his ancient eyes conveyed the wisdom of ages long past.

With great reluctance, he began to rise from the soothing waters of the natural hot spring, prepared to follow the path to discover the source of the disturbance.

This venerable figure possessed an awe-inspiring presence.

His long white beard cascaded past his waist, a testament to the passage of countless years.

Yet, his physique defied the effects of time, retaining the vitality and vigor of a man in his prime, seemingly untouched by the ravages of age.

His body bore the marks of a life marked by valor and combat.

Battle scars adorned his face, each one telling a story of fierce confrontations against formidable foes wielding swords and other lethal weapons.

These scars only added to his intimidating presence.

Most notably, two immense scars etched into his skin were souvenirs from his youth.

As a teenager, he had engaged in brutal battles against Spirit Tigers, and the remnants of those harrowing encounters were still visible.

One scar ran across his chest like a badge of honor, a testament to his indomitable spirit in the face of untamed beasts.

The other, equally striking, adorned his left thigh, an emblem of his relentless pursuit of power and resilience.

His appearance was surreal, an amalgamation of timeless wisdom and unyielding strength, making him a figure of awe and respect in the eyes of those who crossed his path.

The imminent departure of this esteemed elder, led by Great Supreme Elder Zhen, held great significance, and the onlookers could only imagine the momentous nature of the events that had unfolded.

As Bai Meilin Huo prepared to leave the sauna room and join the group to investigate the source of the disturbances, he felt a familiar tug deep within his heart.

It was a sensation akin to the first time he had met his two wives, filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement, much like the anticipation of a great battle.

The thrill of facing an adversary, a challenge that called to the very core of his being, was something he hadn't experienced in far too long.

He could sense the fluctuations of Spirit Energy from the disturbance in the distance, and it was clear that someone had crossed a line.

The energy was warm and inviting, but an underlying tension suggested that the unknown enemy was equally agitated.

It was as though a cosmic balance had been disrupted.

With a sense of determination, Bai Meilin Huo followed Great Supreme Elder Zhen out of the room.

His loyal personal servant, Bai Qi, was by his side, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Their bond was unspoken but deeply understood.

Dressed in his warrior's attire, Bai Meilin Huo remarked with a hint of excitement, "It looks like we're going to have a little fun, Bai Qi."

Bai Qi nodded in agreement. "It seems so, sir."

With a firm resolve, Bai Qi reached for his sword and summoned his master Spirit Beast.

The two of them were now ready to embark on their journey to the center of Jade Island, where the disturbance awaited and a long-dormant legend had risen once more.

The room was left in silence, with the anticipation and excitement still lingering in the air.

Those who had witnessed the presence of Bai Meilin Huo knew that they had been in the company of a living legend, and the ripples of his aura and reputation would continue to reverberate long after his departure.

The Eastern Jade Protector was an individual of great importance, a figure who commanded respect and authority.

His duty was to ensure the stability and safety of the entire East Coast of the Fire Continent and its various regions, serving as a guardian of the Eastern territories.

As the attendants and courtiers prepared to send the Eastern Jade Protector on his mission to Jade Island, a sense of gravity filled the air.

It was clear that the disturbance caused by Bai Meilin Huo's presence was not to be taken lightly.

The Eastern Jade Protector was a man of few words, known for his unwavering dedication to his duties. He was a formidable warrior, and his very presence carried an air of authority that left no room for doubt.

With a sense of urgency, the Eastern Jade Protector prepared for his journey to Jade Island, ready to uncover the source of the disturbances and address any challenges that might arise.

The fate of the Fire Continent hung in the balance, and his mission was of the utmost importance.

As he departed from his seat of power, he knew that he was embarking on a mission that would have far-reaching consequences, and the world watched as history continued to unfold.

The two retired cultivators exchanged amused glances as they continued their card game, enjoying the small joys and leisurely moments that retirement had brought them.

In the distance, the echoing sounds of disturbances were no more than minor inconveniences to their tranquil lives in this remote settlement.

They were content with their lot, cherishing the peace and camaraderie that had replaced the fierce pursuit of power.

The noise from the outside world was an occasional reminder of the turbulent events unfolding beyond their secluded haven, but they chose to focus on the simple pleasures of life.

As they enjoyed their game of poker, their laughter, and friendship filled the air, offering a glimpse into the peaceful and contented existence that retirement in the Bai Clan's mountain ravine could provide.

With a sense of urgency and determination, the retired cultivators quickly divided their responsibilities and set out on their respective missions to investigate the powerful disturbances in their spiritual energy fields.

Their camaraderie and sense of duty were evident as they prepared to face the unknown challenges that lay ahead.

As the cultivators vanished with remarkable speed, they left behind the tranquil retirement town nestled in the Glimmer Mountain Range.

In this remote and secluded settlement, time seemed to flow at a different pace, where the pursuit of power had been replaced by a life of contentment and simple pleasures.

Yet, the urgent call to action had disrupted their peaceful existence, and they embarked on their missions, ready to confront the mysteries that awaited them.


The group of onlookers couldn't help but break into applause and laughter as the eccentric Bai Ho displayed his infamous temper by obliterating the enormous wooden door with his Palm Technique.

Their bets had been won, and they seemed to take delight in the spectacle.

"You owe me ten spirit stones, Bai Gu!" one of them teased, his laughter filling the area.

Bai Ho, with his wild hair, red eyes, and disheveled appearance, stood before the remnants of the door, his temper still simmering as he glared at the crowd with a mix of annoyance and amusement.

"You're all a bunch of scheming brats!" he grumbled, his voice gruff.

However, Bai Ho was not truly angry; he had come to expect such behavior from the people who gathered outside the well. They knew him well and understood his quirks, which made this eccentric alchemist somewhat of a local legend.

One of the onlookers, Bai Gu, approached Bai Ho with a lighthearted smile and a handful of spirit stones. "Come on, Bai Ho, it's all in good fun.

You know we appreciate your entertainment. Here are your ten spirit stones."

Bai Ho took the spirit stones with a grudging acceptance, but his surly demeanor softened as he gave them a rare smile.

"Well, you're not wrong. It's been a while since I've had a good challenge to blow off some steam."

As Bai Ho walked through the destroyed door, the group outside resumed their cheerful chatter, knowing that the eccentric alchemist would soon return with another batch of his prized spirit pills.

His unpredictable and fiery personality had made him a beloved character among the locals, and they couldn't help but admire his unique blend of temper and talent.

Bai Yuchen's eyes twinkled with amusement as he regarded the young man's audacious gesture. The atmosphere in the room seemed to ease as the tension diffused, and a sense of camaraderie returned.

"Ah, the young ones nowadays have no fear," Bai Yuchen remarked with a warm smile, appreciating the young man's boldness. "It's good to see such spirit in our clan."

Bai Ho, who had simmered down considerably, couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange. "Indeed, Yuchen, he's got spirit, this one. A bit too much, perhaps."

Bai Yuchen then turned to the young man and offered a nod of approval. "I appreciate your boldness and respect, young one. What's your name?"

The young man, feeling a mixture of excitement and pride at having the Great Dao Sword Saint's attention, replied with a firm and respectful voice. "I'm Bai Rensheng, sir."

Bai Yuchen's eyes gleamed with recognition as he mused, "Bai Rensheng, that's a name with a lot of potential. Remember if you go down the path of the sword, it takes discipline and to have a balance.

Let your spirit drive your ambition, but also temper it with wisdom, In the Bai Clan, you have a rich legacy to uphold."

The words seemed to resonate with the onlookers, and even Bai Rensheng himself felt a newfound sense of purpose and responsibility.

Bai Yuchen, with his customary grace, addressed the gathered elders.

"I apologize for my untimely intrusion. Let us continue our evening. I've come to discuss some matters with Elder Bai Ho."

The atmosphere in the prism chamber gradually returned to normal, and the elders resumed their games and drinking their sake, now with a sense of camaraderie that had been rekindled by the unexpected visit of the Great Dao Sword Saint.

Bai Rensheng, who had boldly interacted with Bai Yuchen, couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and inspiration as if he had been touched by a greater destiny within the Bai Clan.

As Bai Yuchen and Bai Gu ascended into the air with grace and poise, they left behind the serene, hidden prism chamber, its occupants returning to their games and camaraderie.

The Bai Clan's Great Dao Sword Saint and his companion, Bai Gu, soared above the Glimmer Mountain Range, moving swiftly in the direction of the increasingly frequent booms.

The atmosphere around them was charged with anticipation and curiosity. The people of the Bai Clan recognized that the presence of their revered Sword Saint and the disciplined Bai Gu on a mission meant that something of significance was transpiring.

As they closed in on the source of the disturbances, the two Bai Clan members shared a brief, focused exchange of thoughts, ensuring they were aligned in their approach.

With the energy of their spirit cultivation techniques, they moved even faster, propelled by a determination to uncover the mystery and face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The land and the skies resonated with their impending arrival, for when the Great Dao Sword Saint ventured forth, the world itself could not remain indifferent.


The spectators below watched with incredible attention as the incredible battle unfolded in the skies above the Martial Arts Pavilion.

The clash between the older Grand Elder Bai Heng and the enigmatic, seemingly ageless man was a spectacle that held the clan members in awe and reverence.

As the two combatants continued their high-speed exchanges, the air seemed to vibrate with their power.

Every strike and movement displayed their mastery of martial arts and spirit cultivation.

The older Grand Elder Bai Heng, despite his initial frustration, was now fully immersed in the battle, determined to show his mettle.

The mysterious man, hovering high above, gracefully evaded each of Bai Heng's attacks with effortless fluidity.

His radiant white robe billowed around him as he moved, adding to his ethereal appearance.

The onlookers observed the battle with a mixture of trepidation, fascination, and pride. Bai Heng's awakening of his bloodline and the presence of a Soul Spirit Beast within his Nascent Soul-Spirit were indicative of the clan's resilience and potential.

Bai Heng, now fully committed to the fight, unleashed his most formidable techniques.

His Spirit Qi surged like a tempest, and his movements became a blur of white tiger imagery.

Each strike and move he made resonated with the spirit of the white tiger. It was a sight to behold, and the power he exuded was awe-inspiring.

The mysterious man's countenance displayed a mixture of appreciation and fascination as he engaged in this unique battle. While he still evaded Bai Heng's attacks effortlessly, it was clear that he was genuinely impressed by the older Grand Elder's newfound strength and determination.

As the battle continued to unfold, it was evident that this confrontation carried profound significance for the Bai Clan, hinting at the untapped potential and power within both the combatants and the clan as a whole. The martial arts pavilion and the entire center of Jade Island became the stage for this extraordinary duel, leaving those below breathless in anticipation of what might transpire next.

The dual conflicts, one within the Martial Arts Pavilion and the other within Bai Jian's own soul space played out in parallel, each contributing to the growing tension and anticipation surrounding Jade Island.

Within the Pavilion, the confrontation between the enigmatic figure and Grand Elder Bai Heng reached its climax as they invoked the same powerful technique, "The Fierce Strike of Vengeance."

The air seemed to tremble with the raw energy they unleashed, and the spectators held their breath, sensing the magnitude of the impending clash.

Outside the Pavilion, the crowd of onlookers grew increasingly anxious as they witnessed the intensity of the battle.

The realization that both combatants were no longer holding back sent waves of concern and curiosity rippling through the gathered clansmen. They couldn't help but feel that something momentous was about to transpire.

Meanwhile, within the depths of Bai Jian's soul space, a transformative experience was unfolding.

His consciousness teetered between the real world and the enigmatic painting, and as his senses struggled to maintain coherence, a flood of new knowledge and information surged into his awareness.

The forces of fate, power, and destiny were at play, both within and outside the Martial Arts Pavilion, setting the stage for profound changes in the Bai Clan's history.

The culmination of these events was imminent, and the destinies of the people on Jade Island and the entire clan hung in the balance.

The world watched with bated breath, awaiting the resolution of these extraordinary conflicts and the revelation of the hidden truths that would shape their future.

The radiance from the painting grew more intense, bathing Bai Jian in its magical glow. The mental landscape within the painting continued to transform and evolve, revealing the vast and intricate depths of the legacy he had uncovered.

The animals and Spirit Cranes within the painting seemed to come to life, adding to the enchanting beauty of the scene.

As Bai Jian's consciousness expanded and his connection to the legacy deepened, he felt an overwhelming sense of joy and exhilaration. He had long yearned for something greater, a purpose beyond mere existence, and now he had discovered a legacy that transcended his wildest dreams.

The voice within him, resonating with ancient wisdom, conveyed a sense of approval and blessing.

The heavens themselves seemed to acknowledge this moment, with the sky transforming and the elements of nature responding to the event.

It was as if the universe itself recognized the significance of this connection, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the grand scheme of things within the Spirit Cosmic Universe.

Bai Jian, still awestruck by the profound fillings he was going through, and the mere nature of this encounter, marveled at the uncanny resemblance between himself and the legacy's previous holder.

At this moment, he embodied both past and present self and he was feeling the weight of his clan's ancient legacy, his journey taking an extraordinary turn, just as he started with his new life.

He was just beginning to grasp the limitless potential that lay within him.

As Bai Jian just started to navigate this new path, the future held endless possibilities and challenges, and his destiny was now intertwined with the legacy of the ages.

In the wake of this cosmic upheaval, the entire Spirit Cosmic Universe held its collective breath, attuned to the unfolding events with bated anticipation.

The ancient realms, the celestial heavens, and the countless dimensions that made up the intricate tapestry of existence were all affected by the unprecedented disturbance.

In the ethereal realm of the Netherealm, where the whispers of departed souls resonated, a profound awareness rippled through the very fabric of existence. Even the stoic and otherworldly King Yama, the regal overseer of the afterlife, cast his gaze upon the disturbance with an uncharacteristic smile playing on his features.

"Ah, it seems the boy's journey has unfurled another layer. Intriguing indeed!" The monarch of the Netherealm mused with a subtle amusement.

Far above in the celestial expanse, the watchful eyes of the Jade Emperor, the paramount ruler of the heavenly realms, transcended the barriers between dimensions. His celestial gaze penetrated the cosmic tapestry, sensing a shift in the grand design. Focusing on the Mortal Plane Realm, the sovereign's countenance, typically serene, betrayed a rare expression of surprise.

"This was unforeseen, ... his destiny, a whirlwind of unpredictable forces. I miscalculated, and his path is akin to a cosmic vortex," the Jade Emperor admitted, his eyebrows arching in momentary revelation.

Meanwhile, on Planet Azure, the epicenter of this cosmic phenomenon, the very essence of the world pulsated with otherworldly energy, defying the constraints of time and space.

The elements themselves acknowledged this pivotal moment, with lightning storms poised to unleash celestial fury, casting an ominous glow across the heavens.

Within the celestial realm, Divine Deities of great stature and Venerable Sage lords alike, all felt the dissonance in the cosmic void. Great Celestials, capable of shaping reality at the atomic level, found themselves perturbed by the current monumental event.

The cosmic emperors, sovereigns of their respective domains, turned their attention to the sky, recognizing the overwhelming forces that orchestrated the cosmic symphony. The universe itself seemed to move in harmony with this untold event of cosmic proportions.

As the discordance reverberated through the Divine Realm, the diverse inhabitants, including Spirit Beasts, humans, demons, and lower demigods, felt the profound turbulence of existence.

It was a cataclysmic event that shook the core of reality, commanding the awe and attention of the universe's most powerful entities.

The enigmatic higher realms, shrouded in myths and legends, resonated with the call of the storm. Echoes surged through the intermediate planes, home to Venerables, Divine Dao Masters, Divine Deities, and commanding lords.

Moreover, the cosmic disturbance transcended even these realms, reaching the ears of formidable Celestial Entities and entities residing beyond the comprehension of mortals.

These entities dwelled within the uncharted expanses of the Red Chaos and Gray Void Spirit Realms, encompassing the upper and surrounding territories of the known realms.

The Spirit Cosmic Universe, in all its complexity and grandeur, stood united in witnessing a new chapter unfurling within the cosmos.

It was a moment that defied time and eternity, a rupture in the fabric of existence that hadn't occurred in uncountable eons, bearing the promise of cosmic transformation and the emergence of a new potential celestial Human being awakened in the universe.


The Immortal Plane Realm -

Amid the undeniable fury of Yang Long's mother, his father, a figure of immense power and authority, maintained an air of restrained determination.

His stern gaze remained fixed on a damaged Crystal Soul Sphere*.

[ *It's a Magical Product made by Mages to view and study the Life essence inside a soul ]

The man's voice held a gravity that matched the weight of the situation.

"Caution, my dear. We must tread carefully," he cautioned

He emphasizes the importance of their actions in the face of their dire circumstances.

"Our first priority must be to find out why the Crystal Soul Sphere changed and find out what happened and where our son is. Reckless vengeance will not aid us in this endeavor."

The situation demanded a measured approach, one that would involve the cooperation of the High-level Immortals in the Long Dragon Clan and the High-level Elders from the Long Dynasty, for the solution was not to be found in his wife's unfettered anger.

Yang Long's father knew that time was of the essence, and the fate of their son hung in the balance.

Together with his wife, they were determined to do whatever it took to find out what happened to the Crystal Soul Sphere, and where their son was even if it meant seeking the assistance of the clan and beyond.

Seeing his wife's anguish, Yang Long's father understood the severity of their situation. He reached out to comfort her, holding her trembling form with an embrace that conveyed the depth of his love and determination.

"Dearest, we must act swiftly," he urged, his voice unwavering.

"The radiant light within the Crystal Soul Sphere is a sign of hope. It means that our son is not alone and that there is a force of goodness at work. We must gather the strength to protect him and restore his vitality."

Yang Long's mother slowly began to regain her composure, her fiery rage giving way to a resolute determination.

"You are right," she declared, the flames in her eyes reigniting with a newfound determination. "We must rally the Immortal Long Dragon Clan and summon every available resource. We shall fight for our son's life and cast aside any threat that seeks to harm him."

With a shared determination, they pledged to overcome the crisis and save their beloved son, Yang Long. Their unyielding resolve to protect him was their guiding light in the face of adversity.

As the Empress was led to the resting chambers, she couldn't shake the overwhelming concern for her son. Her heart ached with the pain of a mother's love, and her thoughts were consumed by fears and worries about his well-being.

Meanwhile, the Immortal Dragon Emperor remained alone in the chamber with the Crystal Soul Sphere.

He couldn't help but feel the weight of the responsibilities placed upon him as the head of the Immortal Long Dragon Clan. The day's events had taken a toll on him, and he felt the immense burden of safeguarding his family and clan.

With a heavy heart, he gazed at the Crystal Soul Sphere, knowing that their son's fate was hanging in the balance. He couldn't help but whisper a vow to himself, "I will find you, my son, and I will keep you safe. No matter what challenges lie ahead, we will face them together."

The Crystal Sphere, still faintly glowing with the healing white light, seemed to resonate with his determination. It was a symbol of hope in the face of adversity, a beacon of light that reminded him of the unbreakable bond between a father and his son.

As the Immortal Dragon Emperor continued to watch over the Crystal Sphere, he knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but he was prepared to face them head-on to reunite with his beloved son, Yang Long.


Bai Tianshang, in his radiant white robe, continued to watch the procession of his clan's elders with a sense of reverence and pride. It was a profound moment, as generations of Bai Clan members and elders came together to witness the return of an Immortal from the upper realms.

As the various elders, great elders, and grand elders arrived one by one, they paid their respects to Bai Tianshang.

The atmosphere was filled with a sense of unity and purpose as the Bai Clan prepared to embark on a new chapter in its history.

The news of an Immortal's visit and the revelation of the clan's connection to the upper realms had sparked excitement and curiosity among the clansmen.

They watched in wonder as the venerable figures from their clan's past made their appearances, their names, and deeds echoing through the ages.

Bai Tianshang's arrival had not only united the generations of the Bai Clan but had also kindled a sense of hope and anticipation for the future.

The ancient legacy of the Bai Clan was being reignited, and the destiny of the clan was set to take a new and unprecedented path.

Amid the gathering, there was a growing realization that the Bai Clan was on the cusp of a transformation that would reshape its identity and destiny.

The world of Planet Azure was about to witness a profound and extraordinary journey as the Bai Clan's legacy intertwined with the mysteries of the upper realms.

As the members of the Bai Clan continued to assemble, Bai Tianshang's presence remained a beacon of hope and anticipation, a symbol of their shared heritage and a connection to a world beyond their own.

The future of the Bai Clan was unfolding before their eyes, and they were ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

The entire assembly watched in awe as Bai Tianshang showcased his incredible mastery of elemental powers to create a magnificent sword.

The sword's creation was a testament to his immense skill and artistry, combining earth, fire, water, and lightning to form a blade of extraordinary quality.

As Bai Tianshang presented the sword, the air was charged with excitement and anticipation. His question to Bai Qi added to the sense of impending revelation, and the young man's response would determine the course of the upcoming encounter.

Bai Qi stood confidently, his eyes fixed on Bai Tianshang and the sword he held. His expression was resolute, and he radiated a sense of readiness.

The gathering of Bai Clan members and elders watched with rapt attention, curious to witness the outcome of this unique and highly significant moment.

As Bai Tianshang approached, drawing the sword with grace and precision, the tension in the air reached its peak. The anticipation was palpable, and the onlookers held their breath, eager to see what would unfold in this extraordinary duel.

The stage was set, and the two figures faced each other, representing different generations and legacies within the Bai Clan.

The moment was charged with significance, and all eyes were fixed on the impending encounter, ready to witness the outcome that would shape the destiny of their clan and the Glimmer Mountain Range.

The arrival of the Great Supreme Ancestor Elder Zhen and Grand Supreme Ancestor Bai Weizhe added an air of solemnity and respect to the gathering.

Their banter and camaraderie were a testament to their long-standing friendship and experience.

As they stood there, their eyes fixed on the ongoing aerial battle between Bai Qi and Bai Tianshang, the crowd fell into a hushed reverence.

The presence of these esteemed figures from the Bai Clan held a unique significance, and their arrival marked an important moment in the clan's history.

The interactions between the Immortal and these venerable elders were met with a respectful silence from the onlookers, who watched with fascination and admiration.

The anticipation in the air continued to build as the crowd awaited the arrival of more distinguished individuals from the Bai Clan and the Glimmer Mountain Range.

As the news of the Immortal's visit spread, it sent shockwaves through the crowd, and many were left astonished and speechless.

The realization that there were higher realms beyond their own was a profound revelation, and the presence of an Immortal from the upper realms confirmed the depth and complexity of their cultivation universe.

Word of the Immortal's visit continued to spread through word of mouth, and the anticipation grew as people awaited the arrival of the great elders and esteemed members of the Bai Clan.

The presence of descendants, friends, and family added a personal and emotional dimension to the gathering, and the meeting of generations held great significance.

Bai Tianshang's role as the man infused with the memories of his true body brought a unique perspective to the event, as he embraced his role in connecting the past and the present, guiding the future of the Bai Clan and the Glimmer Mountain Range.

The words of Bai Weizhe, the man within the painting, lingered in the air, resonating with profound significance.

His parting statement, "I'll be watching," held an air of mystery and anticipation, leaving everyone with a sense of his continued presence and influence over the Bai Clan.

As Bai Jian, having received a torrent of knowledge and an inheritance, awakened with a surge of energy, the shockwave of his awakening rippled outward from the Martial Arts Pavilion. The impact of this extraordinary moment marked a significant turning point in the Bai Clan's history.

With his newfound knowledge and the weight of the Bai Clan's heritage, Bai Jian was poised to embark on a transformative journey. The inheritance he had received would shape his destiny and that of the entire clan.

The crowd watched in awe and reverence as Bai Jian's awakening continued to ripple through the surroundings.

It was a moment that would be etched into the annals of the Bai Clan's history, setting the stage for a new chapter filled with possibilities and challenges.


x6 Martial Art Techniques

1st [ Graceful Gale Wind Techniques ]

2nd [ Toughening Finger Points ]

3rd [ Shaking Strikes ]

4th [ Gentle Wind Fist Techniques ]

5th [ Shadow Void ]

6th [ Suppressing Strikes ]


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