
The Bai Clan's Rise

The story of a young man as he reascends back into the world of Martial Arts and cultivation, after coming back to the world of the living, he now has a new clan to call home. The book cover is not my artwork, if you'd like it taken down please message me on Discord WinslowsArt #5564

WinslowsArt · Eastern
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34 Chs

lighting Spire


- Up on Acer Palmatum Mountain

Inside a cave, a man was sitting and doing his breathing exercises, one after another, he had just gotten done with doing a little over 4,000 rounds of circulation of pushing his Spirit Qi around his body, through his blood veins.

The man was releasing a small cloud of steam from his mouth every time he exhaled through his mouth. He injured 3 of the meridians in his body last year from a closed-door practice, he rushed his own practice in hopes of forcing a breakthrough to the next realm, but in the end hurting himself instead.


The man opened his eyes, released his Spirit Sense throughout the mountain and almost 1/4 of the entire Red Crowned Crane Sect.

The man's face turned pale and he stood up and rushed to the door, of his cultivation cave.

"What's going on!"


The man left the entrance of his cultivation cave and started making his way towards the sounds of fighting!


... ...

... ... ...

"Come on kid, where's all that bravado you had a couple of minutes ago gone too, wheres that stupid arrogance I saw earlier huh!?"

"Shut up, old man Gui you played me, and now you're messing with me! - He Huo Hong

"Well kid this is your fault, there are repercussions for your actions, so you reap what you sow kid."

[ The Flying Niǎo's clouds ]

"The Fire that strikes from the sky!"

He Huo Hong was sping upwards higher into the sky, as red and yellow Spirit Qi was leaving his body. He then performed a flip, falling back down towards Bai Gui.

"The Ascent of a Lighting Bolt!"

Cracking and crunches, chip, chip the sound of cracking and light chirping as sounds were being made around Bai Gui's right arm then jumped like a fox jumping on its prey beneath the snow, fast and surprising.

There was an explosion, from the two attacks being hit from each other, causing two streams to connect and cause sparks and rouge strands of wind slices and bolts leaving the ball of spirit Qi in between the two attacks shooting off in random directions.

Hitting the ground, slicing off the tops of trees staring fires on the roofs of building, a couple of the random bolts of lighting even split a couple of tall trees within their area of fighting!

Eventually, the sign's of He Huo Hong losing out too, Bai Gui were getting more apparent, the stream of Spirit Qi from He Huo Hong was getting weaker and weaker.

The stream of lighting, from Bai Gui, was getting faster and faster, as it pushed back harder and harder as Bai Gui put more and more Spirit Qi into his attack technique.


He Huo Hong lost in the confrontation between the two finally, the attack hit He Huo Hong straight into his chest. His whole body was slightly charred on the left side of his body.

He Huo Hong fell to the ground creating a decent-sized crater and causing a small air blast to blow out as he hit the ground hard. he was coughing up blood and was losing a part of hearing and ringing was going off in his head!

Bai Gui landed quickly creating another crater after landing really fast, he pulled out a katana and made a stance he pointed the sword towards him.

"Got any last words, kid!

"Screw you, Gui!"

"You know what I got something, better! - Bai Gui

"Why are you putting away your sword, have you done enough to me!"

"Lightning Spire!"

Lightning started forming into his right hand, it started taking shape as a 34-inch blade sword formed out of the palm of his hand, cracking and chirping, with little sparks dancing around and off the lightning sword!

"You bastard, you really have been messing with me!"

"Well kid, this is a Legacy Technique within the Bai Clan, so I've never been able to perform it before!"

"What crap are you spewing now, old man!"

"The thing about Legacy Technique's is that only people that have the bloodline of the creator of the technique can use it, and to create a Legacy Technique you need to be in the Venerable Monarch King Realm!"

"What the heck? - He Huo Hong

"Don't worry about it kid, you would've never reached that stage, even I only have 20% percent to reach that Realm!"

"Want to hear something funny?"

"Just say it."

"This technique can only be activated when someone with the Bai Clan Bloodline, is around someone that has murdered someone that has our Clan's bloodline."


"When you killed someone, from the Bai Clan are Martial Souls leave a White Tiger imprint on your soul."

Hahaha ...

"It only makes this all the sweeter, a thousand years I've waited for this!

Hahaha ...

After Laughing, Bai Gui deactivated channeling his Spirit Qi through his body but left his Aura on full display. Bai Gui grinned and looked to his left, there he saw a man in an all light Grey Robe with black undersleeves and a Wu Sha hat with an Oval Red Ruby in the center of it with ( He ) inscribe in the center of the jewel.

"Well, then I guess you'll have to wait even longer for your revenge!"

Hahaha ...

Cough, cough! "Father! Help me!" He Huo Hong


"I was wondering when you'd show up Hong! - Bai Gui

"Hahaha, old Gui your gonna pay now, Hahaha Old Gui your gonna get it now, my father is one of the Twelve Emperors in the Profound Martial Arts Alliance!


"Shut it He Huo!" - He Hong


Hmmm... ( Projectile Intent interesting! )

"Not bad Senior Hong!" - Bai Gui

"Thank you, Junior Brother Gui."

"What the heck, why are you being nice to this person father!


He Hong sent a huge Palm attack filled with intent infused into his palm attack on his own son, forcing him to get shoved along the ground, leaving a meter trail along the ground getting knocked into trees bushes rocks and then finally getting smack dapped into the under wall of a rock cliff leaving a human-shaped half a meter imprint into the rock wall. He Huo Hong fell straight down, now breathing heavy and blood was now flowing out of his mouth, ears, and his eyes.

"What the fuck father, I was only doing what was right!

"What was right kid, what you did, didn't just cross the line, you destroyed the line when you crossed it leaving little to almost no room to negotiate!" - Bai Gui



Hmmm ...

"Oh, you're finally done!"

"Sorry father it took a little bit longer than we thought, something happened there while you were gone!" - Ru

"Who are these two youngsters!" - He Hong

"Senior Brother Hong, this is my Oldest Bai Ru and my Great Nephew Bai Lang!"

When Bai Gui, got to introducing Bai Lang. He Hong raised his eyebrows, then causing him to look back at Bai Gui in a little confusion.

"Yes, that's his son!" - Bai Gui

Then both He Hong and Bai Gui looked at He Huo Hong with disappointment and anger. That when He Huo Hong saw how his father and the old man Gui were looking at Bai Lang then back to him, he got confused! But then when he looked back towards Bai Lang he felt like he had met or seen this kid before.

"Wait a minute, hey kid have we met before? You look familiar!"

"What, who are you, Uncle!" - Bai Lang

"Wait for a second, your that little shits kid aren't you, you're the son of that bastard Bai Chang!"

Hahaha, that little shit actually got a kid with that bi-


Bai Gui stepped in front of Bai Lang and stopped him from attacking He Huo Hong again, that was on the ground!

"Why did you, great uncle stop me from teaching that bastard a lesson, why!!!!!"

"Well, for one his father is the man floating in the air back there above the tree line, and the second there's a place and a time for anything, but for right now, at this exact second, this is not right time or place to do that right now, Lang."

Hahaha, see you can't touch me you little shit, Hahaha!"

Immediately, everyone from some of the guards that finished their assignments early to the father and son, pals Shin and Shi to Bai Ru, Bai Lang, Bai Gui, and finally even He Huo Hong's own father He Hong was giving off Killing Intent, towards He Huo Hong.

"You've really fallen from grace He Huo Hong!" - Bai Gui

"Shut up, old man what do you know! I don't even know you old man Gui!"


Everyone turned to look back, and see He Hong slowly float down towards Bai Gui and Bai Lang and land right next to Bai Gui.

"He Huo Hong, I knew you had pride and were a little arrogant when you were in your younger days, I always thought you'd just fall out or grow out of it. But I seem to fail again at being your father! But, to not even remember your own Godfather Bai Gui, is one of the most disappointing things I've heard you say in my life."

"Why are you saying these lies, why are you giving this old man from the Bai Clan, so much respect to this man and letting him thrash me all about and through the Dark Green Shallow Forest!"

"My son this is your Godfather Bai Gui, we went to the same Martial Arts Sect when we were younger, then when we both succeded in gathering Spirit Qi and reaching the Dantian stage we both embarked on joining the same Spirit Cultivation sect as teenagers. Then when your Godfather Bai Gui's Clan was attacked all those years ago, I went to help them in defending their clan, losing a brother and a sister in the process, as well as losing friends, we both made when we were still apart of our cultivation sect."

... ...

"And when I was away, on the Qing Continent looking for a Profound Gingseng Spirit Herb for your mother, he helped defend against intruders trying to murder you and your mother and your older brother.

... ... ...

"I don't seem to understand why you show so much disrespect for him, even though he protected your mother from losing her life, he failed in stopping her from getting hurt, and after your mother died giving birth to your two younger sisters, he was there for me, to stop me from doing something stupid, when you're mother passed away."

... ... ... ...

"So my son Hong, when you ask me, why am I being nice to him, and hitting you and thrashing you all about. I don't fucking understand, WHY I STILL KEEP YOU AROUND ANYMORE ...

But even so after all the screw-ups and embarrassing things you've done over the years embarrassing our He Clan and the Red-Crowned Crane Sect, Bai Gui has been there defending you and saying that he would watch over you and your siblings because on your mother's death bed he promised to obey her last wish for you and your sibling's safety!" - He Hong


He Hong lost all control, tears were following uncontrollably and his eyes looked in pain with veins forming around his iris's and his face becoming Red.

His Aura grew out uncontrollably his cultivation spiraling out of control and he formed a wave of killing intent and Spirit Qi, sending a blast out from where he was standing.

His Spirit Soul left his body and a 120 meter tall beautiful Red Crowned Crane rose up from his body, it stared down at He Huo Hong, that He Huo Hong's very own Soul-Spirit rose up from his body, on its own accord and chose to initiate, forcing them apart, on its own.

Ahhh, the Red Crowned Crane Spirit Soul pecked at the soul strings that connected them and flew into Bai Gui's body on its own.

"I'm done with you son, we no longer have a connection between the two of us!" - He Hong


Bai Gui, walked up slowly and bent down on one knee, and turned towards He Hong.

"Turn around Hong!"

"lighting Spire"

Bai Ru and as well as Bai Lang followed him, they both released their own Lightning Spire's and walked close to He Huo Hong.

"Bai Lang you can go first!

Stap, chunk!


Then Bai Ru followed up.

Stab, chunk!


"I'm sorry it came to this, I promised your mother to protect you, and this is the only way I can think of that would be the best for you kid!" - Bai Gui

"What are you doing, old man Gui, don't touch my Dantian!


The sound of glass breaking went off in He Huo Hong's ears when Bai Gui stabbed his Dantian.


... ...

... ... ...

After a couple of minutes, of He Huo Hong screaming from the pain and of the loss of Dantian and his life's work on his cultivation he eventually stopped crying and yelling after the pain got worse.

He Huo Hong passed out, then He Hong turned around and his face was all red and his cheeks were puffy as if he had been crying for hours.

"Bai Ru, go and grab He Huo Hong, were not done with him, get his physical injures healed, clean and wrap up the cuts and bruises he has on him, and put him in our carriage."

"I'm sorry Brother Hong, but theres more going on right now, than just that. I believe they're back, and they're going to come back out from hiding soon. They had something to do with the extreme change in his behavior. We know that after all those years ago and when he fatly injured Bai Lang's father on purpose he was contacted by them and that he had a hand in what happened a couple of hundred years ago with the dissidence of our clan members, and when we were attacked by those guilds and that one Asassassin Association Guild."

When Bai Gui stopped talking, he could see the anger on his brother Hong's face.

"I'm sorry Hong, there was no other way, he would have just kept getting worse, I saw the sign's all those years ago but I wasn't his father and it wasn't my place to do it. I guess I just thought you would have done it."

He Hong, turned and moved a little away and made a thrusting motion as he cast a Palm technique over and over again, there were prints all over the stone wall in front of them, all of the prints looked like his Soul Spirt's Footprints, with over 10 prints of a red-crowned crane stomping over and over on the stone cliff.

Bai Gui placed his hand on He Hong's shoulder and patted his back as he could feel his friend shaking, from the anger and sadness to the disappointment from his own flesh and blood.

'Father, we need to tell you something, a core disciple walked into the main hall after we finished our fight with all of the elders in the main hall.

"The core disciple was scared at first as only a couple of the elders were still left awake after that fight. But he came in and said that the Bai Clan was attacked by the Hou Clan and Huo Sect, we need to hurry and get back and see how the situation is, and how it's going on over there!

"What the! You said the Bai Clan was attacked by the Hou Clan and Huo Sect!" - Bai Gui




Run Down of Story so Far

( Bai Jian )

[ Has An Immortal Soul ]

[ Immortal Yang Physique] -

Sacred Sky White Tiger Physique

x1 Servant Elder Bai Tang

x1 Spirit Ring

x1 Inheritance

x1 White Jian Sword

x2 Black Katana Swords


(Qiang Huo Shizi)

[ Has An Divine Soul ]

[ lesser Immortal King Physique ]

x1 White Clouds Spirit King Mask

x1 Spirit Ring

x1 White Jian Sword


x6 Martial Art Techniques

1st [ Graceful Gale Wind Techniques ]

2nd [ Toughening Finger Points ]

3rd [ Shaking Strikes ]

4th [ Gentle Wind Fist Techniques ]

5th [ Shadow Void ]

6th [ Suppressing Strikes ]



Hengxing Means - Fixed Star

Qiang Means - Strong

Shizi Means - Lion

Huo Means - Fire

Hou Means - Ape

Jian Means - Sword

Long Means Dragon

Hei Means Black

Gui Hai = Noble Lake