
The Bai Clan's Rise

The story of a young man as he reascends back into the world of Martial Arts and cultivation, after coming back to the world of the living, he now has a new clan to call home. The book cover is not my artwork, if you'd like it taken down please message me on Discord WinslowsArt #5564

WinslowsArt · Eastern
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34 Chs

I'm Hou Duo, who wants to fight me.


Author's Note -

I went back and fixed a lot of things I did wrong with my earlier chapters, as I still don't have a reader to go over my work and look at my work before I release it!

Anyway, before you read this or any of the chapters after this if you left off from the last chapter so go back and reread from Chapter 1: Rebirth

Also, I'm working on my novel's backstory and world lore a lot right now so it will be easier to write in the future.

I'm also creating Art designs for each of my characters and head of the families and clans so you can get an idea of what they look like, for my novel and my Fandom wiki page.

Also as I don't have adobe photoshop or Adobe Illustrator right now at the moment and that costs way too much for me to afford or to even have I'm doing it all by hand and that takes a lot of work plus I keep having to go out and get more pens and markers to write and draw before I type up my novel or draw my characters for my novel.

Anyway, enjoy the new Chapter.

For Your Information, I'm also looking for Proofreaders and a Digital Artist that Can do an Art cover for my Novel.


At the foot of the tallest Mountain on Huo Continent -

A somewhat middle-aged man in all white was standing at the end of a grand hallway, it had 30-meter tall ceilings.

The walls and the floor we're all made out of white marble and the windows in the hallway had curtains made out of Black Flame Silk.

What was amazing about the Black Flame Silk was it came from a very famous and special Spirit Beast, a Black Spirit Silkworm what was special about it was that it resided with-in volcanos were Black Dragons played and slept within the lava in the volcano.

But it's been over 10,000 years since the last Black Dragon was seen on Planet Azure, that it caused shockwaves through the world every time they appeared.

The Spirit Silkworms would absorb their Qi and aura that leaked from their body when they were sleeping in the volcano that they were so special that every time they came out on the market would go into a frenzy.

The man in all whit was waiting for his servant to return to him as he waited at the end of the hall.

He was staring at an old oil painting from his current master's Great-Grandfather's time, the painting showed a man in all black armor riding a Black Dragon flying above a volcano fighting a man in a Red Silk Robe standing on top of a Red Scaled Earth Dragon breathing orange flames at the flying Black Dragon.

"Oh what great times that must have been!"

"Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap" -

"Hmm ... that must be him."

Down at the very beginning of the Grand hallway, a young man that still carried lingers of his youth.

Was sweating quite bad, his face was starting to get worse as a red hue of exhaustion started to show on it.

He was walking faster and faster, the further he made his way down the Grand hallway, the worse he got, the further he went.

The man that was in all white, at this point turned around from looking at the old oil painting after hearing footsteps behind him.

An as if he seemed like a mindreader to random stander if they were standing next to him, and could read his mind.

The old man could tell something was wrong, as he could tell what was wrong with his servant the closer and closer he got.

Even though his servant was still only a quarter of an inch tall from his point of view as they were still far apart, his ear's picked up on his servant's heartbeat and new from how fast it was racing, at how worried he was even though he wasn't right in front of him.

He knew his favorite servant found something out, that worried him greatly that he would walk here in a hurry even though he's been told in the past no matter the degree of the matter to always be patient and calm when out in public or working within in his master's place.

{Oh boy here we go again, he's probably found out about something and will blow it out of proportion again. Oh how I wish his mother was still alive, I can barely teach him things without getting worked up or nervous about little things.}

"Shu Cui please slow down, take your time, I can tell from here your quite flustered."

"Sir You, but it's not a small matter that I have found out about!"

"I'm sure whatever you found out about, is not that big of a deal."

Shu Cui finally got to where You was, he was red all over his face that he bent down slightly and took a nice deep slow breath hen stood up properly and looked at Sir You.

"But Master You, it's about the ( Yun Dynasty ) they recently recruited a once in an Age Prodigy and two once in a Millenium Prodigy's Yesterday in their capital!"


"Hahaha, don't worry little Shu Cui, and what have I said about calling me, Master. I'm not your master and now go wash up and change your clothes and take a break go out and eat at a restaurant!!"

"Okay, Sir You!"

"Now hurry along, but not to fast, remember Shu Cui be patient and be calm."

"Okay, bye Sir You."

Sir You, then turned around and went down the hallway from the right side and proceeded to speed along fast enough that he was running faster than 325 meters per second but slower than 342 meters per second so that he didn't break the sound barrier and cause a sonic boom with his master's place.

He didn't want to break the windows in the hallway or items on the walls or place on tables in the Hallway as he ran down the hallway.

He was so fast that the servants and maids didn't see him as he ran past that all they heard was a swoosh and a strong gale-winds that all the curtains swayed quite strongly towards the direction Sir Yún was heading.

Luckily everything was really strong and was made from hard and durable Spirit Beasts and items made from cultivators.

Sir You, slowed down, as soon as he reached 100 meters to his master's door.

When he got within 30 meters of the door an older lady in a Midnight Black Silk Dress, slowly opened the tall double doors and poked her head out then looked at Sir You.

"Sir You.'

Mister You, nodded his head to the older lady.

"Lady Bixi"

"How do you do Sir You."

"Not bad, Lady Bixi, Not Bad!"

"Hmm... Okay"

"Whats' with the rush Sir You?"

"I heard some news and I wanted to inform the Master."

"oh... okay."

"Is he in Lady Bixi?!"

(Something seems off with Sir You!)

"Yes, yes he's in,"

"Come in, come in Sir You."

When Sir You walked in, the sunlight was just coming in through the windows in his Master's windows. His master was out on his Bedroom's balcony reading a news scroll.

The man had an Aura that makes you bow and a presence that would make you worship him in awe.

He was leaning against his balcony's ledge with a cup of tea on the railing reading. He had on a Silk Grey Robe with a Black Dragon insignia on the left side of his robe near his chest, with a black cotton sash wrapped around his waist with a Jade pendant in the center of it. In the shape of a Flood Dragon holding a ruby marble in its left claw.

He was wearing a Black Diamond Dragon hairpin in a hair bun on top of his pitch-black hair as dark as Raven's feathers and had deep dark black eyes with silver and greys specks in his irises that would kill the will of a strong woman with rules to boot and a nice pale face but with a healthy complexion.

He was reading the business section of the news scroll in his hands and snacking on a biscuit, with his eyebrows moving up and down every time he read a new sentence in the business section.

"Excuse me Master, Good Morning."

"Oh, Hello Sir You! ... ... ...

"Wait a minute, hey! Sir You didn't I tell you I don't like it when you call me Master!"

"Oh, I'm sorry." I still can't break that old habit, I used to all the time, with your father."

"Please don't, I hate that word. When you call me that word it makes me feel bad. like I'm one of those dirty Slave owners down at the old Royal harbor... ... ... Auh it's creepy!"

'I'm So Sorry about that Sir long."

"Don't do that, just call me the ( Fourth Prince ) or Prince Hengxing!"

"Yes, Fourth Prince!"

"Sir You can you pass me the Sports Section, of the News Scroll?"

"Yes Fourth Prince"

"Dang it! Where is the Martial Arts Section, I wanted to know about last night's Sumo match?"

"Sir You, do you see the Martial Arts Section on the table?"

"Fourth Prince I have to te....!?!?"

"AUHH HA! ... GOT YA BROTHER Hengxing!!!


Sir You, got so frightened as a short little girl jumped down onto Prince Héngxīng's Bedroom Balcony, and was now standing on the table. It was so fast that a mortal would have been so frightened that they would have thought it was a Spirit Beast attacking.

'Please Princess Xiu, stop doing that you scared me, it's too early in the morning for your pranks."


"Yes, Princess Xiu?

"Don't call me that, I'm the Beautiful and Elegant Princess okay so Princess Li Xiu too you Sir You!"

"Yes, Princess ... Yes, Princess, I understand!"

"Lady Bixi?"

"Yes, Fourth Prince?"

"Please get the servants to get my sister breakfast."

"Yes, Fourth Prince!"

"But, brother I don't want.."

"No, but'ss your gonna eat breakfast!"


"Princess Li Xiu, Humphed and turned her head to the side and lifted her head up slightly so her nose was pointed slightly up!"

"Hey, don't get pouty with me missy!"



(What are we gonna do with this little one, she's always following her fourth brother )


"What, so funny Uncle You!!!"


"Don't what me I heard you laugh!"

"What me!"

Sir You pointed at himself, then Princess Li Xiu closed her eyes and made a small pouty face and shook her head up and down to say yes.

"What...! I would never Little Li!?"

"I heard you!"

"Okay I didn't laugh, I giggled a little!" - Sir You

"Hey little Li, where's my Martial Arts Section of my News Scroll?" - Fourth Prince

"What are you talking about?"

"Your blushing, you can't hide it from me I can see it on your face!"

"What where!!!???"

Princess Xiu took out a small mirror from a small black shoulder bag she had on draped over her dress. Then she started to fumble and her eye's started dancing, then she started rummaging through her bag then a hand mirror came out of her bag and she started staring at her face.

"Ahhh Ha, Got Ya Little Li!"

"Ahhh!... not fair you tricked me!"

Both the Fourth Prince and sir You started hysterically laughing. That Princess Xiu started blushing Red instead of pink!"


'Well, my little Meng Mei ( Cute Sister ) where did you put my Martial Arts section to my News Scroll? Huh... ... ... come on tell me Little Li?"

Humph! Okay!

Princess Xiu pulled a paper scroll out of her black shoulder bag.

"Ahhh Ha yes, I knew you took it my Meng Mei!"

The Fourth Prince then began to frantically read the new scroll within his hands, his eyes moving rapidly as if he didn't go fast enough the scroll would disappear or worse be taken from him.

"Hahaha, I knew it! ... ... ... Qiangda Shòu won the world Sumo Tournament last night. He's now the Renjian Yokozuna!!! ( World Sumo Champion )

"Hahaha, Yea he won last night with a throw, it was awesome he threw his opponent out of the ring last night against the big guy for the win!" - Princess Xiu

"WHAT!" - Fourth Prince

The Fourth Prince was visibly angry, his eyes got a little smaller and he lost a tiny amount of control over his Qi. He looked like an Angry Dragon being woken awake from a nap.

"How would you know!?"

"Whoops!" - Princess Xiu

( Dang it, I let it slip that I sneaked out last night to go to the Sumo match. )

"I'm sorry I won't do that again I promise okay Big Bro!"

"Hmmm, okay but I'm still mad at you!"

"But Brother it was super cool he threw that guy like he was a bale of hay, he was like pow, woosh, then the crowd was like Ahhh, Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa! Then people started throwing Rice and flowers towards the Ring as Qiangda Shòu Won last night then he bowed to the crowd again and everyone was like Yahhhhh even louder!"

"hahaha, look at you getting all excited over a Sumo fight!" - Sir You

"No, I wasn't... humph!

Princess Xiu, made another pouty face, and then she blushed again. causing the Fourth Prince and Sir You to start laughing again.


A couple of seconds later Lady Bixi came back out to the balcony with servants they began to bring food out to the table.

They cleared the table, cleaned it, washed it, the put a cloth over it with their Royal family's insignia ( A Black Dragon ) in the middle of the table.

Then they set the table again with napkins and plates and refilled the prince's tea poured milk for the princess and got her food on her plate, then Lady looked to Sir You.

"Are you gonna have breakfast too?"

"No, I'm good!"

"No, Lady Bixi please give him some tea and food too!"

"Yes, Fourth Prince!

"Sit uncle You!"

"Yes Prince"

"Wait, excuse me servent don't give her apple juice give her orange juice,"

"No, I want Apple juice."

"No, I want Apple Juice!"

"Sit, and drink all of your milk and orange juice and all of your food and I'll let them give you Apple juice too!"

"Humph... Fine! But you promised!"

"Did someone say Apple Juice!"

At his second everyone froze for a second, then Princess Xiu got up and jumped towards the new person that entered the balcony like a cannonball!


"Your majesty!"

Both the Fourth Prince and Sir You got up from their seat and bowed, Sir You more than the Fourth Prince but the Fourth Prince Bowed still but not a total bow like Sir You, and of course, Princess Xiu just ran to him and gave him a big hug like a monkey grabbing a tree.

"Morning my little Long, you look pretty this morning!"

"Don't I look pretty Daddy!"

"Yes, you do sweetie."

"Ya, Daddy do u want some too!"

"Yeah looks good!"

Lady Bixi then came out from the Fourth Prince's Bedroom, she stepped onto the balcony and snapped her fingers and the servants brought out an expensive-looking table of higher and larger quality than the table that the prince had out on his balcony.

The servants then took out a 7-foot throne for him to sit on as they did the same thing they did minutes ago from when the Fourth Prince asked them to serve Princess Xiu.

'Tea first please!"

The servants then took out a Jade Tea Set and started to serve him,

"So how are you doing this morning Hengxing?"

"I'm doing great your majesty"

"Son, the Royal Court hasn't started yet today so no titles please while we're at breakfast!"

"Morning Father, how are you doing this morning"

"Good, good the sun's out and I'm having breakfast!"

After the Fourth Princes Father said that, he smiled and it seemed as if times stopped for a split second and he was on top of the world.

He carries that type of presence so great as if the planet stopped just for him when he was happy. His Aura was so great the surrounding air seemed to jolt a little and a rainbow seemed to form a distance away from all of them.

"Hahaha Great, Great!"

So what are we doing this morning?"

"Well, since little Li surprised us this morning with a little trick and almost scared me and did give Uncle You a small fright. I thought I would take her to school then I would go from there and start my day."

"Hmm... that's my little Ya Tou ( Naughty Girl ) that I know so well."

"Yea, she is a little naughty."

"What I'm not naughty!

Princess Xiu then stuck her tung out towards the Fourth Prince.

"Well I went to go and see her this morning, and she got up early and was not in her room, so I went to go and see if I could go find her then I heard all the laughing coming from this part of the Palace so I came to check it out and look who I find but my little Dou Dou."

"Daddy, I'm not your little chunky Long anymore, don't call me that!"

Princess Xiu then started to blush and everyone started to laugh together at Princess Xiu's little cute face.



Princess made a little Cute "o" face, then both Fourth Prince and Sir You started laughing out loud again even louder.


"Princess Li Xiu then started to blush pink!"

Then after seeing her cute little face pout and blush pink at the same time, they both started laughing louder and harder.


"Umm, excuse me your majesty, and Fourth Prince, since your here your majesty I might as well tell you while you're here. I was just informed that the Yun Dynasty has found two once in a Milliuieum Prodigys and a once in an age Dao Prodigy!"

The fourth Prince dropped his teacup and his majesty frowned a little.

"Hurry up Little Li and eat the rest of your breakfast, I'll take you to your school"

"Okay, Okay! I got it !"


Meanwhile back on Jade Island -

At Wenhua Sho's Gift Shop near the east entrance of the city were Two men Dressed in Nice deep Purple robes walked out of a shop with souvenirs and gifts for their loved ones.

These two men were from one of the Hidden Clans on Jade Island. They had left their clan's Estate two months ago. They left their clan to get gifts for their Oldest Brother's daughter's coming of age ceremony.

The Clans young miss was turning 16 this year, they left hoping to get great gifts for their niece.

They got lucky last month on their way to White Crane City when they visited a Brance Hall of the Alchemy Palace.

They found a 10,000-year-old stalk of Ice Jade Leaves and a Pill bottle of 3 Ice Fire Clover Pills.

Then when they arrived at Wenhua Sho's Gift Shop they found a Scroll for a broken Top Tier Sky Grade Cultivation Technique [ Blazin Purple Fire of the Tri-Colored Lotuses ]

It was a Technique brought over from the Main Land from one of the trips the Ji Clan went on to the Main Land for a business trip for Trade with their Clans Merchant caravan Organization.

When the Ji Clan came back with their Merchants this was one of the many Techniques they brought back.

One of the Shop members who worked at the gift shop took a fancy to it thinking it was the treasure of a lifetime, taking it back to their job thinking to bring around a quick payday without thinking of the possibility of losing money.

"Brother Long, what do you think our little niece will think of this?"

"If Mu Lian Hua doesn't like this gift that just means we didn't try hard enough to find the perfect gift for our Mu Clans little Hua."

"Mu Zhuanshi what was that!"

"What was what? Brother Long?

"Didn't you hear that explosion!"

"What Explosion?"





"Brother Lets go!"

"What Brother!"

"Let's go check it out!"

"Brother Long you want to go check that out are you crazy!"

"Come on Brother it's gonna be fine, stop worrying!"


Meanwhile back in White Crane City -

Bai Jian was getting angrier and angrier as the fighting was getting more and more complicated as it progressed.

( This has gone on long enough!, Qiang Shizi get ready you take that guy on the stage Tian Tomi, and I'll take those younger ones on the other stages.

( When do I strike? )

( You'll know when you see it! )

( Get ready! )

( Okay, I got it )

( When I move, you move then get the Battle puppets to surround the fighting rings and not let anyone through to get in the way.)

( Got It )

(Remember Uncle Shizi, please try not to use any techniques from or above the High Tier Earth Techniques, as that would bring too much attention towards you and we don't need that right with all these eyes around us right now! )

( Yeah that makes sense, I almost forgot about that )

At this point, one of the council members that came with this group to the Bai Clan's territory to cause a little trouble and gauge the current strength of the current Bai Clan.

One of the council members that came was called Hou Shangwu was a special case, in his own right as he was in a unique position on Jade Island.

He was in the Council of Elders in the Hou Clan and was a council member in the Huo Sect!

He had been bored lately and was in a somewhat limbo state recently.

So when he found out about a secret meeting about the Bai Clan, within the Huo Sect he did what he could to find out about the meeting and join it if he could so he could leave the sect without having to take a mission or make a request to just leave the Sect.

So after he found out, some members were planning to make trouble for the Bai Clan and may have a little fun while he was at it.

Hou Shangwu was Determined to join this hidden expedition outside of the Sect to have a little fun and get to attack the Bai Clan while he was at it.

He was starting to think this was vacation because of how easy it was to infiltrate and not be seen by the enemy.

Hou Shangwu had finally, had his fill at the Sandalwood restaurant earlier, and gave his good luck to the Elders and men at the restaurant before coming over to the Fighting Ring Stages.

When he got to the fighting Ring Stages things were getting, really heated and so he thought that he could let loose a little and have a short duel or even decent sparring match with someone from the Bai Clan.

He then circulated his Qi through his body then injected his Qi into his throat and vocal cords before stepping out of the large mass of people still watching the fighting going on.

"Hello, Bai Clan members and White Crane City citizens!"

"I'm Hou Shangwu a Council member of the Huo Sect and an Elder on the council in the Hou Clan. Are there any Elders or members of the Bai Clan that are in the Spirit Soul Transformation Stage that can have a duel with me?"


"Oh, wait... Or is the Clan Leader of the Bai Clan here to have a duel with this old man!"

No one responded, but another Hou Clan member jumped up to the Fighting Stage to fight a Bai Clan disciple like the rest of his brothers and friends from the Huo Sect.

"I'm Hou Duo, who wants to fight me.

"I will!"

Bai Jian walked out of the group of people, but was now wearing another white robe and was an all-white mask-like the Battle Puppets with the Eye spaces cut out, except it was nicer than the one Qiang Shizi was wearing has it had the kanji of Immortal Tiger on his forehead instead of Tiger as Qiang Shizi did.

Bai Jian had now walked out of the big group of civilians, that was in the front of his group.

He walked up to the stage, then jumped up to land one foot and his knee.

Hahaha, wow would someone come and get their kid. I think Someone lost their kid!"

"Well, well what do we have here a real shorty decided to come up and try his luck, and fight me.

And then people started to discuss him and that they started to start rumors about him right their as he walked past all of them.

"Well, well what do we have here a real shorty decided to come up and try his luck, and fight me.




Run Down of Story so Far

( Bai Jian )

[ Has An Immortal Soul ]

[ Immortal Yang Physique] -

Sacred Sky White Tiger Physique

x1 Servant Elder Bai Tang

x1 Spirit Ring

x1 Inheritance

x1 White Jian Sword

x2 Black Katana Swords


(Qiang Huo Shizi)

[ Has An Divine Soul ]

[ lesser Immortal King Physique ]

x1 White Clouds Spirit King Mask

x28 Battle Puppets

x1 Spirit Ring

x1 Black Katanna Sword

x2 White Ivory Jian Swords

x2 Ivory Daggers


x6 Martial Art Techniques

1st [ Graceful Gale Wind Techniques ]

2nd [ Toughening Finger Points ]

3rd [ Shaking Strikes ]

4th [ Gentle Wind Fist Techniques ]

5th [ Shadow Void ]

6th [ Suppressing Strikes ]



Qiang Means - Strong

Shizi Means - Lion

Huo Means - Fire

Hou Means - Ape

Jian Means - Sword

Long Means Dragon

Hei Means Black

Lang Means - Wolf

Ji Means - Intellect

Lan means - Blue

Zi means - Purple

Bai means - White

Jian Sword is a Chinese double-edged straight sword

Feilong means Wyvern