
The Bad Girl's Good Boy

"Do I have something on my face?" She asked. "What?" I asked. "You were gaping like some dead fish. Are we gonna have any problems?" She said not taking her eyes off her book. "Sorry." I apologized then returned to the lecture. What happens when nerdy Theo crosses paths with the all black wearing new girl, Delilah? Will she change him or him her? Think Mean girls with a hint of High School Musical, a dash of gossip girl and a drop of k dramas.

PearlOjo · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 4: Delilah's POV

I groaned as I checked the time on my phone, I was over ten minutes late for my Biology class and it was those barbies' fault.

Gosh high school drama.

I opened the door of the class, with a little too much force if I may add, and stunned everyone, even the weird looking teacher. I looked around and bit back the urge to laugh. I felt like I had walk through some portal to Nerdhaven. They all stared at me; some with shock and others with undisguised fury and I decided then that I had reached my limit.

"Excuse me young lady. Are you lost?" The biology teacher asks, trying but failing miserably to be polite.

"Isn't this AP Biology?" I asked lifting my brow.

He nodded solemnly and I could see him praying that I wouldn't be here.

"Then I'm in this class."

He looked stunned and for a minute I thought someone pressed a pause button. I had the urge to punch someone but as a nice, well mannered young lady, I slammed a book on the table and everyone jumped. I think someone even farted.

"Are we going to stare at each other all day or are you going to teach?!"

"Um...get a seat then. As I was saying class..." He droned on and I walked to the only seat at the back.

I noticed goggles was still staring at me and I smiled and walked up to him.

"We just keep running into each other, don't we goggles?"

He gave me a stunned look but I just smiled and waved as I walked to sit with the guy at the back. I noticed him return to his jotting with a hot blush on his face and I giggled. The boy sure was cute. It made me wonder if he was still a virgin. I laughed again and noticed his partner nudge him and it didn't take a genius to know that they were talking about me.

I finally looked to my own partner and noted that he had not even started on the rat and at the rate he was going we would be stuck here. I heard the teacher, I'm going to start calling him Grinch, scold goggles but I didn't look up. I had work to do. AP biology was one of my favorite subjects and I needed an A to maintain my status on the Honors roll.

What? I still cared about school.

I looked at the manual for the day and we were supposed to locate the heart and view its chambers. I got to work ignoring my partner and everything around me till I heard the bell ring.

Lunch here I come.

Yay another short chappie.

At least I posted two instead of 1.

So I hope you enjoyed this.

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